| Constitutional law - 1783 - 492 pages
...right to elect officers, and to be ejecled for public employments. X. Each individual of the fociety has a right to be protected by it, in the enjoyment of his life, liberty, and property, according to flanding laws. He is obliged, confequently, to contribute his mare to the expence of this protection... | |
 | William Winterbotham - America - 1796 - 590 pages
...right to eleft officers, and to be elefted for public employments. X. Each individual of the focicty has a right to be protected by it, in the enjoyment...of his life, liberty, and property, according t'o {landing laws. He is obíinecí, confcquently, to соиtribu!*, his (hare to the expenfe .of this... | |
 | Constitutions - 1804 - 372 pages
...qualifications, has equal right to elect, and be elected, into office. XII. Every member of the community has a right to be protected by it, in the enjoyment of his life, liberty and property ; he is therefore bound to contribute his share ht the expense of such protection, and to yield his... | |
 | Ignatius Thomson - Chronology - 1810 - 220 pages
...qualifications, has equal right to cleft and be elefted into office. Every member 'ofthe community has a right to be protected by it, in the enjoyment of his life, liberty and property : he is therefore bound to contribute his fhare in the expenfe of fuch protection, and to yield his... | |
 | Mathew Carey - Political parties - 1817 - 476 pages
...declaration of rights of the state of New-Hampshire, expressly provides that " Every member of the community has a right to be protected by it, in the enjoyment of his life, liberty, and property: he is therefore bound to contribute his share to the expense of such protection; and tfj"TO YIELt>... | |
 | Trials (Impeachment) - 1821 - 248 pages
...in the tenth article of the declaration of rights, which is in these words, viz : "Each individu.il of the society has a right to be protected by it in...liberty and property, according to standing laws." Now, Sir, let the great fundamental principle which is recognized in this provision, be applied to... | |
 | Octavius Pickering, William Howard Gardiner - Trials (Impeachment) - 1821 - 238 pages
...declaration of rights, which is in these worcls, viz : "Each individual of tlie society has a ri»ht to be protected by it in the enjoyment .of his life,...liberty and property, according to standing laws." Now, Sir, let the grent fundamental principle which is recognized in this provision, be applied to... | |
 | Octavius Pickering, William Howard Gardiner - Trials (Impeachment) - 1821 - 238 pages
...declaration of rights, which is in these words, viz : " Each individual of the society has a »slit to be protected by it in the enjoyment of his life, liberty aml property, according to standing laws." Now, Sir, let the great fundamental prineiple which is recognized... | |
 | Boston (Mass.). Common Council - Boston (Mass.) - 1822 - 148 pages
...government, have an equal right to elect officers, and to be elected, for public employments. ARTICLE X. Each individual of the society has a right to be protected...liberty, and property, according to standing laws. He is obliged, consequently, to contribute his share to the expense of this protection ; to give his... | |
 | Massachusetts - 1826 - 132 pages
...officers, and to be elected, for public employments. X. Each individual of the society has a rijjht to be protected by it, in the enjoyment of his life, liberty, arid property, according to standing laws. He is obliged, consequently, to contribute his share to... | |
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