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REPLY.(1.) Certainly not "look glori

"Is forbid," except by liSuch expressions are awk"entrance upon

mon sight. Reflect on it before I sit down, fellow citizens. Here is a house dedicated to ously." all sorts of things. (Applause.) But among (2.) The first. them none is greater than this, the education, cense, is incorrect. the leading out of the soul, the fallen soul, the ward, at the best. Perhaps redeemed soul, up to truth. And no greater these premises is forbidden" would be better. (3.) "Auction," only, expresses the idea; but sometimes people wish to give it a ring by pre

event has occurred in Brooklyn than to see this

fair assembly of the teachers of your children
and have so many here present themselves before fixing "Public." That's all.

Burying the Seed.


you as having finished their course and kept (4.) We have answered the first. Printers their faith, and ready to receive the crown about are generally "booked," in spelling; and are to be awarded here in this assembly by the ver- a pretty good set of fellows. Does A. B. C. dict of that committee. Look at these human believe it? beings, come, young women, to commemorate and celebrate your commencement, when you are to go forth, each one, but not alone. Alone in your sphere, remote from one another, to teach the same truth that you have been taught, and to inculcate that which will make the rising generation good citizens, patriotic men, faithful Christians, and nationalized in heart, fit to reconstruct, I trust, if need be, once more, this nation, that it may be for ever hereafter, as it has been hitherto, the United States, under that blessed flag. (Loud cheers.)"

From the (N. H.) Journal of Agriculture.
Queries and Replies.

MR. EDITOR: - Will you have the kindness to answer the following enquiries?

The Coos Democrat said, last fall, our crops look glorious." Is that correct? (1.)

On a board posted by the road side in Lawrence, Mass., is the following: "All persons are forbidden to enter these premises." A little further on is another: "All persons are forbid entering these premises." On which board is the idea the best expressed? Is either incorrect? (2.)

Should we say, "Will be sold at auction," or at Public Auction?" (3.) Worcester says an auction is a public sale by bidding; and Webster's definition is of the same import. If there is no private auction, why state that it will be public?

Some months ago I sent to an office to have some notices "struck off" of an auction: among other articles advertised was a sett of - tools. The printer wishing to show his larnin, prefixed public to auction, and spelled sett, set. Were not both corrections, incorrect? (4.) Would it not be as proper to say, sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. in the afternoon, as to state that the auction will be public? So it seems to

A. B. C.

LAST winter Alice cut from a newspaper a short poem from the German, which interested her much, and which she frequently repeated in spring time, when the gardener was burying seed after seed in the earth. She thought of it, too, as she stood in the burial-ground by the graves of those whom, though not having seen, she loved. 1 will copy it for you, and perhaps you may take as much pleasure in learning it as she did.-Exchange.

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For the Schoolmaster.
Modern Improvements in Teaching.

mote antiquity to modern times, are, from exclu|sive private institutions to free, public institutions, and from sectarian, religious institutions to un|sectarian, civil institutions.

MR. EDITOR: In a former number of THE SCHOOLMASTER, you permitted me to present to Let us look now, for a moment, at some of your readers "A glance at the schools of Greece and Rome." Permit me now to glance for a the changes that have taken place in our modmoment, at the schools of more recent times, ern public schools, within the last half century. and to trace some of the changes that have And here I must be permitted to use a little taken place in them. egotism, not entirely ætatis gratia, though,

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The schools of Greece and Rome were most-perhaps, that would be a sufficient excuse,- but ly, if not all, private institutions. As time because I really feel the contrast which I wish passed on, changes in this respect gradually to present to you, and can speak from personal took place. After the introduction of Christ-experience. ianity they became a part of, or appendages to, A very great change has taken place in the the Church. The schools of the Catholic qualifications of teachers for their work, and in Church, and especially those established by the the modes of instruction adopted by them. Jesuites, were for a long time among its most When I began my career of school-keeping at powerful supports. After the Reformation, the the age of sixteen, I could not possibly have Protestants imitated the Catholics, and estab- entered a high school, such as is now establishlished schools for the support of the Protestant ed in most of our large towns, on an examinareligion. These, in process of time came to be tion such as is given at present to candidates called Parish Schools, similar to those of the for admission. I had had no experience whatsame name in England at the present time. ever in answering questions in writing. I had In the " Discipline of the Reformed Churches had no experience in letter-writing, and could of France," adopted by their "First National scarcely construct a sentence grammatically on Synod," held in Paris in 1559, the title of the paper. I had had no instruction in the analysecond chapter is "Of Schools." This chap-sis of the sounds of the letters of my mother ter contains five "Canons." tongue. It is true, I had learned by heart the "CANON I. The Churches shall do their ut-"Key Sheet," so called, in Perry's Spellingmost endeavour to erect Schools, and to take Book, and could rattle off as fast as any of my care of the instruction of their youth. school mates, " long a in hate, short a in hat, "CANON II. Regents and Masters shall sub-broad a in hallwash, grave a in part, 'cute a in scribe the Confession of Faith and Church-Di- liar." But the meaning of this "Key Sheet" cipline, and the Towns and Churches shall not was as blank to me as the hieroglyphics on the admit any one into this office without the con- tombs of the Pharaohs, until I began to teach sent of the Consistory of that place." it to my own pupils, and then the light began The other canons are of similar character, all to dawn upon my mind. I had had no experibased upon the principle of inculcating in the ence in the analysis of numbers, and of the young and enforcing upon all, a specific form, or principles on which the rules of the arithmetic system, of religious faith. This basis has been, were formed. I solved the problems by the fortunately, swept away from beneath most, if rules under which they were placed; and that not all, of the free, public schools of our coun- was all that was required of me. I do not retry. In asserting and maintaining the true member of ever hearing the rules of arithmetic principle of "soul-liberty," your State in its explained, as they are now explained in almost infancy, took, in priority, the lead of Massachu- every school that exists, during the whole of sctts; but in the establishment of free, public my public-school training. In the Miscellaschools by a tax upon the inhabitants, Massa-neous Examples," the primary question before cusetts, so far as I can ascertain, took the lead me, was, to find out, by a kind of guessing, by of the world; and in theory and by the consti- which rule the given problem was to be solved. tution, — whatever may be the fact in practice, That ascertained, the solution easily followed. these schools are absolutely unsectarian. Un- I had no Colburn to pour light upon what litsectarian, too, I presume they are in Rhode Is- tle bit of mathematical soul I had for, whether land. Colburn, the man, had been incarnated or not, The great changes that have been thus far Colburn, the arithmetic, existed only in the noticed, in tracing down the schools from re-principles of numbers themselves, which like

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Melchisedec, have "neither beginning of days, the institutions of which they are members. nor end of life." Indeed, I did not begin to And some of the prizes are gained by a lady. learn, in the true sense of the word,- even if I As yet, I believe, only one of Eve's daughters did then, until I began to teach. I do not has been a successful applicant for this honor. now see how he could have conscientiously giv- Possibly, it would, perhaps, be more chivalric en it, but still, the minister of R- gave me a to say-probably only one has taken up the certificate of qualifications, signed "Luke B. Foster, D. V. M." I took the certificate with The demand that has been made for the apagitation. I knew not what the signature meant. plication of mathematics to the industry of the I mustered courage, however, before I left his age, is probably one cause of the rapid advanceReverence, to ask the meaning of these great ment of mathematical knowledge in our comletters, D. V. M.; and the answer was, "Dei munity. The network of rail-roads which covVerbi Minister, minister of the word of God." ers almost the whole surface of this northern This was a sort of turning point in my life. half of the western hemisphere; the tunnels As a pupil I had not been in the habit of ask- embankments, culverts, suspension and other ing for explanations, for it was not the fashion. bridges, which have been constructed; the locoWe committed our lessons and recited them. motives, those pyrotechnic giants, whose lightWhat little knowledge of them 1 obtained, came ning speed and thundering tread are so awfully I know not how. But when I received my cer- grand, when we think of their immense force, tificate of qualifications as a teacher, I did wish controlled and directed by the will of man as to know what it meant. When I look back up- easily almost as he controls the actions of his on my early experience in school-teaching, and own limbs; the construction of machinery see how extremely little I know of what I at- which performs its work with an apparent intempted to teach, I am astonished that I had telligence almost divine; architecture, shipany success whatever. And, as to the amount building, navigation; astronomy, that sublimest of knowledge attained and attainable, I feel of all sciences; - all these things have created more and more the sublimity of that saying of a demand for mathematical knowledge greater Sir Isaac Newton, in which he compares himself, probably than the world has ever before seen. in his search after knowledge, to the person pick- This demand has been met; and it has been ing up, here and there, a pebble on the margin met, I think, in part, by the improved methods of the boundless ocean. of teaching arithmetic, which have been introThe contrast between the mode of teaching duced into our schools and colleges within the half a century ago and that adopted now, and last half century. There is no "royal road" between the qualifications required of teachers even now to mathematical knowledge, but the then and those required of them now, is great old circuitous route has been very much straightindeed. I both see it and feel it; and I rejoice ened and shortened. The analytic method of to be able to testify to it. I rejoice to recognize teaching arithmetic in our public schools, and the improvements that have been made, though the introduction of the higher calculus into our I am not so blinded by them as to think that "everything is gold that glitters."

scientific schools and colleges, bear a relation to the old method of teaching and to the old textAs a general remark, I go for the modern books, somewhat similar to that which the modmodes, though not indiscriminately. The mod ern mode of travelling by steam and rail, bears ern modes of teaching arithmetic are infinitely to the old mode by stage-coach and private carsuperior to the ancient. The standard of mathe- riage. In modern travelling, time and distance matical knowledge in our schools is very much are almost annihilated, although labor and fahigher than it was fifty years ago. The readi- tigue are still to be endured. In like manner, ness and rapidity with which problems in men- the modern modes of pursuing mathematical tal arithmetic are solved now, would have seem- investigations, carry us, with the same amount ed like magic when I was young; and the extent of time and labor, much farther into the mysteto which mathematical knowledge is carried in ries of the science than the former modes did. our high schools, academies and colleges, is real- In the government of schools too there has ly astonishing. Not a few of the "Prize Prob- been a very great improvement. Young Amerilems" in the Mathematical Monthly are solved ca has its faults, and it is sometimes very disby students belonging sometimes to one of the gustingly rampant in its demeanor; but Young lower classes, instead of the first, or oldest, in America has also its rights. In a school-room

From the Buffalo Courier.

An Incident in School Life.

there must be order and obedience, or there will be very little progress in anything that is good; but the modes of securing these, are, in general, INCIDENTS trifling in themselves have an imvery different from what they were fifty years portant influence in determining the character ago. The knock-down system is not so gener- of a life. A word spoken in season, a cruel

ally in vogue as it was then. Low, vulgar and cruel punishments are not so frequently resorted to. In some schools corporal punishment has quite disappeared. It is pleasant to recognize these changes in our schools.

taunt, wounding the heart to its core, have been the turning points in destiny, and put a young mind on the high road to fortune, or sent it downward to ruin. Almost every person can recall some occurrence in early life which gave tone and impulse to effort, and imbued the mind with principles whose influence is even now controlling. We give place to the following true narrative, as an illustration of this fact, and because it inculcates a truth which every man, woman and child may profitably bear in mind.


Discipline by brute force is an incident of a low state of civilization and refinement. Muscular strength is important both for man and boy; but the idea that muscular strength is the main element to be brought into exercise in the discipline of the school-room, has nearly disappeared. The tone of feeling on this subject has greatly changed. The glory attached to the Years ago, when I was a boy, it was customfeat of attempting to put a schoolmaster out of the window during the first half day or first district schools in the country, to have spelling and probably is now to some extent among week of his term, merely to see how much spunk schools in the winter term. These gatherings or strength he has, has nearly or quite departed were always anticipated with great interest by from our midst. Teachers are not left, as they the scholars, as at those times was to be decidformerly were when appointed to a school, to ed who was the best speller. Occasionally one find their way to it alone, with the pleasant in- school would visit another for a test of scholarformation whispered in their ear before starting, ship in this regard. Ah! how the little hearts that the boys turned the master out of school last would throb, and big ones thump, in their anxwinter, and they threaten to do it again. The iety to beat the whole. committee now usually accompanies them and inducts them into office. They have thus a chance of holding their place, for a day or two, at least, without an outbreak.

But notwithstanding this change in the government of the school-room, government there must be. Man must be governed by something.

Once on a time a neighboring school sent word to ours, that on a certain day in the afternoon, they would meet in our school house for one of those contests. As the time was short, most of the other studies were suspended, and at school and at home in the evenings, all hands were studying to master the monosyllables, dissyllables, polysyllables, abbreviations, &c., &c., which the spelling-books contained.

The ideal perfect in the government of the State, is, that the citizens, by mutual agreement, make their own laws, and yield thereto a voluntary At length the day arrived, and as our visitors and unreserved obedience. The government of were considered rather our superiors, our fears the school-room is to be a preparation for this and anxieties were proportionately great. The ideal perfect in the government of the State. scholars were ranged in a standing position, on Of course this can be obtained only approxi- opposite sides of the house, and the words promately. With some teachers the approximation nounced to each side alternately, and the scholis rapid, with others, slow; but it should be ar that "missed" was to sit down. His game the object of all teachers to make it as rapid as was up. possible, and carry it as far as they can; - in all cases, however, salod republicâ, — without sacrificing order and obedience.

It did not take long to thin the ranks on both sides. In a short time our school had but eight on the floor, and theirs but six. After a few Mr. Editor, I have said nothing new in this rounds, the contest turned in their favor, as communication. The young teachers now on the stage know as a fact of history, that the they had four standing to our two. For a long changes spoken of have taken place, but I can time it seemed as though these six had the book speak of them, of most of them, at least, from personal experience; and, as these changes are, I think, in the right direction, I take pleasure in speaking of them as proinises of good

for the future.

I. S. S.

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by heart." At length the number was reduced to one on each side. Our visitors were represented by an accomplished young lady, whose parents had recently arrived in town, and ours

by myself, a ragged little boy of ten summers, seeing my grief, waited until I was more comwho had set up night after night while my mo- posed, when I told her what had happened, and ther, with no other light than that produced by added, passionately, "I wish father wouldn't pine knots, pronounced my lessons to me. The be a drunkard, so we could be respected as othinterest of the spectators was excited to the er folks." At first mother seemed almost overhighest pitch, as word after word was spelled whelmed, but quickly rallying, said: by each. At length the young lady missed and "My son, I feel very sorry for you, and reI stood alone. Her teacher said she did not gret that your feelings have been so injured. understand the word. She declared she did; G. has twitted you about things you cannot that the honor was mine, and that I richly de- help. But never mind, my son. Be always served it. That was a proud moment for me. honest; never taste a drop of intoxicating liI had spelled down both schools, and was de- quor; study and improve your mind. Depend clared victor. My cheeks burned, and my brain on your own energies, trusting in God, and you was dizzy with excitement. will, if your life is spared, make a useful and Soon as the school was dismissed, my compe- respected man. I wish your father, when sober, titress came and sat down by my side and con- could have witnessed this scene, and realized gratulated me on my success, inquired my name the sorrow his course brings on us all. But and age, and flatteringly predicted my future keep a brave heart my son. Remember you are responsible only for your own faults. Pray God Unaccustomed to such attentions, I doubtless to keep you, and don't grieve for the thoughtacted as most little boys would under such cir- less reproaches that may be cast on you on your cumstances, injudiciously. At this juncture, father's account."

success in life.

Master G., the son of the rich man of our neigh- This lesson of my blessed mother, I trust was borhood, tauntingly said to me, in the presence not lost upon me. Nearly forty years have

of my fair friend and a number of boys from the gone since that day, and I have passed many other school"(), you needn't feel so big-trying scenes, but none ever made so strong an your folks are poor, and your father is a drunk- impression on my feelings as that heartless reard." mark of G.'s. It was so unjust and so uncalled

the face?

But what a home.


But there is another part to this story.

I was happy no more- -I was a drunkard's for. Now, boys, remember always to treat Never indulge in and how could I look my new friends in your mates with kindness. My heart seemed to rise up in my taunting remarks towards any one, and rememthroat, and almost suffocated me. The hot ber that a son of a poor man, and even of a tears scalded my eyes - but I kept them back; drunkard, may have sensibilities as keen as your and soon as possible, quietly slipped away from own. The my companions, procured my dinner basket, and, unobsorved, left the scene of my triumph other day a gentleman called at my place of and disgrace, with a heavy heart, for my home. business, and asked if I did not recognize him. "Do you remember," My folks were poor- and I told him I did not. my father was a drunkard." But why should said he, "of being at a spelling-school at a cerI be reproached for that? I could not prevent tain time, and a rude, thoughtless boy twitting my father's drinking, and, assisted and encour- you of poverty and being a drunkard's son?" "I do most distinctly," said I. "Well," conaged by my mother, I had done all I could to keep my place in my class at school, and to astinued the gentleman, "I am that boy. There sist her in her worse than widowhood. has not probably a month of my life passed since then, but I have thought of that remark with regret and shame, and as I am about leaving for California, perhaps to end my days there, I could not go without first calling on you, and asking your forgiveness for that act." Boys, I gave him my hand as a pledge of forgiveness. Did I do right? You will say yes. Well, then, let me close as I began. Boys, never twit another of what he cannot help.

Boy, as I was, I inwardly resolved never to taste of liquor, and that I would show Master G. if I was a drunkard's son, I would yet stand as high as he did. But all my resolves could not allay the gnawing grief and vexation produced by his taunting words and haughty manner. In this frame of mind - my head and heart aching, my eyes red and swollen - I reached home. My mother saw at once that I was in trouble, and inquired the cause. I buried my face in her lap and burst into tears.

WHAT maintains one vice would bring up Mother two children.-FRANKLIN.

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