Nay, the operative truth necessary to a new life may possibly be communicated through and from the parent, being revealed in his looks, manners, and ways of life, before they are of an age to understand the teaching of words, for the Christian scheme,... Religious Education - Page 511924Full view - About this book
 | Edward Royall Tyler, William Lathrop Kingsley, George Park Fisher, Timothy Dwight - United States - 1861 - 992 pages
...the gospel, is really wrapped up in the life of every Christian parent, and beams out from him, aa a living epistle, before it escapes from the lips,...effectual, as the preaching of the gospel itself." pp. 21, 22. Again : " Many true Christians fall off, unwittingly, from the humanly parental modes of... | |
 | Criticism - 1861 - 1148 pages
...the gospel, is really wrapped up in the life of every Christian parent, and beams out from him, <• a living epistle, before it escapes from the lips, truth effectual, as the preaching of the gospel itaelf pp. 81, 82. Again: " Many true Christians Call off, unwittingly, from the humanly parental mode*... | |
 | Horace Bushnell - Children - 1847 - 262 pages
...age, they can receive, and that includes every thing — repentance, love, duty, dependence, faith. Nay, the operative truth necessary to a new life,...effectual, as the preaching of the gospel itself. Never is it too early for good to be communicated. Infancy and childhood are the ages most pliant to... | |
 | Horace Bushnell - Children - 1847 - 266 pages
...the teaching of words ; fo/the Christian scheme, the gospel, is really wrapped up in the life of t" every Christian parent and beams out from him as a...effectual, • as the preaching of the gospel itself. Never is it too early for \ good to be communicated. Infancy and childhood are the ages most pliant... | |
 | Horace Bushnell - Children - 1848 - 266 pages
...age, they can receive, and that includes every thing — repentance, love, duty, dependence, faith.^ Nay, the operative truth necessary to a new life, epistle, before it escapes from the lips, or is taugbt in words. And the Spirit of truth may as well make this living truth effectual, as the preaching... | |
 | Horace Bushnell - Children - 1848 - 270 pages
...age, they can receive, and that includes every thing — repentance, love, duty, dependence, faith. Nay, the operative truth necessary to a new life, epistle, before it escapes from the lips, or ia taught in words. And the Spirit of truth may as well make this living truth effectual, as the preaching... | |
 | 1859 - 748 pages
...age, they can receive, and that includes everything — repentance, love, duty, dependence, faith. Nay, the operative truth necessary to a new life may...effectual, as the preaching of the gospel itself. Never is it too early for good to be communicated. Infancy and childhood are the ages most pliant to... | |
 | 1856 - 804 pages
...age, they can receive, and that includes everything — repentance, love, duty, dependence, faith. Nay, the operative truth necessary to a new life, epistle, before it escapes from the lips, or iť taught in words. And the Spirit of truth may as well make this living truth effectual, as the preaching... | |
 | Norman Macleod - Domestics - 1857 - 200 pages
...scheme, the Gospel, is really wrapped up in the life of every Christian parent, and beams out froa him as a living epistle, before it escapes from the...effectual, as the preaching of the Gospel itself. Never is it too early for good to be communicated. Infancy and childhood are the ages most pliant to... | |
 | Horace Bushnell - Child rearing - 1861 - 448 pages
...age, they can receive, and that includes every thing — reL pentance, love, duty, dependence, faith. Nay, the . operative truth necessary to a new life,...effectual, as the preaching of the gospel itself. Never is it too early for good to be communicated. Infancy and childhood are the ages most pliant to... | |
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