ship at Halle, with a salary of three hundred thalers, must certainly have been actuated, not by avarice, but by a nobler motive. er, And just as little was he influenced by vanity. As teachhe sought the just reward,' and was not the tinkling fool,' to direct his instruction more to the ear than to the understanding.' There was in him such an extraordinary measure of sturdiest sense and genial solidity, that he was incapable of such ostentation. An intrinsically rich man falls not into counterfeiting." When the word practical confines itself to the methods of teaching particular branches, its moral bearing becomes more remote. Still, even here, no dictum of practicalness should be accepted. The genuine, not the improvised, experience of another, is worth much as incentive and illustration. I receive new light; but I must see how with me, too, it will work. Then I get a back-ground of my own, against which my thought begins to assume firm relief. That only deserves to be stigmatized as impractical, which is hazy, half, and insincere. It is high blasphemy to ridicule an enthusiastic man. presence is sacred; but that of the conservative is polluted. Of all the men of our calling, I love and honor most highly one who was once, as an innovator in grammar, hissed and hooted from a meeting of Rhode Island teachers and conservative officials. It occurred years ago, but he remembers the honor. experience with mobs is rare. His Such valuable The theorist seems, of late, in the esteem of For the Schoolmaster. Он, city by the sea! What do thy dark waves say, Of those who sought the distant seas, Oh! sea-girt shore! It seemeth three to-day, I saw the ship that bore you hence, Sail down the harbor bay. The blue waves murmured low I only heard your last good bye Swell o'er the harbor bar. God keep the sailor's soul He who can calm the ocean's wrath, Will surely care for thee. Into the port of Heaven. M. C. P. THE newspapers sometimes present us remarkable items. A Columbus paper, in its account of the Perry celebration at Cleveland, says, "the procession was very fine, and nearly two miles in length, as was also the prayer of Dr. Perry, the chaplain." A Canada paper reports one of the Provincial mayors, in his address to the Prince of Wales, as follows: "In addition to this, his worship had to say that a procession of Orangemen, with dress or badges half a mile long, was awaiting his royal highness at the landing-place." teachers, to have fallen deep into disrepute. There appears, too, to be some good reason for this state of things. That lank, hard-faced man, who is known to have in his travelling-bag a dozen lectures, averaging two hours in length, -who, like a hungry camp-sutler, trails after institutes, ready, for five dollars, to mount the rostrum, and utter forth to simple teachers endless verbiage of "solemn duty," "sacred responsibility," "noble calling," "cause of education," this hollow talker has usurped the name of theorist. May this whole species of theorizing be catalogued, as speedily as possible, under the head of cant. The true theorist is he who sees the clearest the possibilities of education. He is therefore a genial man. far as school-keeping is a mere knack it re- AN applicant for a license to teach, in Ohio, quires no faith, no geniality. But education is defined pedagogue: "An unruly person; one a higher topic, for which self-trust and invinci- who thinks too much of himself." We hope he ble perseverance are the most excellent qualifi- did not receive the certificate, lest he might have cations. felt it his duty to have verified his definition. In so the soldiers in a certain Georgia fort, "a breechA Boston paper puts in the hands of each of loading carbine, throwing, in the hands of an expert marksman, sixteen rifle balls a minute, a Colt's revolver and a sabre." The Ragged School movement is one the great ness and importance of which it is not possible to overrate; our highest admiration and praise are due to the benevolence of the noble mind that suggested, promoted and carried it out, with such unexampled success, amidst the most overwhelming difficulties. What would our ancestors say, if they were to find us educating with tenderness and care the outcast and forlorn, the desolate, the neglected and destitute children with whom our cities and towns abound--the very lowest grades of society, the ragged, tattered and filthy urchins, boys and girls, who pour forth in swarms from our crowded courts, lanes and alleys, covered with vermin, emaciated with disease and starvation, blaspheming, swearing and pilfering all that comes before them-the companions of the most vicious and depraved? This great movement commends itself to our sympathy and support at all times, and he whose heart gives no response to such a work must be callous indeed to the best instincts of our nature, and insensible to the strongest appeals of Christianity and philanthropy. ber of human beings, as they are also to the scholars themselves. One word as to the title of these schools, which admirably conveys the idea intended. But it engenders in the minds of the scholars feelings of degradation. It keeps continually before their subdues those sentiments of self respect and eyes their destitute and forlorn condition. It self-reliance which it is so essential to cultivate amongst the poor. It tends to make them discontented with their station, and induces them to believe that the finger of scorn is pointed at them as mere outcasts of society. It encourages those ideas that are familiar to all those who remember the old charity schools, which, in consequence, were dignified with the high sounding appellation of " "parochial." The same ideas that now cause the widowed mother to hesitate before she accepts a presentation for her boy or girl to a school where they will be marked by the dress of an old-fashioned cap and fustian gown, will prevent children, so distinguished, from entering familiarly into the play and amusements of their fellows. The true mode of doing charity is to avoid hurting the feelings, or, it may be, the prejudices, of the recipient. And can we say that the feelings or prejudices of the poor honest boy or girl, whose clothing is no index to the workings of their little hearts, are not The advantages which society has reaped from wounded, when meeting their playfellows on the the establishment of these schools are so great way to the dignified "national" or "parochial" that new ones are being opened daily all over the school, they recollect that they are the scholars country. Let us see what has been done in Lon of a "Ragged School." Lord Brougham, in his don alone. Here are 155 ragged schools and 15 inaugural address at the last meeting of the Sorefuges, with morning, afternoon and evening ciety for Promoting Social Science, suggested an Sabbath schools, and an average attendance of appropriate name for them. The idea is of a about 26,400 scholars. There are 146 week-day practical nature. His lordship says that "educaschools, with an average attendance of 15,457. tion, to be beneficial, should be combined with There are 200 week-night schools, averaging over practical industry." If this element is imported 9400, and there are 99 industrial classes, averag into the ragged schools-if the scholars are ing close upon 8750 scholars. There are over taught practically the elements or first principles 4300 voluntary teachers, 132 who were formerly of the trades or occupations they are to follow, scholars in ragged schools, and 416 paid teachthe ragged schools may very appropriately be The income is £29,280, and the expenses designated "industrial schools." Indeed, we are £29,252. We add, with regret, that there is ers. a debt of £2122. 834 boys and 652 girls have find, on looking over the summary of the London ragged schools, that this element has been imported into some of them, and that the classes are very well attended, particularly by girls. been sent to situations from these schools. 76 penny banks are connected with them, in which 25,637 depositors have deposited £8888; and there are fifty clothing clubs, to which the scholTHERE has been considerable argument among ars and their friends have subscribed £592. grammarians in regard to the expressions" first These figures speak for themselves. They are two" and "two first." Pat, in the following, facts that require no comment. Equally credita- seems to have settled the matter by a very hapOch! an' what's yer honor ble to the noble and good man at the head of this Py compromise. goin' to give, seein' as it's myself that has saved great social movement, and to those united with yer house?” "How so, Pat?" "An' sure, him in raising the large sums required to carry when it cotched afire, was n't I the second that out the gigantic work of teaching so vast a num- hollered first? From the Connecticut Common School Journal. The Teacher's True Mission. of the essential work. Bad habits, in movement, in word, in expression, must be eradicated, and good habits formed and confirmed. Ir is well known, by all familiar with our schools, that a large number of those who enDaily the teacher should watch to detect and gage in teaching fail of success, and, either labor to correct any deviations, no matter how continue in the work, adding failure to failure, trifling, whose further development would tend to mar one's character and impair his usefulness. How often are the pleasant and favorable impressions made upon us on our first meeting with persons, entirely removed and their influence over us lost by the subsequent discovery of some uncongenial or uncourteous modes of action or expression. A person may, in com or, better for all concerned, devote their attention to some other calling. The business of teaching is too sacred to be trifled with, and too important in its intended results to be engaged in by incompetent persons. It should therefore be the aim of all true friends of edu. cation to search out and remove all causes of failure, and open the way to higher and more pany, appear graceful, kind, amiable and intelcertain success. We believe that in the majority ligent, a model in speech and deportment, and of cases the primary cause of failure is a want yet, if in more private life, he allows himself to be overcome by some sudden ebullition of feelof appreciation of the true duties of the office. With too many the whole mission of the in- ing, so that his acts and words shall be tinged thereby, how entirely will a knowledge of the structor seems to consist in the performance of latter case diminish the respect and esteem a certain round of exercises, treadmill fashion. awakened by the former. And is it not true To spend a certain number of hours, daily, in the school-room, to listen to certain stereotyped that many persons suffer during their life-time from the influence of unpleasant habits which lessons, and to preserve a tolerable state of order seems to constitute the entire work. But might have been corrected by the watchful care and effort of parents or teachers. one may do all these and yet come far short of fulfilling the true mission of the teacher. As Let not the teacher feel that "hearing lessons" well might a man claim to be a sculptor who and "keeping school" are synonymous. It is should devote, daily, the usual hours of work the teacher's work so to train and direct the in hewing and cutting the senseless marble, minds of his pupils, as to guide their physical though each blow of the hammer should render development and so to expand and culture their the block on which he works more and more moral faculties as will tend to promote true unsuitable for the object for which it was in- growth of all that tends to the formation of tended. With no model in mind he works true men. Not only must he be able to teach without aim or method. If the artist would be his pupils how to learn, and encourage them in truly successful he must not only have in mind their efforts, but he must impart unto them, a correct ideal of what is to be done, but he daily, by example as well as precept, yea, more must also clearly understand each successive by example than by precept, those many kindly step to be taken in the development of the influences and graces which will do so much to model in mind. A slight misconception or a give true adornment to the character and make trifling deviation may render the work of months their possessors agreeable, as well as influential, utterly worthless. How much more important members of society. That the teacher may be that the teacher should both comprehend the successful in his efforts, he must carefully study nature and design of this work and possess the the peculiarities in the character and disposition ability to accomplish it in the best possible of each pupil, so that he may give unto each manner. And what is the teacher's work and "fitly spoken" words, uttered in "good season." what has the community a right to expect of And, moreover, as the teacher is a co-worker him? with parents, he should seek their acquaintance and coöperation, and learn what he may of the home influences and surroundings of his pupils, that knowing the true state and bearing of things We answer, briefly, that the true mission of the teacher is to train and develop the mind, to mould the character, to cultivate the heart; in a word, it is to make good citizens, useful and he may wisely direct his efforts. loyal men and women. As helps in this direc- The community expects much of the teacher, tion, he must teach the various branches studied and rightly, too. If a man assumes any office in our schools, but these alone, though nost under government, that government has a just thoroughly taught, will prove but a small part claim upon his time, his talents and his ener From Temple Bar for May. gies. He, for the time being, belongs to the government, and not, as some seem to imagine, the government to him. So the teacher belongs to the TENSIONS. THE CHARITABLE QUACK. community which employs his services, and that VARIOUS KINDS OF QUACKS AND THEIR PRE Perhaps, of the two, the universal charity and brotherhood quack is more to be deprecated than the Puritan: he is more dangerous to the young, and infinitely more dishonest. When a man with glistening eyes, thick lids, moist lips and a smooth, soft smile, talks to me of charity and the supreme need of love-when he forgives every sin against purity, but is inexorable towards the follies of asceticism-when he accounts a lie less noxious than severity, and holds chastity as the Fellow teachers, will you not carefully examine into the nature of your work, comprehend clearly what your true mission is, and then enlist with that earnest and well directed lowest in the scale of human virtues—when such enthusiasm which will be sure, under the bless ing of God, to crown your labors with abund ant success? The Way the English Bring Up Children. THE English bring up their children very differently from the manner in which we bring up ours. They have an abundance of out-door air every day, whenever it is possible. The nursery maids are expected to take all the children out airing every day, even infants. This cus a man sets universal tolerance over all other mor uring out the iniquities of the frail, I bid him too begone, like a ghost, from out the happy sunshine; let him cower back to the shadowy, spectre-world which brought him forth, and not judge here of sins of which he never compassed the temptation, or mete out penalties for those imperious desires of which he never felt the most transitory need. al qualities, and speaks with oily charity of the fleshly frail, I count him a quack—one of the very hierarchs of quacks—and bid him go squatter among the gulls in the reedy marsh; he has no business here, out on the wide, pure ocean. When another, keen-eyed, thin-lipped, spare of flesh and bloodless, vaunts purity as the sole esser.tial and justice as the sole judgment—has no helping hand for the fallen, no word of pity for the penitent, no shout of encouragement for the tom is becoming more prevalent in this country, failing-when such a man, who never felt his and should be pursued wherever it is practica- pulses throb with quicker beat, or knew the headble. Infants should be early accustomed to the long force of passion, sits, cold and dry, measuropen air. We confine them too much, and heat them too much for a vigorous growth. One of the finest features of the London parks is said to be the crowds of nursery maids with their groups of healthy children. It is so with the promenades of our large cities to a great extent. but is less common in our country towns than what it should be. In consequence of their And the man whose thoughts are crystaltraining, English girls acquire a habit of walk-clear, without shadow or reflection, whose will is ing that accompanies them through life, and like a single bar of iron-single and of iron—who gives them a much healthier middle life than has no balancing of equal parts, who looks never our women enjoy. They are not fatigued with behind and never to either side when he would a walk of five miles, and are not ashamed to ride down the timid and hesitating-those with wear, when walking, thick-soled shoes fitted for loving hearts wistful to harbor all-those with the dampness they must encounter. Half of eager hands willing to bear many burdens, and the consumptive feebleness of our girls results grieving to be obliged to drop one-when he defrom the thin shoes they wear, and the cold nies the many-sideness of life, and insists on the feet they must necessarily have. English child-straight course always and without turning-I ren, especially girls, are kept in the nursery, send him too away to his home of stalactite cave and excluded from fashionable society and all and granite rock; he is a quack like the rest, the frivolities of dress, at the age when our girls and no teacher of living truth. Because the are in the very heat of flirtation, and thinking black pine throws a single shadow, straight and only of fashionable life.-Connecticut Common sharp upon the snow, must the aspen be forbidden School Journal. to flicker golden light upon the grass and flowers? THE LITERARY QUACK. THE EDUCATIONAL QUACK. A thunderbolt in his hand, he is the Jupiter Tonans What matters it to him that the Then there is the quack literary, whose vessel of his order. is empty, for its own part, but who borrows the writer has for years toiled with good, hard, honwine of another man's vintage, which he filters est, unsparing work to perfect that book of his ? through it, drop by drop, till it gains a kind of What matters it if every part has been well verisecond-hand flavor of the grape which imposes fied, every assertion dug up from its roots ? on the uninitiated; who knows absolutely nothing dash of the pen, a flourish of the inky thunderby original education, and must read up for bolt, and the author lies at the foot of the throne, every paltry article as it is ordered; who talks smirched and scorched. The world which reads of his hard work, and bemoans himself as a does not know that the writer of that hostile reslave of the press, if he gives a couple of days view calculated his work by its money-worth to clothing with his own words another man's only, that he knew nothing whatever of the subject researches, and the facts which have taken years but what he found in the book itself, and that his to collect and collate; who steals thoughts as sole object was to write a telling article which audaciously as a jackdaw steals spoons, and should insure his re-employment. never knew what it was to do a day's independent digging in the literary mine; who is perHis friend and cousin is the quack educationpetually trying to make bricks without straw and al, of whom there are many varieties. There is, to weave cloth without thread; who writes for first, the man who undertakes to teach you a just so much the line, without having anything to say, and carries his brains to market as a far- foreign language in six lessons; who has always a royal road to learning on his estate, where mer's wife carries her eggs; he, too, swaggers Parnassus is a mole hill which a child may jump noisily through his class-room, and chalks up the apotheosis of quackery on the black-board above his head; he, too, lives on shams and lies, and deals in paste and gamboge in lieu of the healing condiments of nature. Not infrequently the quack literary is seen in high places; for he has the climbing faculty of the ape, and can gather himself into a smaller space than a full-grown man. As a rule, he is amusing, and can buzz pleasantly on a summer's evening to a great man's ear; for he has cultivated the art of storytelling, has a trifle of accomplishments, and, if he worked half as hard for his salvation as he does for a dinner-table reputation, the world would see a saint in human flesh, and heaven be the richer for one more sinless soul. over, or a bowling-green set round with lamps ready lighted to show you the way to the arbor at the upper end. Then there is the phrenological and moral suasion quack, who would do all by appealing to what he calls the coronal region; who reads Solomon's rough-handed advice as a nineteenth-century exhortation for such tender dealing as mothers' hearts delight in, and speaks loftily of the degraded honor of a whipped boy of seven; who constructs a system of education out of the depths of his inner consciousness, and never pauses to inquire if it suits with the nature and requirements of youth or no. And there is the quack on the muscular Christianity basis, who travesties a noble truth and makes ridiculous what was originally sublime; who The quack literary is a good listener, and great gives to schoolboy games a religious significance, in the power of adaptation. He can take a sub- and makes the play-ground of more importance ject out of your own mouth, adopt the informa- than the class-room or the study; whose end and tion you yourself have given him not a moment aim of masculine education is a manly bearing before, put it into new shape, dress it in new at football, and who ranks a good batter or a clothes, and dandle it before your eyes so deftly swift stroke before a Smith's prizeman or a transformed that you do not know your own double first; who places animal force higher again, and break out into peans on his exceeding than brain power, and makes muscle of more acability, and the soundness of his views. Often count than mind. And there is the home-eduhave I marvelled at the ease with which men are cation quack, who talks sweetly of maternal incaught by the novelty and beauty of their own fluence and feelingly of school-temptations, and reflections, with the tags and ribbons changed, would not have the young spirit sullied by the and how little intellectual capital beyond quick-world, and holds to the maiden purity of the ness and assurance it needs to set a man up in heart before every other quality or circumstance full swing as a literary quack. of boyhood, flattering the mother's vanity and But it is as a critic that he shines in the bright- feeding her weakness, by assuming that no othest splendor of his phosphorescent light. Seated er mother's son is pure or noble enough to assoon the throne of judgement, and with his inky ciate with hers, and that a special setting was |