COR. RULE Rule 6, H. Reps. Rule 152, Cons. U. S. such legislatures of foreign governments as are in amity with the United States. R. 48. The presiding officer of the Senate shall have the regulation of such parts of the Capitol and of its passages as are or may be set apart for the use of the Senate and its officers. R. 49. Whenever a claim is presented to the Senate and referred to a committee, and the committee report that the claim ought not to be allowed, and the report be adopted by the Senate, it shall not be in order to move to take the papers from the files for the purpose of referring them at a subsequent session, unless the claimants shall present a memorial for that purpose, stating in what manner the committee have erred in their report, or that new evidence has been discovered since the report, and setting forth the new evidence in the memorial: Provided, That this rule shall not extend to any case where an adverse report, not in writing, shall have been made prior to the 25th of January, 1842. R. 50. Any officer or member of the Senate convicted of disclosing for publication any written or printed matter directed by the Senate to be held in confidence shall be liable, if an officer, to dismissal from the service of the Senate, and, in the case of a member, to suffer expulsion from the body. " ABSENCE, from the Senate, not allowed without leave- without leave, in cases of, the Sergeant-at-arms may be sent 8 8 ADJOURNMENT, motion for, has precedence - 11 ADMISSION on the floor, the persons entitled to 47 AMENDMENTS to a resolution to amend the Constitution, carried by a on second reading, considered as in committee of the whole 28 29 " titles of, only, and parts affected by amendments, inserted on the 31 C. Rule CHAIR to be addressed CHARACTER of persons nominated to be kept secret CLAIMS, effect of decisions upon COMMIT, motion to, in order at any time before final passage COMMITTEES, standing 3 39 49 29 33 mous COMMUNICATIONS, confidential to be kept secret CONFIDENCE, respecting violations of CONSENT, bills may be read three times in one day, by unanimous CONSTITUTION, what majority requisite to amend a resolution proposing 38 50 26 nominations may be considered on the day received, by unani- amendments to the - 43 CONVERSATION among the members, not allowed during the debate, or while papers are reading 2 D. DEBATE, no member to speak more than twice, in one day, in the same, FLOOR OF SENATE, the persons entitled to admission on the G. GALLERIES, when they shall be cleared J. JOURNAL, to be read on a quorum assembling Rule 1 66 to contain the titles only of bills, and the parts affected by 31 " every vote to be entered on 32 a brief statement of every memorial, petition, and paper, to 32 " to be as concise as possible, when acting as in committee of 32 " engrossed bills to be entered on 32 L. LEAVE to bring in a bill, one day's notice of motion for required Μ. MEMBERS, prohibited from speaking to each other during debate 66 present, not a quorum, empowered to send for absent mem- after speaking shall sit down 25 2 8 22 3 3 4 first rising and addressing the chair, shall speak first 5 6 senator 7 MEMORIAL OR PETITION, contents of, shall be stated before received made and seconded, shall, if desired, be reduced to writing 10 10 privileged, in reference to select or standing committees to reconsider, when and by whom may be made 35 18 19 44 Ν. NEWSPAPERS, not to be read while a member is speaking NOMINATIONS not to be considered on the day received, unless by con " sent not finally acted on during the session, to fall NOTICE of one day required of an intended motion for leave to bring in 2 36 36 appeals on questions of, may be made from the President's de- on questions of, the President may require the sense of the Senate upon a call to, by a senator, for words spoken, the exceptionable 6 6 7 P. PAPERS AND DOCUMENTS not to be printed without special order - |