And in Sugar Brook," and in the long grass, There is only one door of the " old meeting after freshets, the boys used to catch "alewives." house" that opens now! And that is for Nancy You could trace them by the motion through Monroe, when she goes, all-alone, to "first and the grass. The "suckers" were always caught fifth day meetings." Sometimes, she does as in the " Quinebaug." In the middle of the we would do, when "the dear memories of the swamp "ridgeway" of hard, high land stood. past" come rushing over us, and the heart beats That white spire in the distance, over the swamp, strangely and wildly, as the emotions of wellis "Sterling Meeting House," on top of "Ster- remembered love and affection send its warm ling Hill," so long and steep. Returning to blood through the veins, as if in search of those school from vacation, the " dapple grey," after we long for but do not see! calmed and soothpulling, puffing and panting with the yellow ed again to rest, only as we take some paper, chaise up the hill, received a sharp cut of the book or flower that has had the impress of the whip across his broad, round hips, with the or- hand we have held and loved! and moistened der, to "get out of the way, and let the chaise with tears for absent joys, we press them to our go down!" The hill and town southeast is lips; replacing them gently back again in the Plainfield, of Eaton Tavern memory. "Shep-recesses made sacred by their keeping! So does herd Hill is way north." "Tatnic Hill is over Nancy Monroe sometimes take a little girl "to there, northwest." There, boys, that down meeting" with her, to recall her back to the liv. there is Canterbury Green and meeting house." ing, when the strong currents of the past would, What a place "Black Hill" was for "thunder in their impetuous flow, under-mine the soul's storms." It used to seem as if all the lightning connection with time, reminding her that God's in the world had to come in the only window appointed hour is not yet, and whose childish at the south end of "the garret," and when the restlessness tells her that it is time to leave "the clap came! The heads of all the beds were un-meeting!" The grasp of whose little hands der the pitch of the roof, so close you could satisfy, as far as they can, her reaching forth in feel the plastering with your hands. No won-memory for those of others with whom she once der the boys' heads were all covered under the "sat in meeting;" whose tender weakness in bed clothes. That was the time to feel home- that grasp assures her of the feebleness of earth's sick, and to let "Master Benjamin " sleep! joys when compared with those of Heaven! But school don't keep now! There was the Yes, school is done! and "meeting" is allight-blue-eyed boy's desk, in that corner. And most done! The bright rays of spring-light if it was "whittled" and full of " fly-trap and beauty may fall upon "the old meeting holes" and twine knots, chestnuts and apples, house; the birds, with sweetest carol, may shagbarks and short biscuit, top cords and mar-warble in nature's melody around it; summer's bles, it was just the same as all the other boys' fruits and flowers may bud and ripen beside it; desks that could get them. No! Father G- autumn's gorgeous beauty in falling leaf, with is dead! and so is Mother G! Phebe died, meditative power of thought and memory-these then Freelove, and "Master Benjamin!" Jo- all will come and go as long as God wills! But seph H. Scott, Elisha H., Edward W. and the chimney swallow, ere long, will hatch her Anne Cooke, and Mary, and Dorcas Brown, brood, with no smoke or warmth from the cold and James, are living still. There were Thomas stone hearth below, to drive away her nestlings; and Sarah also, but they died earlier than the the bricks from the chimney-top will soon fall These seven are all "sleeping that last down, and the rain, as tears from nature's sorsleep that knows no waking!" The tears of row, come through the roof! the doors will grateful memory from kindred and scholars can drag heavily upon the uneven floor, guarded freely fall over their quiet graves and never fall by the spider's web to keep back the feet of amiss or undeserved. Their lives were kind and the strange and careless! winter's cold blasts gentle, and "all their paths were peace!" Like and storms will make wild melody through the the tranquil surface of a summer's sea, the trea- loose windows of broken glass, sighing out, in sures of its unfathomed depths cause no com- strange contrast, the requiem of the past, with motion in its quiet waters. So, in the calmness the calm, peaceful, spiritual devotion of the earof their well-spent lives the strength of charac- nest, Christian people of the " light-blue-eyed ter, expansiveness of benevolence, and the ge- boy's" earlier school days' memory! "School nial influences of an upright life make the green don't keep now!" and "meeting is almost mounds over their peaceful slumbers consecrated done!" spots of hallowed memories. rest. PROVIDENCE, October 10th, 1861. D. William R. Searle, Providence, R. I. Smithfield, Cranston, 66 46 64 N. Bedford, Mass. Providence, R. 1. (D.) John Wing, 66 66 :: Henry Pearson, Lemuel Lippitt, Thomas Brown, Lyman Low, John B. Young, Henry Hill, Lemuel Carpenter, Educated to the profession of medicine, and mingling for many years principally with those classes who suffer most from non-observance of the laws of health, I came, many years ago, to think somewhat seriously of that ounce of prevention which is worth tons of cure. Want of muscular exercise was one of the most obvious defects in our physical life. It was not less obProvidence, R. I. vious that the very structure of town and city Warwick, society rendered the correction of the evil impracticable, except in the Gymnasium. 66 ་་ 66 66 66 I examined the German Gymnasium, the one so much in vogue throughout the United States, with great care. Entering one of these institutions, as a pupil, I studied the anatomical and Jeremiah B. Allen, Providence, R. I. physiological bearings of its many exercises. I Harris Foster, John P. Eaton, found that they were not well adapted to children, women, fat men, or old men, and about eight years ago I began the attempt to devise something better. During this time I have invented more than five hundred different exercises, of which a large experience has fully endorsed nearly three hundred. Some of these, of the more simple kinds, we shall have the pleasure to show you to-night. A word of our purposes: In this hall and in the story below, we have a gymnasium for children, ladies and gentlemen. In addition, the Institution has been incorporated as a Normal Institute for Physical Education. Twice each year, a class of ladies and gentlemen will ty and thoroughness with which they had been gather here, as this class has done, from all trained, and of unremitting attention, on their parts of the country, to prepare themselves as part, to the arduous duties which such a course ward this important work, I have asked the aid guides in Physical Culture. In carrying for of instruction involves. The Institute Hall is one admirably adapted to its uses; well lighted and ventilated, and| sufficiently spacious, if not to accommodate all those who would desire to witness such an exhibition as that of which we write, at least, for all the ordinary purposes for which it is designed. On the present occasion, there were some one hundred and fifty invited guests present, who took the liveliest interest in the proceedings. The chair was taken at seven o'clock by the President, C. C. Felton, LL. D., (President of Harvard College,) and the exercises commenced with a prayer by Rev. Dr. Kirk. Dr. Dio Lewis, Professor of Gymnastics, then addressed the assembly as follows: of gentlemen of the medical profession residing in this city. Dr. Thomas H. Hoskins has delivered a most instructive course of lectures upon Anatomy. Dr. Josiah Curtis was elected to the chair of Physiology by the Trustees of the Institute, but being called to Washington, Dr. Hoskins delivered, most acceptably to the class, Walter Channing, known to all the world, has the lectures belonging to this department. Dr. given us a series of conversational lectures upon Hygeine, which we esteem as invaluable. He has given as the results of his long and varied experience. The class now about to graduate, composed of eight ladies and five gentlemen, is one of which we feel truly proud. The members of this Mr. President, Members of the Graduating class have been with us during the prescribed I never saw equalled; and we who have had to rather beat me; but about this I hardly rememwith teaching them, think them prepared to ber. The class succeeded so well, that great teach gymnastics, and to act as guides in all crowds, together with large numbers of gentlesuch matters as ventilation, dietetics, dress, men and ladies, were accustomed to drive out bathing, etc. of Boston, and station themselves around the The graduating class then went through a se- college delta, which was covered with various ries of exercises with the "clubs," exhibiting a machines, - some of them looking marvellously wonderful degree of dexterity, strength and like the gallows, with which we performed skill. Exercises with "wands" and "dumb- the gymnastic exercises of those times. You bells" followed, which excited great interest in will hardly believe, I suppose, that I ever climbthe audience, and were witnessed with much ed the pole, laughter,) or performed any of satisfaction and pleasure. those airy flights which we were trained to take Mr. Sylvester Scott, one of the graduating in those times, (laughter,) and yet I assure you class, then read an essay "On the Importance that both Mr. Quincy and I have done those of Physiological Culture in a True Education," things; though some of us belong to those treating the subject in an able and comprehen- classes of society which Dr. Lewis enumerated sive manner, and presenting, in a clear and suc- in speaking of other systems of gymnastics as cinct form, the advantages to be derived from not being properly suited to their present conthe system of physical culture taught in the In- dition. (Renewed merriment.) And I confess that I should be reluctant, myself, at the pres stitute. The essay was followed by exercises with ent day, to attempt some of those exploits, and "rings," which afforded a fine opportunity for I fear it would be a spectacle more amusing the display of ease and agility of motion, and than profitable. gracefulness of posture. These exercises were But, from that day to this, I have gained submost admirable - the very "poetry of motion." stantial benefits from a system of gymnastic exThe concluding exercises, of a physical char-ercises, carefully devised by scientific persons acter, were some very amusing as well as excit- familiar with the human frame, as medical men, ing feats with the "bean-bags," and with clubs placed at equal distances on the floor. These exercises were agreeably interspersed with patriotic songs by Mr. Whitney. At the conclusion of the physical exercises, President Felton presented the diplomas, and, in doing so, spoke as follows: and as anatomists. That I consider quite necessary; for many exercises, if entered upon with the zeal of youth, and without the knowledge of superior age to direct them, are dangerous, and sometimes even fatal. We have all of us, probably, known instances of the fatal effects even of the common exercise of the dumb tion. Friends I have very cheerfully acceded to bells, unless that is practiced with great discrethe request of Dr. Lewis, to act as Chairman on this occasion, and to be the organ of the presentation of the diplomas to which you are entitled on completing your course in this Insti tution. This present system of Dr. Lewis has appeared to me to avoid most of the objections of some other systems, inasmuch as the machinery is slight and light, easily managed, evidently, I It is hardly necessary to say much on such an think even I could manage most of it, and occasion. But I will remark, that for many may be continued, I should think, for long peyears this subject of physical education has oc- riods, without any danger to the health — and cupied not only my thoughts, but my practical great benefit, in most cases, if not in all. I labor, to a certain extent. I see in this assem- have not seen so much of it as some others; bly a respected friend, a classmate of mine. I there are others present who are familiar with think he will remember that we, early in our it in all its details; yet I have witnessed the efcollege life, were members of the first gymnasfects of this system in some of the schools in tic class, I think, that was ever formed in this which Dr. Lewis has introduced it, and it seems country, Dr. Follen being at the head of it; to me they are all good, without exception. a very excellent teacher, and a very learned "Actions speak louder than words." The gentleman, from Germany. I remember, to this exhibition of this evening, I think, must recomday, with pleasure, and with some degree of mend it more than anything that I can say; but, amusement, the extraordinary performances we as the time allotted to the exercises of the evewent through. I think my classmate Quincy ning has now nearly expired, I will not add anything further, but simply hand the diplo- ly who were injured. One of our class, I reexpressing the gratification I feel in see- collect, who is now a Bishop of the Church, ing this system introduced into our schools. broke his arm. But I think there was no per mas, I am well assured, teachers, that you will son who went through those exercises who carry into your schools the result of your experience here, and that it will be for the benefit of your pupils. would not, to this day, say that he has derived advantage from the first principles of physical training which we received from the mouth and Let me add one thing more, however, and the example of Dr. Follen, — how to walk, how that is, that the health and vigor acquired by a to breathe. I learned to breathe through the thorough course of exercises such as you have nose from Dr. Follen, which I have practiced had here, cannot be preserved, if hereafter you ever since. (Laughter.) And I read in the paentirely neglect them. One objection to former per the other day, that this is considered a spesystems of gymnastics, which I have heard cific against infection; that people can go into pressed by gentlemen who took part in those the most malarious districts and escape harmprimitive times, is, that their health broke down less, comparatively, if they can only breathe when they gave up the exercise. The reason through the nostrils. Mr. Catlin published a was, that they gave up the exercises altogether, book on the subject of breathing through the after having been in the habit of practicing them nose; he considered that all the calamities of six or eight or ten hours a day. may speak the human race arose from breathing through on this subject with some degree of experience, the mouth; that if people would always breathe inasmuch as for more than thirty years I have through their nostrils, they would live forever, daily used dumb-bells, connected with the bath; without disease. That is extravagant, of course, and for some time I have used, every morning. but I have no question there is a great deal of in addition, clubs considerably heavier than philosophy in it. any that I have seen here to-night, - but for a I have myself used exercises, for about fifteen very short time; and I am convinced, by my years, of my own invention. I used to be a own experience, and what I have seen in the ex- great walker; but finding that took a great deal perience of others, that after the constitution of time, I got tired of it, and substituted these has been thoroughly developed, and the health exercises, and think they have answered the and vigor thoroughly established by a course purpose far better that fifteen minutes' welllike that which you have now gone through, chosen gymnastic exercise in the morning is you may retain all the advantages of it-the equivalent to two hours' walk. I can also give great result, "mens sana in corpore sano," the a signal example of the benefit of this species motto which is on your diploma,- by giving a of treatment upon the human frame. My favery small portion of each day to some one or ther, who, I suppose, most of you know, is the other of all the exercises to which you have one of the oldest inhabitants of this Commonbeen accustomed here. wealth, and by far the oldest graduate of the I find, ladies and gentlemen, on the card, that College over which my friend presides now so remarks are expected by "several well-known worthily as his successor, has for a space of gentlemen." It is the duty of the Chairman, forty or fifty years adopted the system of using on all such occasions, to exercise a perfectly ar- these exercises in his dressing-room, mornings, bitrary power in this matter. If Dr. Lewis in connection with his bath, about fifteen minthinks the audience would stand a few minutes utes a day, and continues it to this day; and speaking, and that the words upon the card ex- he considers that he owes his extraordinary press an understood invitation, I intend to call longevity, and the still more remarkable degree upon four or five gentlemen to say a few words of health which has blessed his long life, to that each. fact, in connection with his temperance, the sys Edmund Quincy, Esq., being called upon by tematic control of his passions, and the regularithe President, spoke as follows: ty of his habits. The last time I saw him, I Mr. President — I suppose, after the gratifica- spoke to him on this subject, and he told me he had been taking this exercise, and was perfectly tion we have received from the physical exercise we have witnessed this evening, that we can do satisfied that he owed all these blessings of health and long life to that practice. (Applause.) nothing less than perform our share of vocal exercise. I will add to your recollections of President Felton. I consider this testimony our gymnastic education. I remember precise- of the gentleman very valuable, derived from |