SLAVES, their importation may be prohibited after 1808 1 - STATES PROHIBITED FROM- entering into treaty, alliance, or confederation; granting letters of marque; coining money 1 * A stands for AMENDMENT. 10 23 Art. Sec. Page. STATES PROHIBITED FROM- emitting bills of credit; making anything a ten- 1 10 23 (See also 1 10 23 iv. Wheat. 122, 209, 518; v. Wheat. 420; vi. laying duties on tonnage keeping troops, or ships of war, in time of peace STATES, new, may be admitted into the Union STATE JUDGES bound to consider treaties, the constitution, and the laws under it, as supreme STATE, guarantied a republican form of government; pro- TERRITORY, or public property, Congress may make rules * A stands for AMENDMENT Art. Sec. Page TREASON, punishment of, may be prescribed by Congress - 3 3 33 1 9 22 2 2 28 VACANCIES, happening during the recess, may be filled tem VOTE OF ONE HOUSE, requiring concurrence of the other 1 W. WAR, Congress to declare. (See also viii. Cranch, 110, 154.) 1 8 18 shall issue 4 A* 43 WITNESS, in criminal cases, no one compelled to be against * A stands for AMENDMENT. |