SCHOOL PIANOS, ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS! COTTAGE PIANO, RICH ROSEWOOD CASE, $150, Warranted to Prove Good and to Give Satisfaction. HAVING REBUILT OUR FACTORY, MUCH IMPROVED, WITH ENTIRE NEW MA CHINERY, SAVED OUR STOCK OF OLD DRY LUMBER, WE ARE AGAIN Making our Superior Pianos and Promptly Filling Orders. OUR REGULAR STYLES OF PIANO FORTES. 64, 63, 7, AND 73 OCTAVES, $200 TO $500, ACCORDING TO SIZE AND FINISH. CASH BUYERS. LARGE DISCOUNTS TO ILLUSTRATED PRICE LISTS AND CIRCULARS FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. All our Piano Fortes have our Great Improvement: THE PATENT INSULATED IRON RIM AND FRAME, Making them the Best and Most Durable in the World. THESE PIANOS ARE BEING ADOPTED IN ALL THE LARGE SEMINARIES AND Being found far more durable, and keeping in tune longer than any Piano made in the SEND FOR CIRCULARS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, OR MONEY AND EXPENSES REFUNDED. m,my.j BOARDMAN, GRAY & CO., MANUFACTURERS, ALBANY, NEW YORK. Nos. 443 and 445, Broadway, New York, Have now ready, EDUCATION: INTELLECTUAL, MORAL AND PHYSICAL, BY ROBERT SPENCER, Author of "Social Staties," "The Principles of Psychology," and Essays, Scientific, Political and Speculative." 1 vol. 12 mo, Cloth $1. CONTENTS:- 1. What Knowledge is of most worth: 2. Intellectual Education, 3. Moral Education 1. Physical Education. From E. L. Youmans. "It is by far the ablest book that I have seen upon its subject. Mr. Spencer ranks among the foremost of the philosophical thinkers of Europe, and brings to the discussion of educational questions the largest and latest results of scientific inquiry. His profound investigations in the domain of mind and life, his acute analysis of the growth of the intellectual and emotional powers, his clear percep tion and luminous statement of first principles, admirably qualify him for the treatment of this great subject, and the performance is worthy of his reputation. It is not only masterly in exposition, but clothed in a style combining the precision of science with the finest graces of literary composition. The truths of this little volume should sink deep into the hearts of parents, teachers, and school directors." CONSIDERATIONS ON SOME OF THE ELEMENTS AND CONDITIONS OF SOCIAL WELFARE AND HUMAN PROGRESS: Being Academic and Occasional Discourses and other Pieces. By C. S. HENRY, D. D. 1 volume, 12mo. 415 pages. $1. CONTENTS:-1. The Importance of Elevating the Intellectual Spirit of the Nation. 2. The Position and Duty of the Educated Men of the country. 3. The True Idea of the University, and its Relation to a Complete System of Public Instruction. 4. California: The Historical Significance of its Acquisition. 5. The Providence of God the Genius of Human History. 6. Young America— The True Idea of Progress. 7. The Destination of the Human Race. 8. Remarks on Mr. Bancroft's Origin of Human Progress. 9. President Making. Three Letters to the Hon. Josiah Quiney. 10. Politics and the Pulpit. 11. Appendix-Corruption, Violence and Abuse of Suffrage. Either of the above sent free by mail on receipt of price. PRATT, OAKLEY 21 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK, Publishers of BULLION'S SERIES OF ANALYTICAL ENGLISH GRAMMARS, LATIN AND CREEK GRAMMARS, On the same plan. Latin and Greek Lessons, Cæsar, Cicero, Sallust. LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY, (IN PREPARATION.) Dodd's Mathematical Text-Books, DR. HOOKER'S PHYSIOLOGIES, BROCKELSBY' ASTRONOMIES, OLNEY'S GEOGRAPHY AND ATLAS. Revised Atlas and New Text-Book in 1869. Descriptive Catalogues furnished gratis. There will be a meeting of the RHODE ISLAND INSTITUTE OF INSTRUCTION at CENTREVILLE, commencing FRIDAY EVENING, JAN. 18, and continuing through the following day. Lectures by Rev. Mr. FULLER, of Centreville, and J. KENDALL, A. M., Principal of the Normal School. Interesting topics will be presented for discussion, and it is hoped the meeting will be a success. A. J. MANCHESTER, Committee of Arrangements. Providence Evening Press Establishment. NO. 24 WESTMINSTER STREET, (JONES BUILDING,) PROVIDENCE. COOKE & DANIELSON, proprietors of the above establishment, invite an increase of the favor already extended to them as the publishers of 1. THE PROVIDENCE EVENING PRESS, The largest daily newspaper in the State, and the only evening paper published in Rhode Island. It always has the latest telegraphic news, the same as contained in the Boston papers received in Providence several hours afterward. City and State intelligence will be found copiously set forth in its columns. Its general news and miscellaneous interesting matter in great abundance give it an additional passport to public favor. Its editorial conduct is strictly upon independent principles. Two editions of this handsomely printed journal are published daily. THE EVENING PRESS is furnished to subscribers at the very low price of $6 per annum, payable in advance for any time desired. It is served in any part of the city at twelve cents per week, to such as prefer a weekly arrangement. Single copies, two cents each, may be procured at the office, at the news depots, and of the newsboys. THE EVENING PRESS is a very valuable medium for advertisers, and both yearly and transient advertisers will be dealt with lil. rally. 2. THE RHODE ISLAND PRESS, Which is equalled in size by only one other weekly Rhode Island paper, contains a very large amount of reading matter, and is sup lied to subscribers at the cheap rate of $1.50 per year, payable in advance. Ten copies will be sent to one address for a year for $10. Single numbers, three cents. Only a limited number of advertisements will be received for this paper, the advertisers in which will find their interest promoted by an arrangement with respect to it. 3. THE RHODE ISLAND SCHOOLMASTER. The Publishers refer to the card on another page, stating the prospectus, etc., of this valuable publication. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. The Proprietors of this establishment confidently invite the patronage of the public in connection with their Book and Job Printing Department. They are prepared to execute all kinds of letter press printing with NEATNESS, CHEAPNESS and PROMPTNESS. No pains will be spared to make it to the interest of their friends to transact business of this kind with them. PROVIDENCE March, 1860. JUST PUBLISHED: THE PULPIT OF THE AMERI- OR. The Political Sermons of the Period of 1776. BY J. WINGATE THORNTON, A. M. This work contains several of the more remarkable political sermons of the Revolutionary period, with copious historical and illustrative notes, a narrative of the leading events of the time, and a fine likeness of Dr. Mayhew. It shows in a new light the influence of the pulpit in our early history, aud suggests important lessons for the present time. This is an exceedingly interesting volume, coutaining the experience of the Author in his life of trust," and a full history of that wonder of EVENINCS WITH THE By NEHEMIAH ADAMS, D. D, Royal 12mo. Cloth. $1.25. This work is a familiar exposition of the Evangelical Doctrines, with scriptural and logical proofs, and notices of the more important objections which have been brought against them. Annual of Scientific Discovery, For 1861. Edited by D. A. WELLS, A. M. With a likeness of Augustus Gould, M. D. 12mo. Cloth. $1.25. (Ready in January,) The letters are intellectual gems, radiant with beauty, happily intermingling the grave and the gay. --Christian Observer. LIFE OF JAMES MONTGOMERY. modern times, the Bristel (Eng.) Orphan Asylum. By Mrs. H. C. KNIGHT, author of Lady HuntIntroduction to the Study of the Gospels.ington and her Friends," &c. 12mo. Cloth. By BROOKS Foss WESTCOTT, A. M. With an $1.25. Introduction by Prof. H. B. Hackett, D. D. 12mo. ESSAYS IN BIOGRAPHY & CRITICISM. By PETER BAYNE, M. A., author of The ChristCloth. $1.25. (Nearly ready.) ian Life, Social and Individual." 2 vols. 12mo. $1.25. The Life of Christ Historically Considered. By C. J. ELLICOTT, B. D. 12mo. Cloth. $1.25. (Nearly ready.) The above are two able and scholarly works. THE PREACHER AND THE KING; Or, Bourdaloue at the Court of Louis XIV. By L. F. BUNGENER. With a likeness and Bio. graphical Sketch of the Author. 12mo. Cloth. $1.25. THE PRIEST AND THE HUGUENOT; Or, Persecution in the Age of Louis XV. By L. F. BUNGENER, author of the Preacher and the King." 2 vols. 12mo. Cloth. $2.25. THE PLURALITY OF WORLDS. With an Introduction by EDWARD HITCHCOCK, D. D., and a Supplementary Dialogue, in which the author's reviewers are reviewed. 12mo. Cloth. $1.00. THE BENEFIT OF CHRIST'S DEATH. Originally written in Italian, about A. D. 1549, By AONIO PALEARIO. With an Introduction by REV. JOHN AYER, M. A. 16mo. Cloth. The above works are worthy of special at38 cents. tention. Bayne is a master in criticism, and his This work has a remarkable history which is subjects are popular; Bungener is a writer of great well set forth in the Introduction. It is a lucid originality and power; and the "Plurality of and able statement and defence of the doctrine of Worlds" is one of the marked productions of modjustification by faith. ern times. GOULD & LINCOLN, 59 Washington Street, Boston. |