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tariff or a low tariff; on a specie or a paper currency; on partial or impartial suffrage; and the nation is in an uproar, the people forming themselves into parties which go for one or more and against the residue of these measures. So violent do inconsiderate persons become in the discussion, that they resort to any means to carry their point. One denounces the other as being all that is bad; and the other proclaims his opponent the immediate offspring of his satanic majesty.

Now, all this is weak and childish Slight differences in opinion, where moral principle is not involved, are not to be construed into intentional wickedness. High-minded statesmen are above party, as high-minded Christians are above the creed which they themselves make.

When such questions as "liberty or slavery" are up for discussion or action, the hearts of men enter into them, and there can be no compromise, no concession, no submission. Then it is property and pride on one side, with moral principle and patriotism on the other.

Politicians may be so astute as to thwart the right and perpetuate a great wrong for years. But God is great, and truth is the grand underlying principle of his government; appreciating this, we may confidently declare that the right will finally prevail. When one honestly seeks the good of his fellow-men; when he favors the dissemination of intelligence, temperance, and true religion, he may be safely trusted. But if he oppose these leading features of social progress and a true civilization; if he identify himself with dishonest men, with low demagogues, gamblers, boxers, bullies, libertines, and other vagabonds, why, we may readily infer where he naturally belongs, for

"Birds of a feather flock together." But honest men may honestly differ without being open to the charges of corruption or venality. The differences of opinion entertained by honest men with reference to the same thing, leads to the discovery of its essential character, discloses its value.

The golden rule, "To do as we would be done by," is as applicable here as elsewhere. We should seek moderation, counsel self-restraint, and rise above party into the realms of truth, justice, kindness, and godliness.


On the 8th of last June we commenced a series of every afternoon lectures, at our NEW CLASS-ROOM," 389 Broadway, New York, over the Phrenological Museum, which were fully attended by ladies and gentlemen of intelligence and influence; and though the weather was warm, and sometimes very rainy, there seemed to be no abatement of interest. The subjects of the lectures may be understood by the following general titles: How to read character on scientific principles.

How to choose a pursuit to which one is best adapted.

How to choose clerks for buying, selling, and keeping accounts.

How to improve the intellectual faculties, including the memory.

How to regulate, restrain, and direct the passions.

How to rise in the world, and make the most of our opportunities.

Peculiarities of notable men. Self-reliance, perseverance, genius.

How to train up a child in accordance with principles of nature and revelation.

How to think and how to speak. Philosophy and oratory.

Tact and talent. The available and the more

profound mind and character.

Moral culture and integrity, the foundations of society and all good government. The social relations. Who are and who are not adapted to wedlock.

Why study Phrenology? Is it true? What is its use?

Energy of character, will, enterprise, zeal, force, executiveness, efficiency.

Influence of temperament on character, disposition, capability.

The moral faculties. Man a religious being by organization.

Brain versus physique. The symmetrical development of mind and body. What large or small foreheads indicate. "Habits" of mind and body; how changed. Culture of soul, or spirit, while related to to the body.

What is intemperance, in its broadest sense? explained by Phrenology and Physiology.

'Signs of character,” as indicated by physiognomy, complexion, action, etc.

Instinct and reason. The line of demarkation drawn by science.

It gives us pleasure to say that this experiment of daily afternoon lectures has proved a decided success. Strangers in the city, merchants borrowing an hour from business, and ladies who can not so conveniently leave their homes during the evening, can attend a lecture every afternoon from three to four o'clock, and it affords them agreeable recreation in going and coming, and profitable entertainment while listening to the lectures. Moreover, it enables them to store up matter worthy of their notice, respecting the proper training, management, and discipline of themselves, their children, their servants, and the development of their

own minds. During the sultry mid-summer, or "heated term," these lectures may be suspended, but will be resumed again in the autumn, and the public duly notified of the time.

Thus, instead of “itinerating," and repeating a few lectures, all our life long, we are now enabled, by the aid of our extensive cabinet or museum, and by anatomical dissections, to furnish fresh and original materials, daily, month after month, to ever-changing and appreciative audiences, who assemble here from all parts of the wide world.

Hitherto we have been without the facilities for presenting this whole subject in a manner so thoroughly satisfactory to ourselves.

Daily scientific lectures in the metropolis, on all our duties and relations of life from this standpoint, will be a new feature in New York, and an example to other cities, both in the New and in the Old World. Rejoice with us in this new hope for present and future usefulness. The next step will probably be to secure a larger and more commodious hall; but the new Class-room" will answer for the present.

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The PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL contains portraits and sketches of several noted personages, with other articles on a variety of topics, besides the matter pertaining to its specialty. There is no periodical that comes to our office which displays more ability in its "make up" than this. Its views, however, on many subjects, are often in direct opposition to our own.-Christian Intelligencer.

WE like the Christian Intelligencer, for it is a fresh, frank, honest, out-spoken, reformatory paper. It denounces wickedness in and out of the church; condemns error, and commends right. Furthermore, though strictly orthodox it is not bigoted or illiberal; still," we have a little bone to pick" with the C. I. Re-read the above "notice" of the A. P. J. We cheerfully accept what it says about “ability," etc., but demur to the words, "Its views on many subjects are in direct opposition to our own." What can the editor mean? Are not all our teachings tending to one end? and in the same direction? Are we not agreed as to the common vices of drunkenness, gambling, and every species of dissipation? Are we not equally the advocates of education, temperance, reforms, and religion? Do we not acknowledge alike the same God and Saviour? Then wherein are our views opposed? We seek to teach the truth as we find it revealed in nature and in books. Are we in error?

POLITICAL SLANG AND SLANDER.—It is unfortunate that any others than gentlemen have to do with conducting that great educator of the people, "THE PRESS." When low, dissipated, pot-house politicians get hold of it, they only disgust decent people with their vulgarity, obscenity, and profanity. Respectable families will not have the nasty trash in their houses. Why do not the law-makers prescribe a code for the better regulation of these things? We suppose there is no remedy, except for those who have a regard for public morals to frown down all coarse vulgarity.





IN the engraving opposite are presented the portraits of several distinguished European and also some representative national types. They are taken from a German phrenological publication edited by Mr. Gustave Scheve, to whom the larger part of the descriptive remarks on character, in the following sketches, must be credited.


The study of the head and character of Louis Napoleon, the first in the series of engravings, is interesting, from both the standpoints of phrenology and biography. Indeed, without taking into account these, and the surrounding circumstances of his life, he would be almost an enigma to us. We can understand Bismarck in his every word and deed, because his large Firmness and his conscience work for a united Germany; but how difficult it is to reconcile the first promise of Louis Napoleon, "to act always in the interest of the masses, the source of all right and of all wealth, although destitute of the one, and without guaranty for the other," with his subsequent course! Following in the steps of his uncle, Napoleon I., his chief feature of character seems to be an unprincipled imitational ambition, which, unchecked by any large development of Conscientiousness, and constantly fed by an uncontrolled imagination, underlies the greater part of his political acts.

Gustave Scheve, in his little work entitled Phrenologischen Reisenbilder (Phrenological Pictures of Travels), gives us an interesting sketch of Napoleon's character, the results of a personal inspection. "His head is very broad at the upper part. It is probably an inch and a half broader at the top than the head of the first Napoleon. His forehead is strongly arched or long. The organs of the sense of Ideality and the sense for what is new and wonderful are very large in Napoleon III. as compared with Napoleon I. While, therefore, the two men are men of understanding, Napoleon III. is in a high degree a man of imagination, which Napoleon I. was not. His deeds, therefore, are not merely directed by the understanding, and are not merely steps of comprehension and shrewdness, suggested and controlled by circumstances, but his whole soul lives in his own creations, and is inspired by them. And this imagination in his character explains two things which we have earlier found inexplicable in him. First, his earlier adventurous actions, which occurred even as late as manhood.

Great as the power of thinking was in him, it was nevertheless controlled by a strong imagination. And it is by his imagination that the great and principal error of his government is explained, which contradicts his usual prudence, and has become dangerous to him-we mean his defective financial administration In men of very strong imagination

this failure in financial calculations always prevails. This imagination of Louis Napoleon is, at the same time, a security against certain acts that many fear from him. Not merely his understanding, but also his imagination declares against a war for the obtaining of the Rhenish countries. For in such a war there lies nothing which can satisfy his imagination, but only the contrary, a chaos. The imagination seeks images; lives in pictures; it is afraid of chaos. Napoleon I. went down because his power of thinking did not stand beside any power of imagination; or at least, phrenologically speaking, not the imagination of ideality, but the blind and empty imagination of ambition. The opinions on the plans of Louis Napoleon with reference to Germany would be quite different if he had the possibility of acquiring or controlling the Rhenish frontier in a peaceful way. Savoy and Nizza are bad examples, but he knows that this possibility does not exist." In drawing a comparison between Napoleon and Bismarck, Scheve says: "During a number of years Napoleon III. was the most interesting person of his time. In the last few years, however, he has found in Bismarck a worthy rival. The world was deceived in both these men at first. Napoleon III., at the beginning of his reign, was considered of not much importance; and little more was thought of Bismarck (especially of his speeches advocating the late war). The present unusual interest in both is greatly intensified by their position as rivals and adversaries-let us hope never as enemies -and by the fact that the fate of Europe, to a great extent, depends upon their talents or their wisdom. The head of Napoleon III., in the region of the ears, appears to be broader than that of Bismarck, indicating stronger Secretiveness and Cautiousness; while Bismarck's head is relatively long, and the top high; Firmness and Self-Esteem, in his case, are stronger than Caution and Secretiveness.

THE NEGRO. (German, Neger.) From Mr. Jackson's* comprehensive view of the Negro's condition and capabilities we gather the following.

Contemplated through the medium of comparative anatomy, the Negro (African) is but the embryonic, and the Mongol the infantile, form of the Caucasian or perfect man. Their differences, structural and mental, according to this view, only mark successive stages of growth, and, in reality, melt almost imperceptibly into each other. The radical defect of the Negro is want of due nervous development. His brain is less in proportion to his body than that of any other grand division of humanity, and as a result, the involuntary and animal functions altogether preponderate. Passion and affection rule principle and faculty, the basilar and posterior developments being predominant over the coronal and anterior. The African Negro is the improvable type of his race; he belongs to the redeemable families of human

"Ethnology and Phrenology as an Aid to the Historian." By J. W. Jackson, London, 1863.

ity. Hence a study of his character and capabilities is of the utmost importance. From temperament he is slow, but from organization he is persistent, his lymphatic nature being sustained by a considerable amount of Firmness and Self-Esteem. His perceptive faculties are stronger than his reflective or imaginative, and he dwells in the real rather than in the ideal. He has but little reverence for the past, and no very brilliant anticipations of the future, being, from the overwhelming strength of his sensuous nature, swallowed up in the present. It is not that the basilar region of his brain, with his Alimentiveness and Amativeness, is so inordinately powerful, but that the counterpoising elements are so pitiably weak that he gives way to his passing appetites. Simple yet affectionate, fond of his domestic relations, his Love of Approbation would have more influence than force. His elevated Veneration would indicate that he is by no means devoid of the religious sentiment; and creeds in passing through his mind become impressed with the infantile simplicity of the mold in which they have thus been recast. Altogether, he is interesting and promising, but utterly helpless. He must be taught everything. To him slavery has been of providential purport. As a slave alone could the Negro have passed in sufficient numbers to insure his efficiency. Liberia is now the fair promise of

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his future. He will return laden with the intellectual wealth and highly developed civilization of his tutors, bringing to Africa the rich dower of her future greatness and prosperity. What Africa and all tropical countries want is the Negro constitution as a basis on which any amount of Caucasian superstructure may be reared by subsequent development and admixture.

His hopeless immutability in the past has arisen from his unaltered circumstances. His development has been arrested. His features and head and hair are the same as those represented upon the tombs of the Pharoahs, because his environment has been identical with that of his ancestors. Change the influences, give him new wants, and he is stimulated to fresh exertions for their supply; give him more enlarged ideas, and they will ultimately eventuate in a grander course of action. With his bodily necessities easily supplied, and cut off by geographical isolation from the intellectual culture and social refinement of more advanced races, he has stagnated on in contented immobility through countless ages of well-fed animalism, constituting in that far-off corner of the Old World the great rearguard of the human army. But the days of this isolation are ended. He stands now face to face with the Caucasian, and he must move onward or perish. Africa has yet to reveal her wealth and the splendor of an African civilization.


Carl Otto von Bismarck-Schonhausen was born at Schonhausen, near the Elbe, April 1, 1814. His family claimed their descent, it is said, from the ancient chiefs of a Slavonian

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tribe; and from that source he inherits his fine bodily development, characteristic of that branch of the ethnological family. Broad and thick-set, with great amplitude of chest, accompanied by shortness yet muscularity of limb, he has been well able to sustain and to execute, what in most Germans has only been a dreamy idealism, namely, the grand idea of a united Germany under the leadership of Prussia.

He studied at the universities of Gottingen, Berlin, and Greifswald, and immediately afterward entered the military service as a volunteer in the Prussian light infantry, and subsequently became lieutenant in the Landwehr. In 1846

he was a member of the assembly of the province of Saxe, and of the general assembly in 1847. There he was distinguished by the boldness of his address. At that time, he is said to have advocated the extinction of all the large cities, because they were the great centers of democracy. The events of 1848 did not modify these tendencies. In 1851 he commenced his diplomatic career. In his course in the Second Chamber he had attracted the attention of King Frederick William IV., who intrusted him with the settlement of exceptional difficulties in Frankfort. In 1852 he was made envoy to Vienna; hitherto he had been a warm admirer of Austria, but he saw the danger that she engendered to the life of Germany. Austria had already a very decided influence on Germany; an enemy to union, and therefore of Bismarck. In 1858 appeared an anonymous pamphlet in Germany, entitled "Prussia and the Italian Question," discussing with great earnestness the conduct of Austria toward Italy. In that pamphlet was predicted, in the event of war, the inevitable supremacy of Prussia. Subsequent events have proved the truth of this prophecy. In 1859 he was appointed ambassador to St. Petersburg, where he remained until 1862. He gained the esteem and confidence of the Czar, who conferred upon him the order of St. Nicholas Newski. In 1862 he filled the same post in Paris, his nomination being very favorably received, and on his quitting Paris, the Emperor conferred upon him the grand cross of the Legion of Honor. The stormy conflict on the Prussian army reorganization brought Bismarck to Berlin, and on the 23d of September, 1862, he was appointed president of the council of ministers, and given the post of minister of foreign affairs. He was an earnest advocate of the reorganization of the Prussian military system, but the Chamber of Deputies were opposed to any measure that should weaken the existing Landwehr, and the royal message closed upon a very stormy session. His administration became distinguished for very lively struggles, for conflicts of power, and the strictness of the regime against the press.

Indeed, the Prussian newspapers were, and are now, under as strict an oversight as those of France. His course in the Denmark affair, which ended in the duchies of SchleswigHolstein being divided by Austria and Prussia,

did not succeed in modifying the relations between the minister and the Chamber of Deputies. In the late Austrian war, which arose partly from a quarrel about the division of the spoils of Schleswig-Holstein, Bismarck acted, through the king, quickly and successfully. His motto was then, as it had long been: "The controversies of nations are not settled with words and speeches, but with steel and gunpowder." The result of that short war has placed Prussia the foremost of European nations, and Bismarck the foremost of statesmen. He has become the guiding head of united Germany through her difficult period of union, and his word alone carries more weight with it than even the self-created Napoleon's. A curious circumstance, representing as it does the popular feeling of Germany, may be here cited. It occurred during the recent difficulties between Prussia and France about the possession of the fortress of Luxemburg:

"At the Victoria Theater in Berlin, a piece de circumstance was being performed in the presence of King William, in which one of the actors recited the following sacrilegious couplet: 'God, fatigued with governing the world, found a man to whom he could confide that heavy task-that is, Count von Bismarck.' 'Thou art worthy of it,' said God: 'for thy device is Firm and Forward! Apply it always, especially to Luxemburg!"

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The applause was frantic. The king complimented the manager, and added: Three years ago these words would have been hissed. Circumstances have changed." Certainly, now he does represent Germany; but he is, as an English statesman lately remarked, "but the foam on the crest of the wave, which catches the eye and diverts the attention from the mass of the wave beneath." Behind him is an army of citizen soldiery, which can only be compared to that one seen lately in the United States, called out only on the necessities of the hour. How mighty is the fact that Germany, which had for so many years assiduously cultivated the arts of peace and commerce, of learning and science, could so soon call up her army of Protestant youth, and beat back the strongest enemy that she had in Europe!

Bismarck is thought by many to represent the Cromwell of the present age. In his unflinching firmness and strong will he is, but he lacks the religious fervor of the Great Dissolver. His character, as seen from a phrenological point of view, has been well drawn by Mr. Scheve: "Bismarck's character, in Germany, has been judged very differently. One places him very high, loves and admires him, while another hates him. Could these conflicting views be reconciled, it is very possible that the political parties of Germany would be brought nearer to each other. If the reader will permit me a little digression, I will briefly denote the difference which Phrenology, in this strife of opinions, indicates.

"Every decided characteristic, every very strong or very weak development of a faculty,

may be an excellence and a defect at the same time, or in the one case an indication of an excellence, and in the other of a defect. Large Secretiveness is an excellence when a man is faithful and discreet, but a defect when he is blunt. Strong Destructiveness is an excellence as the foundation of energy; a defect in so far as it becomes used for passion and violence. In this way, Bismarck's excellences of character, inversed, become his defects. Through his high talent and inflexible, dauntless courage he has secured a united Germany, a work which, however, is not yet unendangered, and which for its completion may still need a master-touch. It is evident that the unification of Germany is at the same time synonymous with the maintenance of peace. We Germans would therefore rejoice in the strong genius of Bismarck; we hope everything from it against the menaces of, foreign nations, and we would hope everything for it for ourselves, for we feel that we have grown with him into a great and intelligent nation, and enjoying the same privileges as he, we will not fear him."


The portrait of Robert Muller is the type of many thousands who, like him, are engaged during their whole lives in commercial pursuits. The original of our portrait is a native of Germany, where he was born about the year 1833, and is now a prominent manufacturer. To present his biography would be to give merely a mass of dry, routine life, whose greatest ambition has been honest wealth, undiverted by any particular genius.

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The German merchant-unlike his American prototype, who generally has as many irons in the fire" as he can well attend to, and who aims to sprinkle in with his dull business life something of literature-pursues but one steady course, generally the same as his father and his grandfather did before him. There is no change with him; he does not imitate, but steadily works on in the position in which he finds himself.

Germans, generally, devote all their energy to their particular pursuit or calling; and, in many parts of Germany, especially in the manufactories, seven days in the week-with the exception of two hours of public service in the morning of Sunday-and three hundred and sixty-five days in the year, are given to trade. Strange as this may seem to Americans, with their well-kept Sabbath, it is nevertheless a fact, attested by all observant travelers. A stranger passing through the best streets of a city on Sunday morning would not perceive any difference between that and other days. He would find the stores, the churches, and the beer-gardens all with open doors, the first and last being the better patronized. At early morning, too, on that day, the German peasant and his wife go regularly to the field or the garden, remaining there during the day; their boys may be found in the beer saloons, and in the afternoon the young women may be found in the dancing halls.

Mr. Scheve, in his exposition of Herr Muller's character says: "The breadth of Robert Muller's head over the ears indicates a very strong development of the faculty of Destructiveness, while the converging forehead and tophead a very weak sense of Ideality. Muller was an extraordinary wild boy, and it was only after he had expended all his force and rage that he could be prudent and obedient. Now, as a man, he possesses endless activity, he knows no fatigue, accomplishes an amount of work that is almost incredible, and is unhappy and ill-humored when he must be inactive. He is very impatient; for him nothing can go quick enough; what he has to do must either bend or break-and sometimes it breaks. He is very violent, and gets quickly into a passion. But we can not say that he is vicious, for he can be very good; but he becomes too often bad through his passion. His whole spirit is energetic;, he is extremely sober and practical; and no other thought can draw him away from his business. Poetry and art are to him incomprehensible things; he recognizes them only because other people do so, but in himself he despises them. Still, he is not miserly; he lives according to what he believes to be his position, and lets his children, of whom he has a great number, acquire a good foundation for their studies, because he knows that industry, and energy, and education are the true ways to wealth."


Ludwig II., Otto Friederich Wilhelm, the young king of Bavaria, was born at Nymphenberg, on the 25th of August, 1845, and succeeded his father, Maximilian II., on the 10th of March, 1864. His mother was Queen Friederike Franzisca Auguste Maria Hedwig (born 15th October, 1825), the daughter of Prince William of Prussia. The grandfather of our subject, Ludwig I., lately deceased, did more for Bavaria than any preceding ruler. He was passionately fond of art, and cultivated it at an enormous expense. The Painting Academy, the School of Sculpture, and the Architectural Academy of Munich, all owe their existence to him. At the late Paris Exposition, Bavaria had a large building entirely to herself in the grounds of the Exposition, where she exhibited a magnificent collection of paintings-in fact, one of the best in the whole series. It is from this progenitor that the young king appears to inherit his extraordinary love of the ideal and the beautiful. He has had as yet but little opportunity to show his practical ability as a ruler; but it is said that his passion for music is so strong that in its pursuit he neglects the most important affairs of state. His subjects number nearly five millions, three millions and a half of whom are Catholics, a million and a third Protestants, sixty thousand Jews, and the rest of various denominations. The greater portion of these are descended from three orfginal Germanic tribes, the Boiodrians or Bavarians, the Francs, and the Swabians. Of these, the Bavarians, though least gifted, are

the stimulators of the country's industry. The young king has many improvements make ere his country can be called perfect. The system of education is far from good; beggary and intemperance are very common; the children of illegitimacy number a third of the whole births, and in the city of Munich reaches one half.

In 1732 there was a large emigration of the Bavarian Protestant element to America, where they settled in the Carolinas, in Georgia, and Virginia. Bavaria was the southernmost stronghold of Protestantism at the time of the Reformation. Many of the great battles of the Thirty Years' War raged in this part of Bavaria, as those of Augsburg, 1631, Furth, 1632. Bavaria has produced many eminent The Franconian school of painters produced men of the rank of Albert Durer, Lucas Cranach, and Holbein, and many others equally celebrated.


"The king of Bavaria has a strongly developed head in its upper portion; it is somewhat stronger than the lower. The king is more subjective than objective; he thinks more than he observes. But above all, his Ideality denotes an unusual development. The sense for the ideal is the leading feature in the king's whole character, and it will remain through his whole life. The king will feel happy in his fancy for what is good, honorable, and beautiful; doubly happy as a prince, because he can do so much toward the fulfillment of his ideals; and unhappy if he can not, in comparison with his wishes and hopes, obtain their fulfillment. He will never condescend to the bad, the low, and the vulgar, but will always battle against them. He will belong to the few mortals who remain young even down to old age."


Miss Schmidt, though a German young lady, is not a fair specimen of that robust, healthy organization peculiar to the Teutonic family. We can not do her better justice, perhaps, than present her to our readers in the words of Scheve.

"I introduce Minna Schmidt, a polite young lady, to our company, in order to say a few words upon her head, which to many is inexplicable. Judgment must be based, not so much on whether it is high or low, as if it is full or flat; that is, whether more or less brain is contained in it. Her forehead is high-as high as Vischer's even; but against this we must take into account its extreme narrowness [seen in the picture by the small space between the eyes]. Minna is not without gifts; when she was in school she learned remarkably quick, but the trouble with her was, that she could not always understand what she learned. She spoke willingly, and much, about everything and nothing, and one heard her all day long with pleasure. Among her friends she is said to be clever [in the English sense of the word], and readily acquires all the knowledge and skill which are necessary for the well performance of house

hold duties. But deep and profound thinking, or what we call the spirit of genius, is not found with her. If Robert Muller and Minna Schmidt were to attend Vischer's lecture upon the Theory of the Beautiful, the former could, if he would, and saw the necessity of it, understand the sense of the lecture, though he might not comprehend the full meaning and exact value of every word; but it would not be possible for Minna Schmidt to understand the sense of the words."

But it is not just, however, to compare the capacity of a school-girl with the fully-developed powers of a German lingual and esthetic professor. There is one point which Herr Scheve fails to speak of, which is undoubtedly her crowning excellence and beauty, as it is of afl women-namely, her well-rounded and fully developed tophead, indicating a high order of the moral and devotional faculties. Her whole training from infancy has been moral and religious, and not intellectual. The greatest pride of a German mother, of Minna's station, is to see her daughter some day settled comfortably down in her household duties. She never dreams that her daughter will fill any other position than the one which she had always occupied; and thus we can not expect to find the intellectual development of Vischer in a mere school-girl. But in the social qualities that belong to her, she is far ahead of Vischer.


The chief of the Prussian military staff is probably the most skillful general of the present time. To him belongs the credit of having so successfully carried through the late Prussian war against Austria. He, however, with modest piety, does not claim all the honor. "I did my duty at the time, in my position," he says, "just as my comrades did theirs, but no more. The almighty power of God led the Prussian eagle forward in its victorious flight. The bravery of our army and skill of its leaders were (equally with my own plans) only the instruments of His will; and when I hear the unbounded and fulsome praise which the public lavishes on me, this thought is always uppermost in my mind."

The failure of any of his plans, upon which that short, decisive war was based, might have resulted in inevitable ruin to Prussia, but by the aid of his large Causality, Constructiveness, and Ideality he worked out results which had been foregone conclusions in his own mind for weeks. He not only baffled the Austrian general, Benedek, by his intricate plans, but his own friends were at a loss as to his intentions.

He had under his command nine corps d'armée, numbering 285,000 men, who were distributed over the different theaters of war; but as they could only be used effectively together, the ultimate object and centralization of his plans was their union on the battle-field. The different divisions reached their frontier boundaries at Zeiz, Halle, Herzberg, Gorlitz, and Freiburg, but as they were then fifty miles

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