TABLE V. Exhibiting the Agricultural Productions, Number of Deaths, &c., according to the Census of 1850. TABLE VI. Official Synopsis of the Census of Great Britain. [Taken Gr. Brit. & Irel'd 27,452,262 129,000 $3,333,333,333 250,000,000 2,750,000,000 $9 France 36,000,000 265,000 886,666,666 335,000,000 1,600,000,000 91/4 70,000,000 700,000 488,666,666 550,000,000 Unknown 61 72 37,000,000 500,000 733,333,333 500,000,000 66 13 * Persons in the army, the navy, and the merchant vessels, and out of the country when the census was taken, 167,604. † Increase of uninhabited houses. The whole debt of all the powers of Europe is about ten billions of dollars, (which has been incurred to sustain the wars of kings and emperors.) This gives an average, for each family of five persons, of nearly $200. [See page 312.] The amounts in this column go to the annual support of the army and government, and not to pay the national debt. The Englishman pays an annual tax to support the army, &c., to the amount of oneeleventh of all his income; while the Frenchman, for the same purposes, pays one-fifth. The yearly income from the productive industry of the 36,000,000 of people in France is but little more than half that of the 27,000,000 in Great Britain. In England there are 630,721 voters; in Wales, 37,924; in Scotland, 72,720; and in Ireland, 98,006. In France there are only 250,000 voters. In England, one person out of every 26 is a voter; in Wales, 1 to 23; in Scotland, 1 to 38; and in Ireland, 1 to 81. In France, there is only 1 voter to 137 persons. In the United States, there is 1 voter to 7 persons. See Jeff. Man. p. 174 this book. § 9. When an amendment to an amendment is adopted by an assembly, it is in order further to move to amend the proposed amendment as it stands in its new form. In this way any proposed amendment may be amended so long as an assembly deem it capable of being improved, or, in other words, for an indefinite number of times; § 10. But no motion to amend is in order during the pending of the question to amend an amendment to an amendment, and the adoption of the first amendment either with or without amendment, precludes, at once, all further consideration of it, at that stage of the bill. APPENDIΧ.* Brief directions to youth, and those inexperienced, who wish to establish and conduct properly Literary and Debating Societies. When you intend to write or speak on any subject, endeavor to obtain all possible information pertaining to the same, both by reading and inquiry, and strive to keep in mind the five following rules for THINKING THEREON: 1. Endeavor to reason clearly and concisely on each part of the subject, and all matters pertaining thereto. 2. Think connectedly of each part with reference to the whole subject. 3. View all the parts of the subject in their most extensive and varied applications. 4. Examine the subject in all its relations and bearings with other subjects of a similar nature. 5. Arrange all your thoughts on the subject in a proper method, and a just order, so that others may easily understand and remember your observations. The following RULES OF METHOD, in arranging a composition, will be found useful to the young or inexperienced. 1. "Use great care and caution in laying the foundations of a discourse, and carefully digest your thoughts upon the subject. 2. Let your primary and fundamental propositions be not only evident and true, but make them familiar to your mind. 3. Draw up all your propositions and arguments with much caution, and express your ideas with exact limitation, so as to preclude objections. 4. Begin with those things which are best known, and most obvious, and proceed by regular and easy steps to things that are more difficult, so that your auditors or readers may attend without fatigue. 5. Do not crowd too many thoughts and reasonings into one sentence or paragraph, so as to exceed the capacity of those you address. 6. Avoid too many subdivisions; yet divide every complicated theme into its distinct parts, as far as the nature of the subject and your design require. 7. Arrange every idea, proposition, and argument in its proper class, and keep each part of the subject in its own place. * This Appendix contains an outline for assisting youth, and those inexperienced, in conducting discussions and preparing lectures. 8. Never prove those things which need no proof, and do not suffer every occasional and incidental thought to induce you to digress or wander from the subject." METHOD is Analytical or Synthetical: 1. "The Analytical method resolves the compound into its principles, and the whole into its parts. 2. The Synthetical method begins with the parts and leads to a whole, or it puts together the principles and forms a compound. All Arguments are termed either metaphysical, physical, political, moral, mechanical, or theological, according to the science or subject from which they are drawn. The Argumentum ad judicium is an appeal to the common sense of mankind. The Argumentum ad fidem is an appeal to our faith. The Argumentum ad hominem is an appeal to the practices or professed principles of our opponent. The Argumentum ad populum is an appeal to the people. The Argumentum ex concesso is when something is proved by means of another proposition previously conceded. The Argumentum ad passiones is an appeal to the passions." RHETORICAL ARRANGEMENT. THE arguments of every discourse, or oration, or composition, should be properly classified and arranged. The parts of a discourse are sometimes five, and sometimes six, viz. the Exordium, the Narration, the Proposition, the Confirmation, the Refutation, and the Peroration. 1. The Exordium. In the Exordium, or beginning of a discourse, the writer or speaker gives some intimation of his subject, and solicits favor and attention. In this part he ought to be clear and modest; and whatever is trifling, tedious, and prolix, should be avoided. 2. The Narration. The Narration is a brief recital of the facts connected with the case from the beginning to the end. This part of a discourse ought to be plain and perspicuous, that it may be understood; and probable and consistent, that it may be believed. 3. The Proposition. In this part is given the true state of the question, specifying the points maintained, and those in which the writer or speaker differs from the adversary. Here also the several heads should be enumerated. 4. The Confirmation. The Confirmation assembles all the proofs and arguments which can be adduced. The strongest are to begin and to end this part, and the weakest are to come in the middle. * This division properly applies to forensic discussions. |