ugress. The Constitutional Amendment prohibiting Slavery. Its Defeat in he House. Repeal of the Fugitive Slave Laws. New Bureaus Established.- Dther Important Legislation.-" Reconstruction."-Opposition to the Presi- dent's Policy. - The Davis Bill.-Disagreement of the two Houses thereon.-Its Final Passage. - The President withholds his Signature.-His Proclamation on the Subject. The Wade-Davis Manifesto.-Letters of Mr. Lincoln in regard to Matters in New Orleans and St. Louis, -President Lincoln's Speech at the Phil- adelphia Fair. -A Democratic National Convention Called and Postponed.- Clay, Thompson and other Conspirators in Canada. The Greeley Negotiations with them.-President Lincoln's Action in the Case.-North-western Conspi- Military Operations before Petersburg and Richmond, from June to November, 1864.-Gen. Hunter's Campaign.-Movements in the Shenandoah Valley.- Early's Invasion of Maryland.-His Demonstration against Washington.-His Retreat up the Valley, and Second Advance to the Potomac.-Burning of Chambersburg. Successes of Gen. Averill.-Battle of Moorfield. Gen. Sheri- dan takes Command in the Valley.--Admiral Farragut before Mobile. Brilliant Naval Victories.-Movements of Sheridan.-Important Successes in the Val- Gen. Sherman's Campaign in Georgia. From Marietta to Atlanta.-Passage of the Chattahoochee.-Rousseau's Raid.-Battlos before Atlanta.-Heavy losses of the Rebels after Hood Succeeds Johnston. Cavalry expeditions under Stone- man and McCook. -Their Failure. - Operations around Atlanta. -Kilpatrick's Raid. Sherman's Army on the Macon Railroad.-Battle of Jonesboro.-Cap- ture of Atlanta. Rebel Raids.-Hood's operations in Sherman's Rear.-Price's Invasion of Missouri. -General Results of the South-western Campaigns..... 604 The Presidential Canvass of 1864 concluded. Spirit of the Opposition. The North-western Conspiracy. -The Issue Concerning the Habeas Corpus and Mili- tary Arrests. Letters of Mr. Lincoln on these Subjects. -Efforts of the Rebel Cabal in Canada to influence the Election. -The State Elections of September and October. - The Voice of the Soldiers. -The Presidential Vote. -The Presi- dent's Gratitude to the Army and Navy.-Marylanda Free State.- Mr. Lincoln's Speech to Marylanders. Cipher Dispatches, and Schemes of the Canadian Second Session of the Thirty-Eighth Congress.-President Lincoln's last Annual Message.-Cabinet Changes. Mr. Blair withdraws, and Gov. Dennison becomes Postmaster-General. Mr. Speed Succeeds Judge Bates, as Attorney-General.- Death of Chief Justice Taney. -Mr. Chase his Successor. -Our Relations with Canada.-The Reciprocity Treaty to Terminate.-Call for 300,000 more Sol- diers.-Amendment of the Constitution Prohibiting Slavery, Concurred in by the House.-Popular Rejoicing. - The Rebel Treatment of Union Prisoners.- Retaliation Discussed in the Senate, but Repugnant to Public Sentiment. The Wharncliffe Correspondence. Testimony of Goldwin Smith. Peace Memorial from Great Britain. -Correspondence Thereon. Congratulatory Address of the Workingmen of Great Britain. Speech of Mr. Lincoln in Reply to the Swe- dish Minister. - Speech of Mr. Lincoln on the Death of Edward Everett.-Polit- ical affairs in Tennessee, Louisiana and Arkansas.-Abortive Peace Negotia- tions. Full Details of the Hampton Roads' Conference. -Rebel accounts of the Same. Affairs in Richmond.-Close of the Thirty-Eighth Congress. -Creation Winter Campaigns of 1864-5. - Movement of Sherman from Atlanta to Savannah. -Fort McAllister Carried by Assault. -Communication Opened with Admiral Dahlgren's Flect.-Savannah Occupied by Sherman.-Movements of Hood and Beauregard.-Campaign in Tennessee. - Battle of Franklin. The Armies Before Nashville. Raid of Stoneman and Burbridge. Battle of Nashville.--Defeat and Rout of Hood's Army.-Movements Against Wilmington.-Failure of the ! First Attack on Fort Fisher. Success of the Second Expedition.-Fort Fisher Captured by Terry and Porter.-Movements of the Army Before Petersburg.- Sherman's Campaign in the Carolinas.-Capture of Charleston and Wilming- ton.-Advance of Schofield and Terry on Goldsboro-Battles of Averysboro and Bentonville. Occupation of Goldsboro and Union of the Three Armies in North Carolina.-Movements in Virginia. Conference at City Point............ Close of President Lincoln's First Term. -Order to Gen. Grant in regard to Peace Negotiations. The Fourth of March.-Inauguration Ceremonies. Mr. Lin- coln's Second Inaugural Address. Contrasts. Cabinet Changes.-Indisposi- tion of the President.-His Speech at the National Hotel on Negro Soldiers in the Rebel Armies.-He Visits Gen. Grant's Headquarters. The Military Situa- tion. Conference with his Chief Generals. - Movement of the Forces under Meade and Sheridan.-Fighting near Dinwiddie Court House. Sheridan's Vic- tory at the Five Forks.-Attack of Wright and Parke on the Lines before Peters- burg. The Sixth Corps Carry the Enemy's Works.-Petersburg Evacuated.- Pursuit of the Enemy. Richmond Taken.-Dispatches of Mr. Lincoln. The Nation's Joy.-Lee's Army Closely Pressed.-Captures at Sailor's Creck. -Sur- render of Lee.-Mr. Lincoln at Richmond.-His Visit to the City Point Hospi- tal.-His Return to Washington.-Peace Rejoicings. Speeches of Mr. Lin- coln.-Important Proclamations.-Demand on Great Britain for Indemnity.- Closing Military Movements. Reduction of the Army. Mr. Lincoln's Last Last Days of Mr. Lincoln.-His Assassination.-Attack on Mr. Seward.-Remains of Mr. Lincoln lying in State. Obsequies at Washington. Removal of the Remains to Springfield, Illinois. Demonstrations along the route.-Obsequies at Springfield. The Great Crime, its authors and abettors. The Assassin's End. The Conspiracy. Complicity of Jefferson Davis.-How assassins were trained to their work.--Tributes and Testimonials. -Mr. Lincoln as a Lawyer.- Incidents and Reminiscences. Additional Speeches. - Letter to Gov. Hahn, on Negro Suffrage. Letter to Mrs. Gurney.-Letter to a Widow who had lost five Sons in the War.-Letter to a Centenarian.-A Letter written in early life.- A Speech made in 1839.-Letter to Mr. Choate, on the Pilgrim Fathers. Letter to Dr. Maclean, on receiving the Degree of LL.D.-Letter to Gov. Fletcher, of Missouri, on the restoration of order. A message to the Miners. Speech at PART I. CHAPTER I. MR. LINCOLN'S EARLY BOYHOOD IN KENTUCKY. Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln. Their residence in Pennsylvania and THE ancestors of ABRAHAM LINCOLN were of English Berks county was not very long the home of Mr. Lincoln's immediate progenitors. There can hardly have been more than a slender pioneer settlement there, when one or more of the number made another remove, not far from the year 1750, to what is now Rockingham county, Virginia. Old Berks was first settled about 1734-then, too, as a German colony-and was not organized as a county until 1752; before which date, according to family traditions, this removal to Virginia took place. This, it will be observed, was pre-eminently a pioneer stock, evidently much in love with backwoods adventure, and constantly courting the dangers and hardships of forest life. Rockingham county, Virginia, though situated in the beautiful valley of the Shenandoah, and inviting, by its natural resources, the advances of civilization, must nevertheless have been, at the time just mentioned, in the very heart of the wilderness. Now, it is one of the most productive counties of Virginia, having exceeded every other county in the State, according to the census of 1850, in its crops of wheat and hay. A branch of the family, it is understood, still remains there, to enjoy the benefits of so judicious a selection, and of the labors and imperfectly requited endurances of these first settlers. From this locality, about the year 1782, Abraham Lincoln, grandfather of him who was to make the name illustrious, started Westward across the Alleghanies, attracted by the accounts which had reached him of the wonderfully fertile and lovely country explored by Daniel Boone, on and near the Kentucky river. During all his lifetime, hitherto, he could have known little of any other kind of existence than that to which he had been educated as an adventurous frontiersman. The severe labor of preparing the heavily-timbered lands of Shenandoah for cultivation, the wild delights of hunting the then abundant game of the woods, and the exciting hazards of an uncertain warfare with savage enemies, had been almost the sole occupation of his rough and healthful life. Perhaps the settlements around him had already begun to be too far advanced for the highest enjoyment of his characteristic mode of living; or possibly, with others, he aspired to the possession of more fertile fields, and to an easier subsistence. Whatever the reazon, he set out at the time just stated, with his wife and several young children, on his long journey across the mountains, and over the broad valleys intervening between the Shenandoah and the Kentucky. At this date, and for ten or twelve years later, the present State of Kentucky formed part of the old Commonwealth of Virginia. "The dark and bloody ground," as afterward named for better reasons than the fiction which assigns this meaning to its Indian appellation, had then been but recently entered upon by the white man. Its first explorer, Daniel Boone, whose very name suggests a whole world of romance and adventure, had removed, when a mere boy, among the earlier emigrants from Eastern Pennsylvania, to Berks county. Here he must have been a contemporary resident, and was perhaps an acquaintance, of some of the younger members of the Lincoln family. At all events, as substantially one of their own neighbors, they must have watched his later course with eager interest and sympathy, and caught inspiration from his exploits. At eighteen, Boone had again emigrated with his father, as before, to the banks of the Yadkin, a mountain river in the north-west of North Carolina, at just about the same date as the removal of the Lincolns to Virginia. Some years later, Boone, in his hunting excursions, had passed over and admired large tracts of the wilderness north of his home, and especially along a branch of the Cumberland river, within the limits of what is now Kentucky. It was not until 1769, however, that, with five associates, he made the thorough exploration of the Kentucky valley, which resulted in the subsequent settlements there. The glowing descriptions, which ultimately got abroad, of the incredible richness and beauty of these new and remote forest-climes of Trans-Alleghanian Virginia, and of their alluring hunting-grounds, must have early reached the ears of the boyhood-companions of Daniel Boone, and spread through the neighboring country. The stirring adventures of the pioneer hero, during the next five or six years, and the beginnings of substantial settlements in that far-west country, must have suggested new attractions thitherward, to the more |