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epidemic of 1832 being widely blazoned. His rating in that profession is indicated by his nomination to the post of physician to the British Embassy at Brussels, where he remained three years, coming back in 1842 to be editor of the Dublin University Magazine, which he brought into prominence. In 1845 he went to live in Florence; leaving that city in 1858 to accept the consulship at Spezia, and going to Triest in 1867 to fill the same position there.

Lever's best-known and best-loved novels are those of his younger manhood, 'Harry Lorrequer' (1837), 'Charles O'Malley' (1840), and 'Tom Burke of Ours' (1844): they are dashing tales of dare-devil Irish soldier life of the early century. Martial courage, gallantry, song, drink, the salt of fun and the zest of life are in them; and they are told in a straight-away breezy fashion and with an honesty of character that is winning. Lever's spirit was very sweet and human. He was a natural story-teller, too; neither of the highest nor deepest, but sure to be read and kindly remembered. He was a voluminous and industrious writer; his novels numbering over thirty, and his last, 'Lord Kilgobbin,' appearing the year he died. A few of them, the outflow of his prime of vigor, certainly have the marks of a vital product. Lever died at Triest in 1872; like his contemporary and friend Thackeray, he passed away in his sleep.



From Charles O'Malley'

EVER did the morning break more beautifully than on the 12th of May, 1809. Huge masses of fog-like vapor had succeeded to the starry, cloudless night; but one by one they moved onward toward the sea, disclosing as they passed long tracts of lovely country, bathed in a rich golden glow. The broad Douro, with its transparent current, shone out like a brightcolored ribbon meandering through the deep garment of fairest green; the darkly shadowed mountains which closed the background loomed even larger than they were, while their summits were tipped with the yellow glory of the morning. The air was calm and still, and the very smoke that arose from the peasant's cot labored as it ascended through the perfumed air; and save the ripple of the stream, all was silent as the grave.

The squadron of the 14th, with which I was, had diverged from the road beside the river, and to obtain a shorter path, had entered the skirts of a dark pine wood: our pace was a sharp


one; an orderly had been already dispatched to hasten our arrival, and we pressed on at a brisk trot. In less than an hour we reached the verge of the wood; and as we rode out upon the plain, what a spectacle met our eyes! Before us, in a narrow valley, separated from the river by a low ridge, were picketed three cavalry regiments; their noiseless gestures and perfect stillness bespeaking at once that they were intended for a surprise party. Farther down the stream and upon the opposite side rose the massive towers and tall spires of Oporto, displaying from their summits the broad ensign of France: while far as the eye could reach, the broad dark masses of troops might be seen; the intervals between their columns glittering with the bright equipments of their cavalry, whose steel caps and lances were sparkling in the sunbeams. The bivouac fires were still smoldering, and marking where some part of the army had passed the night: for early as it was, it was evident that their position had been changed; and even now, the heavy masses of dark infantry might be seen moving from place to place, while the long line of the road to Vallonga was marked with a vast cloud of dust. The French drum and the light infantry bugle told, from time to time, that orders were passing among the troops; while the glittering uniform of a staff officer, as he galloped from the town, bespoke the note of preparation.


Steady: quietly, my lads," said the colonel as he alighted upon the grass. "Let the men have their break


The little amphitheatre we occupied hid us entirely from all observation on the part of the enemy, but equally so excluded us from perceiving their movements. It may readily be supposed, then, with what impatience we waited here; while the din and clangor of the French force, as they marched and countermarched so near us, were clearly audible. The orders were, however, strict that none should approach the bank of the river; and we lay anxiously awaiting the moment when this inactivity should cease. More than one orderly had arrived among us, bearing dispatches from headquarters; but where our main body was, or what the nature of the orders, no one could guess. As for me, my excitement was at its height; and I could not speak for the very tension of my nerves. The officers stood in little groups of two and three, whispering anxiously together; but all I could collect was, that Soult had already begun his retreat upon

Amarante, and that with the broad stream of the Douro between us he defied our pursuit.

"Well, Charley," said Power, laying his arm upon my shoulder, "the French have given us the slip this time: they are already in march, and even if we dared force a passage in the face of such an enemy, it seems there is not a boat to be found. I have just seen Hammersley."

"Indeed! where is he?" said I.

"He's gone back to Villa de Condé; he asked after you most particularly. Don't blush, man: I'd rather back your chance than his, notwithstanding the long letter that Lucy sends him. Poor fellow he has been badly wounded, but it seems, declines going back to England."

"Captain Power," said an orderly, touching his cap, "General Murray desires to see you."

Power hastened away, but returned in a few moments.

"I say, Charley, there's something in the wind here. I have just been ordered to try where the stream is fordable. I've mentioned your name to the General, and I think you'll be sent for soon. Good-by."

I buckled on my sword, and looking to my girths, stood watching the groups around me; when suddenly a dragoon pulled his horse short up, and asked a man near me if Mr. O'Malley was there?

"Yes, I am he."

"Orders from General Murray, sir," said the man, and rode off at a canter.

I opened, and saw that the dispatch was addressed to Sir Arthur Wellesley, with the mere words, "With haste!" on the envelope.

Now which way to turn I knew not; so springing into the saddle, I galloped to where Colonel Merivale was standing talking to the colonel of a heavy dragoon regiment.

"May I ask, sir, by which road I am to proceed with this dispatch ?"

heavy,- a large dark-browed "You'll soon see the troops;

"Along the river, sir," said the man, with a most forbidding look. you'd better stir yourself, sir, or Sir Arthur is not very likely to be pleased with you."

Without venturing a reply to what I felt a somewhat unnecessary taunt, I dashed spurs into my horse, and turned towards

9029 the river. I had not gained the bank above a minute when the loud ringing of a rifle struck upon my ear; bang went another and another. I hurried on, however, at the top of my speed, thinking only of my mission and its pressing haste. As I turned an angle of the stream, the vast column of the British came in sight; and scarcely had my eye rested upon them when my horse staggered forwards, plunged twice with his head nearly to the earth, and then, rearing madly up, fell backward upon the ground. Crushed and bruised as I felt by my fall, I was soon aroused to the necessity of exertion: for as I disengaged myself from the poor beast, I discovered he had been killed by a bullet in the counter; and scarcely had I recovered my legs when a shot struck my chago and grazed my temples. I quickly threw myself to the ground, and creeping on for some yards, reached at last some rising ground, from which I rolled gently downwards into a little declivity, sheltered by the bank from the French fire.

When I arrived at headquarters I was dreadfully fatigued and heated; but resolving not to rest till I had delivered my dispatches, I hastened towards the convent of La Sierra, where I was told the commander-in-chief was.

As I came into the court of the convent, filled with general officers and people of the staff, I was turning to ask how I could proceed, when Hixley caught my eye.

"Well, O'Malley, what brings you here?"

Dispatches from General Murray."

"Indeed! Oh, follow me."

He hurried me rapidly through the buzzing crowd, and ascending a large gloomy stair, introduced me into a room where about a dozen persons in uniform were writing at a long deal table.

"Captain Gordon," said he, addressing one of them, "dispatches requiring immediate attention have just been brought by this officer."

Before the sentence was finished the door opened, and a short slight man in a gray undress coat, with a white cravat and a cocked hat, entered. The dead silence that ensued was not necessary to assure me that he was one in authority: the look of command his bold stern features presented, the sharp piercing eye, the compressed lip, the impressive expression of the whole face, told plainly that he was one who held equally himself and others in mastery.


"Send General Sherbroke here," said he to an aide-de-camp. "Let the light brigade march into position;" and then turning suddenly to me:

"Whose dispatches are these?"

"General Murray's, sir."

I needed no more than that look to assure me that this was he of whom I had heard so much, and of whom the world was still to hear so much more.

He opened them quickly, and glancing his eye across the contents, crushed the paper in his hand. Just as he did so, a spot of blood upon the envelope attracted his attention.

"How's this- are you wounded? » "No, sir: my horse was killed — » "Very well, sir; join your brigade. orders for you. Well, Waters, what news?"

But stay, I shall have

This question was addressed to an officer in a staff uniform who entered at the moment, followed by the short and bulky figure of a monk, his shaven crown and large cassock strongly contrasting with the gorgeous glitter of the costumes around him. "I say, whom have we here? »

"The Prior of Amarante, sir," replied Waters, "who has just come over. We have already by his aid secured three large barges->

"Let the artillery take up position in the convent at once," said Sir Arthur, interrupting. "The boats will be brought round to the small creek beneath the orchard. You, sir," turning to me, "will convey to General Murray-but you appear weak — you, Gordon, will desire Murray to effect a crossing at Avintas with the Germans and the Fourteenth. Sherbroke's division will occupy the Villa Nuova. What number of men can that seminary take?»

"From three to four hundred, sir. The padre mentions that all the vigilance of the enemy is limited to the river below the town."

"I perceive it," was the short reply of Sir Arthur, as placing his hands carelessly behind his back, he walked towards the window, and looked out upon the river.

All was still as death in the chamber; not a lip murmured. The feeling of respect for him in whose presence we were standing checked every thought of utterance, while the stupendous gravity of the events before us engrossed every mind and occupied

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