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A Committee on Commerce.

A Committee on Manufactures.

A Committee on Agriculture.

A Committee on Military Affairs.

A Committee on the Militia.

A Committee on Naval Affairs.

A Committee on Public Lands.

A Committee on Private Land Claims.

A Committee on Indian Affairs.

A Committee of Claims.

A Committee on Revolutionary Claims.

A Committee on the Judiciary.

A Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.

A Committee on Roads and Canals.

A Committee on Pensions.

A Committee on the District of Columbia.

A Committee on Patents and the Patent Office.

A Committee on Retrenchment, to consist of five members, whose duty it shall be to take into consideration the expenditures of the government in the several departments thereof, and to inquire whether any, and, if any, what retrenchment can be made, without injury to the public service; and to report thereupon, together with such propositions relative thereto as to them shall seem expedient.

A Committee on Territories, to consist of five members.

A Committee of three members, whose duty it shall be to audit and control the contingent expenses of the Senate.

A Committee on Public Buildings, to consist of three members, to act jointly with the same committee of the House of Representatives.

A Committee on Printing, to consist of three members, to whom shall be referred every question on the printing of documents, reports, or other matter transmitted by


H. REPS. either of the executive departments, and all memorials, petitions, accompanying documents, together with all other matter, the printing of which shall be moved, excepting bills originating in Congress, resolutions offered by any senator, communications from the legislatures of the respective States, and motions to print by order of the standing committees of the Senate; and it shall be the duty of such Committee on Printing to report in every case in one day, or sooner, if practicable

Rules 7, 8,
H. Reps.

Rule 47,
H. Reps.

Exccutive business,

Rule 61,

And a committee, consisting of three members, whose duty it shall be to examine all bills, amendments, resolutions, or motions, before they go out of possession of the Senate, and shall deliver the same to the Secretary of the Senate, who shall enter upon the Journal that the same have been correctly engrossed.

R. 34. In the appointment of the standing committees the Senate will proceed by ballot severally to appoint the chairman of each committee, and then, by one ballot, the other members necessary to complete the same; and a majority of the whole number of votes given shall be necessary to the choice of a chairman of a standing committee. All other committees shall be appointed by ballot, and a plurality of votes shall make a choice. When any subject or matter shall have been referred to a committee, any other subject or matter of a similar nature may, on motion, be referred to such committee.

R. 35. When motions are made for reference of the same subject to a select committee, and to a standing committee, the question on reference to the standing committee shall be first put.

R. 36. When nominations shall be made in writing by &c. the President of the United States to the Senate, a future H. Reps. day shall be assigned, unless the Senate unanimously direct otherwise, for taking them into consideration. Nominations neither approved nor rejected during the session at which they are made, shall not be acted upon

at any succeeding session without being again made by the President. When the President of the United States shall meet the Senate in the Senate chamber, the President of the Senate shall have a chair on the floor, considered as the head of the Senate, and his chair shall be assigned to the President of the United States. When the Senate shall be convened by the President of the United States to any other place, the President of the Senate and senators shall attend at the place appointed. The Secretary of the Senate shall also attend to take the minutes of the Senate.

R. 37. Whenever a treaty shall be laid before the Senate for ratification, it shall be read a first time for information only; when no motion to reject, ratify, or modify the whole, or any part, shall be received. Its second reading shall be for consideration and on a subsequent day; when it shall be taken up as in committee of the whole, and every one shall be free to move a question on any particular article, in this form: "Will the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of this article?" or to propose amendments thereto, either by inserting or by leaving out words; in which last case, the question shall be, "Shall these words stand as part of the article?" And in every of the said cases, the concurrence of two-thirds of the senators present shall be requisite to decide affirmatively. And when through the whole, the proceedings shall be stated to the house, and questions shall be again severally put thereon for confirmation, or new ones proposed, requiring, in like manner, a concurrence of two-thirds, for whatever is retained or inserted; the votes so confirmed shall, by the house, or a committee thereof, be reduced into the form of a ratification, with or without modifications, as may have been decided, and shall be proposed on a subsequent day, when every one shall again be free to move amendments, either by inserting or leaving out words; in which last


Sce Const
II., Sec. 2,

U. S., Art.

page 28.


Rule 112,

Rule 112,
H. Reps.

Rule 112,
H. Reps.

Rule 142,
H. Reps.

Cons. U. S.
Art. II.,
Sec. 3.

case, the question shall be, "Shall these words stand as part of the resolution?" And, in both cases, the concurrence of two-thirds shall be requisite to carry the affirmative, as well as, on the final question, to advise and consent to the ratification in the form agreed to.

R. 38. All confidential communications, made by the President of the United States to the Senate, shall be by the members thereof kept secret; and all treaties which may be laid before the Senate shall also be kept sec until the Senate shall, by their resolution, take off t injunction of secrecy.

R. 39. All information or remarks, touching or con cerning the character or qualifications of any person nominated by the President to office, shall be kept secret.

R. 40. When acting on confidential or executive business, the Senate shall be cleared of all persons, except the Secretary, the principal or the executive Clerk, the Sergeant-at-arms and Doorkeeper, and the Assistant Doorkeeper.

R. 41. The legislative proceedings, the executive proceedings, and the confidential legislative proceedings of the Senate, shall be kept in separate and distinct books.*

R. 42. The President of the United States shall, from time to time, be furnished with an authenticated transcript of the executive records of the Senate; and all nominations approved, or definitively acted on by the Senate, shall be returned by the Secretary, from day to day, as such proceedings may occur; but no further extract from the executive Journal shall be furnished, except by special order; and no paper, except original treaties transmitted to the Senate by the President of the United States, or any executive officer, shall be returned or delivered from the office of the Secretary, without an order of the Senate for that purpose.

* See Constitution of the U. States, Art. I., Sec. 5, p. 12.

R. 43. When an amendment to be proposed to the nstitution is under consideration, the concurrence of o-thirds of the members present shall not be requisite decide any question for amendments, or extending to 3 merits, being short of the final question.

Cons. U. S
Art. V.,
Sec. 1.

H. Reps.

R. 44. When any question may have been decided by Rule 56, Senate, in which two-thirds of the members present necessary to carry the affirmative, any member who tes on that side which prevailed in the question, may at liberty to move for a reconsideration; and a motion reconsideration shall be decided by a majority of


R. 45. Messages shall be sent to the House of Repre- Joint R. 4. ntatives by the Secretary, who shall previously endorse e final determination of the Senate thereon.

R. 46. Messengers are introduced in any state of busiess, except while a question is putting, while the yeas nd nays are calling, or while the ballots are counting. R. 47. The following persons, and none others, shall e admitted on the floor of the Senate: members of the House of Representatives, and their Clerk; the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, the Attorney General, and the Postmaster General; the private Secretary of the President, chaplains to Congress, judges of the United States, foreign ministers, and their secretaries; officers who, by name, have received, or shall hereafter receive, the thanks of Congress for their gallantry and good conduct in the service of their country, or who have received medals by a vote of Congress; the governor for the time being of any State or Territory of the Union; the exgovernors of the several States; the ex-officers of the Senate; such gentlemen as have been heads of departments, or members of either branch of Congress; persons who, for the time being, belong to the respective State and Territorial legislatures; and persons belonging to

Rule 27,
H. Reps.

Rule 17,
H. Reps.

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