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Editors' Department.

SCHOOL DAYS' There is a magic spell which ever lingers around those words, there is an unalalloyed measure of bliss during those days which often vanishes at their close. How often do you "Would I were a boy or a girl again," that I might run back to those halcyon days, and live them o'er again. But like all pleasant things they have wings, and ere we are conscious of it, they are numbered amid the dreamy hours of the past. The "Editor's Table" of the last Knickerbocker has cast a glance into the country "winding up" of school days. Hear him:

the old lady is incensed, and the gentleman apologizes: the scholars began to titter; and the teacher turns around and frowns terribly, incontinently squelching a small boy who is rising up to obtain a better view of the proceodings.

"The young ladies' essays embrace every topic, from Dress' up to Patriotism,' and abound in cuphuistic aphorisms, generally misquoted, and diminutives in let. In describing a sail upon the lake, the 'gently gliding boatlet' is alluded to, whereupon a crusty old customer, who is a deacon in the church, and a practical man, suggests to his neighbors that skifflet would do just as well. "The large boy from the city gives us Mark Antony's oration over Cæsar's body, in what we sup"Well a few years pass, and school-days are pose is the most approved theatrical style. He coming to an end. The last performance is to be astonishes and captivates the scholars, especially an exhibition, and a grand affair is expected. Our the weaker vessels, to whom his anointed locks, parents, brothers and sisters are to be there, and city-made clothes and 'miwaculous tie,' are irrewe look forward to the day with joyful anticipation.

sistible: but he by no means pleases the older portion of his audience. His antics are likened to "What great preparation we make! taking at- those of a wet hen, a short-tailed b-ovine in fly titudes and making grimaces before the glass; re- time, and other ludicrous objects, familiar to rushearsing our pieces out behind the wood-shed and tic eyes. Unfortunately his vehement efforts disup on the hay-loft; vainly attempting to catch the turb the slumbers of one or two infants, whose intonation and superb gestures of the large boy cries do not at all enhance the tragic effect, but who has been to the city, and says that is the way are much too violent for the occasion; being quite they do at the theatre: putting on our new trow- audible though smothered under shawls and parsers, dislocating our vertebrae in trying to get a tially jolted down by a vigorous trotting on marear view of them, and only succeeding in making ternal knees. out an indistinct, baggy outline. At last the long- "And now the last piece is spoken, the doxololooked-for evening comes, and the little country gy is sung, the wheezy old sexton coughs out the church is brilliantly illuminated with tallow can- candles and locks the door, and school days are dles, and gorgeously decorated with sprigs of as-over." paragus. The scholars, highly polished by much washing and redolent of dubiously-flavored soap, are seated on the platform, and performance begins. It consists of declamations from Webster, NOTWITHSTANDING the belligerent attitude of Burke, Spartacus, Rienzi, and other eminent men; our people, our school teachers are not always alWe select the following with essays on 'The Seasons' (taken individually lowed to "sit alone."

Surprises Still Continue.

and collectively,) on 'Napoleon,' on 'The Revo- notice from the Evening Press, setting forth a lution,' on 'Our Country,' etc., interspersed with pleasant in-break of loyal subjects upon our wormoral dialogues and choral singing.

thy coeditor and our very able head of the "Written Examination Questions." Speaking of this department, we would here state that in our humble judgment, the questions for written examinations are most ably given, especially those of menWe were not

"It passes off pleasantly enough, although some of the boys find themselves the victims of misplaced confidence in trusting to their memories: and in their embarrassment make all sorts of irrelevant gestures, and shuffle about in a most dis-tal arithmetic in the May number. consolate manner.

“One, in speaking of the Past and Future, forgets what gestures to make, and keeps his arm oscilating while he tries to recall it in studying this up, he forgets what to say next, and retires, blushing with mortification. Don't laugh at him, boys: this very incident may rouse his spirit; and you at your rustic fireside may yet read his eloquent speeches in Congress.

in the least surprised to hear that his pupils had sprung a trap upon him. He deserves to be caught in just such a place. Furthermore we know of a number of teachers who by their kindness and decision of discipline, have won such a crowd of loving pupils that we shall certainly suffer surprise if they don't at some time fall victims to ice creams and entwined affections. The Press says:—

"SURPRISE PARTY.-The Principal of the Prospect Street Grammar School, Mr. A. J. Manchester, was "Between the parts, an officious gentleman, in called into his parlor last evening to see a friend, when attempting to snuff one of the candles with his behold, there stood in graceful array his graduating fingers, pulls it out of the tin sconce, and drops it class, thirty in number, "armed and equipped" with into the lap of an old lady in bombazine; whereat speech, bouquet, and silver goblet, each admir

able of its kind. Imagine his "phelinks." In his sur-ness of feeling, received the tribute not only of prise and embarrasement, words expressive of pleasure admiration but of tears.

and gratitude struggled in vain for utterance.


An "At the close of the exercises, Mayor Knight hour was pleasantly spent in mutual congratulations gracefully complimented the school upon the sucand agreeable chat, enlivened by music and singing, cesses of the afternoon, and then proceeded to diswhen a second "surprise" appeared in an adjoining | room, in the attractive form of ice cream and refresh- tribute the diplomas to the graduates. ments, which the class, in a way best known to themEx-Mayor Rodman then addressed the school selves, had smuggled in. Such occasions are produc- in one of his happiest efforts, as full of the finest tive of mutual happiness, indicating the best relations spirit of poetry as it was of words of counsel and between teacher and pupil. They form so many oases encouragement to the youthful scholar. The exin the pathway of daily life to which the instructor ercises were concluded by the benediction from and the instructed will often refer with ever increasing Rev. George T. Day." delight."'

Annual Exhibition of the Providence High


THE Providence High School closed its last term of the year on Wednesday, the 8th of May, with its Annual Exhibition. The hall was crowded, and never was there a more undisputed need of a better place for holding it than then. The exercises were of a remarkably high character, and passed off without a mar or failure in the recitation.

A disinterested spectator, as we suppose him to be, thus writes for the papers upon the subject. We copy from the Press :

We give the

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SINGING "Hark, the Hollow Woods Surrounding," by all the Classes.

DISCUSSION-Isabella of Spain, written by Juliette L. Wilcox, Harriet A. Swan, Phebe A. Andrews, Harriet M. Cole.

SINGING -"Spring's Delights," by all the Classes.

ORATION - Don Quixote, by Charles F. Easton,
Classical Department.

ESSAY "Frailty! thy name is Woman," by
Agnes L. Mason, Girls' Senior Class.
ORATION-Frederic the Great, by Virgil Fisher,
English Department.

Edwin J. Valentine.

ORATION LATINA-Excidium Troja, by Daniel Angell, Jr., Classical Department.

ESSAY The Supernatural as an Element of Poetry, by Clara M. Southwick, Girls' Senior Class, read by Phebe J. Wood.

"These academic festivals grow more and more meritorious every year, and that for 1861 was certainly very far in advance of those we were accustomed to attend several years ago. The exercises not only disclosed the faithful training and versatile accomplishments of those who took part in them, but ministered in a remarkable degree to the intellectual gratification of the spectators. The most assiduous industry of teachers and pupils must have been required to have brought about so SINGING" While all is Hushed," by Sarah elegant and successful a termination to the year's Essex, Olive P. Cleveland, John A. Reynolds, course of study. The hall was very richly and tastefully decorated with national flags, and was hung around with a great variety of drawings executed by the pupils. Over the rostrum appeared in letters of evergreen, the motto selected by the graduating class - Quo Deus Vocat" Whither God calls." The singing was of a high order of excellence, and much of it would have done credit J. Pierce, English Department. to the concert-room, All the literary exercises were original, and showed a maturity of intellect which elevated them much above the range of ordinary compositions. The appointees from the boys' department of the school presented thoughtful and carefully written essays, which they declaimed in a natural and energetic manner. The pieces read by the ladies showed thorough study, extensive familiarity with the resources of literature, sprightly imagination and originality of thought. While all were admirable, the concluding essay on the "Poetry of Life," by Miss Martha A. Bradford, with the valedictory address, was worthy of especial praise. Its refinement of sentiment, elegant diction, correct taste and tender- the Classes.

ORATION-The Discovery of Leverrier, by F.

SINGING"The Sea's Columbia's Glory," by all the Classes.

DISCUSSION-Les Péculiarités Américaines, written by Edward E. Slocum, Fred. G. Chaffin, English Department.

ORATION-The Last of the Plantagenets, by
William D. U. Shearman, Classical Department.
SINGING- "All Things are Beautiful," by Sa-
rah Essex, Olive P. Cleveland.
ORATION The Self Made Man, by Edward E.
Slocum, English Department.

ORATION-The Heroic Age, Daniel W. Lyman, Classical Department.

SINGING" The Red, White and Blue," by all

ESSAY-Mythologie Classique, by Abbie M. Richards, Girls' Senior Class.

ORATION-The Valley of the Nile, by Fred. C.
Spooner, Classical Department.

VALEDICTORY-The Poetry of Life, by Martha
A. Bradford, Girls' Senior Class.

SONG, by the Graduating Classes.


Girls' Department.-Emma A. Aldrich, Ada B. Almy, Evelina Almy, Phebe A. Andrews, Lucy C. Barrus, Martha A. Bradford, Lavana L. Cook,

We part that flag beneath
Which floats on Freedom's breath,
And ne'er shall fall.

To guard it from all ruth,
We pledge our ardent youth,
Our fealty, and our truth,
Our lives, our all!

Teachers belov'd, farewell!
Within our hearts ye dwell;
Keep us in yours.

Brothers and Sisters, say-
"Farewell, this parting day,
In hope to meet for aye-
Where Love endures."

Public Schools, Providence.

Harriet M. Cole, Olive P. Cleveland, Dency E. Quarterly Report of the Superintendent of Dunbar, Sarah Essex, Josephine M. Harkness, Sarah B. Hale, Bethia T. Howland, Agnes J. Mason, Ella E. Mason, Emily E. Monroe, Mary E. Olney, Abbie M. Richards, Alpha Simmons, Harriet A. Swan, Clara M. Southwick, Janette R. Tingley, Phebe J. Wood, Juliette L. Wilcox, Hen

rietta A. Winch.

Boys' English Department.-Fred G. Chaffin, Virgil Fisher, Frank J. Pierce, Edward E. Slocum. Boys' Classical Department.-Daniel Angell, Jr., Frank J. Bicknell, Charles F. Easton, Daniel W. Lyman, Warren R. Perce, William D. U. Shearman, Frederick C. Spooner.



Now let our song arise,
In sadness to the skies,

Our parting song.
Here must our paths divide:
Nor, longer, side by side,
In happy tasks allied-
We move along.

The shining days are gone,
Of childhood's golden zone,
That clasped us here;
For us, no more these halls!
Though Memory oft recalls,
The scenes within their walls-
With trembling tear.

Farewell, dear Academe!
How dearer yet to seem,
Than e'er before;
When morning calls us not,
To this long-haunted spot,
Forsaken, not forgot-

But loved the more.

Launched on Life's unknown sea,
"Neath stormy skies are we,
A youthful crew.
Dark clouds above us lower;
Mad passions sway the hour;
Guide us, Eternal Power!

Their dangers through.

Public Schools in this city, we find so many valua[IN the Report of the Superintendendent of ble hints to the practical teacher, and so wisely said, that we are inclined to give it to our readers entire : ]

PROVIDENCE. May 10, 1861. To the School Committee of the city of Providence:

Gentlemen-It is with much satisfaction that I am able to present my report of the condition of the schools the past term. Never have I seen them so prosperous and efficient as at the present time. The teachers with but few exceptions are earnest, skilful and laborious in the great work in which they are engaged. Their fidelity and devotion I have never seen surpassed.

All who are familiar with the character of the High School; the complete classification of its pupils; the liberal and systematic course of study, and the results of the thorough, faithful teaching, evidenced by the written examinations and the annual exhibition, must acknowledge that it is now one of the very best institutions of the kind in our land.

The Grammar Schools are also in a high state of efficiency. As compared with previous years, the recent written examinations show conclusively that there has been a decided advance in every department of study; of this the friends of education can be fully convinced by a personal inspection of the written evidence that may be submitted to them.

Many of the Intermediate and Primary Schools have likewise attained to a very high degree of excellence both in discipline and instruction, and are, each term, gaining in everything that pertains to a good school. There are, however, a few exceptions that fall far below the standard of model schools. This is evident to the most casual observer. The contrast between the beat and poorest schools in the same grade is so great as to be obvious to every visitor. There are however local circumstances that aff ct unfavorably for a time the state of a school, so that the best teachers may not produce such results as will be satisfactory to those who are not fully acquainted with the difficulties with which such teachers have to contend. But when schools continueterm after term in the same state of inefficiency, showing but little, if any, progress, and when no special reason can be assigned, why they are not accomplishing all that they ought the fault must be attributed to the want of faithful thorough teaching.

It may be well to point out more in detail the differ-with a firm and inflexible adherence to truth and right, ence between our best teachers and those who par- and such will aim to govern rather by appeals to the tially or wholly fail in their work. In the first place, conscierces of their pupils, than by threats and inflicour best teachers manifest a deep interest in their work tion of bodily pain. The one tends to develope and and devote themselves to it with all their energies. strengthen right principles of action, and to elevate They seem to be fully impressed with the responsibili- the moral character, while the other has a tendency to ties they have assumed, and the solemn obligations degrade it. resting upon them,-and are ever anxiously and conscientiously seeking how much can be accomplished for those under their charge. They neglect no means or opportunities by which they can become better fitted for their arduous duties. The art of teaching is regarded by them as one of the most difficult as well as one of the most important of all arts. And no sacrifice of ease or pleasure is deemed too great-no labor too exhausting, that they may promote the highest well being of those entrusted to their care.

I had intended to point out the difference between our best and poorest schools in the modes of teaching, but this I shall defer to some future time.

The whole number of pupils admitted the past term is 7602. Of this number, 283 have been received into the High School, 1992 into the Grammar Schools, 1994 into the Intermediat Schools, 3333 into the Primary Schools.

All which is respectfully submitted.


Superintendent of Public Schools.

There are, however, a few teachers that appear to have but little heart in their work. Their aim seems to be, not how much they can accomplish and how well, THE DARVEL CALCULATING GIRL.-The Ayr but from how much they can be relieved, and how lit- Advertiser has an account of a public examination tle will satisfy the public and the Committee, so that at Beth, of the little girl whose wonderful powers they can retain their places and receive their salary. of calculation have attracted so much notice. The Such teachers are almost always complaining about gentleman in charge of the child allowed any one something. Nothing satisfies them. Their duties seem

to them arduous and irksome in the extreme, and their present to propose questions to her. Among the How many chief anxiety is how these may be lessened, and the queries thus submitted to her were: weary toil of the school-room beguiled. Instead of times does a clock strike in the month of June? striving in season and out of season to bring back the 4,680, was the prompt reply. In the year 1855 ? unfortunate children wandering in the streets without 56,940; in a lifetime of 75 years? 4,170,500. She moral restraint or parental influence; they seek rath- was now asked the value of 313 yards of linen at er for the sake of their own ease and comfort, how 2s. 93d per yard, and in 35 seconds she gave the they may be rid of the trials and vexa'ion that the answer, £44 0s. 34. Being requested to show the presence of unwary youth necessarily bring-by le- modus operandi, she began aloud with 313 make priving them of the privileges and the only means by 939, the 4's in 939, 234 times and over, and so of which they can be saved from utter ruin. There can

all the other denominations.

She was now asked be no more striking contrast between a conscientious and a faithless teacher than this. The one labors un- to cube 795 and give the quotient of that product ceasingly with all the means and influences in his pow-divided by 19. The product, 502,459,875, and the er to bring the fatherless and homeless child under the quotient, 26,445,256 11-19, were both correctly givsalutary discipline of the school-room, that he may be en. In the performance of this last heavy quesrescued from destruction and from contaminating his tion, her teacher begged to be allowed to give her associates; while the other, apparently actuated by the square upon the board to assist her memory, no higher principle than that of selfishness, will often but she did not avail herself of the use of it. spurn from his presence the poor and despised child of poverty or of unfortunate parentage, and turn him We learn that, during the present session of the over to the heartless sympathies of an unfeeling world. New York Legislature, a charter has been granted There would be few truants in our streets, few roam- for an educational establishment for ladies. The ing about in filth, begging and pilfering as opportuni- design is to confer upon females a course of study ty offers, if the teachers in their several districts would as thorough as can be obtained in most of our colunite heartily with the true friends of the poor, in carrying out effectually such benevolent plans for their leges. A beautiful site has been selected near reform as might be desired. Were such the case, we Poughkeepsie, upon which elegant buildings will ehould not have to mourn over the prevalence of vice and juvenile crime, which are increasing from year to year.

soon be erected. This has in contemplation a selfsustaining institution, enjoying a munificent endowment from one Matthew Vassar, Esq., of P. This will enjoy an independent income, and will secure the services of the best talent in the country.

There is also a great difference between our best and poorest teachers, in the mode of governing their schools. As self-government is the first and the highest requisite in any teacher, so it must be considered an indispensable qualification. Nothing can PEOPLE may be taken in once, who imagine that supply its place. All the learning and wisdom of the an author is greater in private life than other men. past and present will be utterly unavailing when this Uncommon parts require uncommon opportunities is wanting. To be successful, a teacher must possess for their exertion.

it. At whatever cost of persevering effort and study,

it must be gained before a teacher's labors can be EVERY one at the bottom of his heart cherishes crowned with complete success. In the true teacher vanity; even the toad thinks himself good lookthere will be united mildness and dignity of manner, ing-rather tawney, perhaps ; but look at his eyes!

Natural Science.

COMMUNICATIONS for this Department should be addressed to I. F. CADY, Warren.

For the Schoolmaster.

The Sense of Sight and the Faculty of

NAME. The name of an interesting object is generally asked for; give the name and let the child repeat it. This is its first lesson in expression, and should be the type of all after ones; to get an idea first, and then a term for it.

DIRECTION. 1. The direction of the person from objects, or of objects from the person, both being at rest, is given at once by sight. At the suitable age let the child be taught which is his right hand and which is his left hand, and be led to speak of things as at the right, the left, in front of, and behind, before or beside him; as, above or below, over or under him. 2. Direction of person and

object from each other, one, or the other, or both, being in motion. Let the teacher, the scholars

BRING a child, six months old, into a room, and the first thing that it does, is to fix its eyes, in turn, on all the prominent objects in the room: observation engrosses it as completely as intense thought may hereafter in the years of its manhood. Mind is at work here whether we recognize it or not. As educators it behooves us to carefuly note afterwards imitating the motion, step forwards, its operations. backwards, sideways; or move the hand higher, By the sense of sight this child perceives, 1, the lower, downwards, upwards; or from, towards, object; 2d, its direction; 3, its situation with re-nearer to, farther from, a thing. spect to other objects; and, later in life, if not now, 4, its outlines; 5, light and shade, and hence form; 6, its color; 7, number; 8, its distance; 9, its length; 10, its size (area); 11, its bulk; 12, motion. How vast the field and how large the range of the following directions—from north to south, east objects to exercise the faculty of observation to west, right to left, and their opposites; and the through the sense of sight, is at once apparent following motions- with the hands of a watch, from the above enumeration. The faculty of ob- with the sun, in a right hand spiral or helix; and servation is, moreover, developed very early in their reverse. Most of these directions and molife, certainly in a marked degree before the age of tions can be taught by the hand, and care should four years, to the great annoyance of some teach-be taken that the direction or motion is first learners, whose energies are wasted in attempts, too ed and then the proper term to describe it,—a often, alas, successful, to make the child sit still second lesson in expression.

Let the child notice, several mornings and evenings, the sun's rising and setting; then with his right hand towards the rising and his left hand towards the setting sun, let him learn the points of the compass. Later in life he should learn also

and keep its eyes fixed on its book. With sorrow The SITUATION of one body with respect to anis this recorded as the chief object aimed at in other is only an extension of the last topic. By this many primary schools; schools the most interest-time the right use of the whole list of prepositions ing in many respects, to teach, where as much art will be pretty well understood. Take for your exin teaching is requisite as anywhere, and which, ercise, for example, the situation of a book on certainly, are not the least important schools in your desk to all the other books there, to the parts the State. of the desk, and to the walls of the room or the position of these things with respect to the book. This will be a good preparation for the future workman, to enable him to understand a description of the parts of a machine, or to describe them himself; or for the young student so that he can comprehend and illustrate the morphology of a plant or an animal.

The child wishes to take hold of, to handle and play with whatever interests it; let it by all means do so whenever it will neither do nor receive any harm. But the most that it learns thereby belongs under another head, the sense of touch.

OBJECT. An object is seen by a babe for the first time; it is in one direction from him, has a certain light upon it, with a certain side turned OUTLINES of planes should be taught first. Let towards him; when he sees it again all these con- there be many sets of the more common geometrical ditions may be changed, and another view is pre- figures, as the circle, the square, the parallelogram, sented to it; yet, especially if he be allowed to the equilateral triangle, and the right angled trihandle it, how quickly and inevitably will he de- angle, cut from pasteboard. Selecting one of tect the common object in which these views re- these, let the class find another just like it; then side. When his mother stands face to him, side all that are like it; do the same with the other to him, or back to him, three different objects meet figures. Sameness or equality is here noticed; his eye, yet the babe in each instance stretches out the child is learning to match things, an important its arms to its mother. Herein is the working of point in many trades, and skill in doing this should mind, which, aware of its own capacities, now be more fully developed, by cutting patterns from treats things sensible, as, by and by, it will things paper with a knife and with scissors. intelligible; it perceives the same truth under different forms.

The outlines now being interesting, their names will readily be learned. Then, selecting a circle,

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