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government of the Visayan federation.

spiracy. With the Miamis, they favored casualties. Iloilo at the time of the bom the English in the war of the Revolution, bardment was the seat of the so-called and joined in the treaty at Greenville in 1795. By the provision of treaties they ceded their lands, and a greater portion of them went to a country west of the Mississippi, within the present limits of Kansas, where they remained until 1867, when they were removed to a reservation of 72,000 acres southwest of the Quapaws. In 1872 the whole Illinois nation had dwindled to forty souls. This tribe, combined with the Weas and Piankeshaws, num- with the government of New Haven. As bered only 160 in all.

Ilpendam, JAN JANSEN VAN, merchant; appointed custom house officer on the Delaware, and put in command of Fort Nassau in 1640 by the Dutch governor of New York. He tried to keep the English colony from trading on the Delaware, and his action in burning trading-houses and taking the traders prisoner involved the governor of New York in difficulty

the result, Ilpendam resigned, but con-
tinued to trade with the Indians.
died at Marcus Hook, Pa., in 1685.


Imlay, GILBERT, author; born in New Jersey in 1750; served throughout the Revolutionary War; was the author of A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America; The Emigrants, or the History of an Exiled Family.

Iloilo, the principal city and capital of the island of Panay, and one of the three ports of entry in the Philippine group opened to commerce in 1899. It is situated 225 miles south of Manila, at the southeastern extremity of Panay, and is built on low, marshy ground, the whole of which during a part of the spring is covered with water. The population in 1900 was estimated at over 10,000. On Immigration. When the French doDec. 25, 1898, after General Rios, who minion in America was ended, the causes held the town with 800 Spanish troops, for war dismissed thereby, and the Indian heard that the Philippine Islands were to tribes on the frontiers were quieted, emibe ceded to the United States, instead of gration began to spread westward in New awaiting the arrival of the American England, and also from the middle coloforces, then on the way to take possession nies over the mountains westward. Many of the city, he turned it over to Vincente went from the other colonies into South Guies, the alcade. On the following day Carolina, where immigration was encourthat official surrendered it to 3,000 Fili- aged, because the white people were pino insurgents. When Gen. M. P. Mil- alarmed by the preponderance of the slave ler, of the American army, reached the bay population. Bounties were offered to imon which the city is situated he found migrants, and many Irish and Germans General Lopez with 5,000 Filipinos in settled in the upper districts of that provpossession. The Filipinos would not sur- ince. Enriched by the labor of numerous render without instructions from Agui- slaves, South Carolina was regarded as the naldo, and General Miller made prepara- wealthiest of the colonies. Settlers also tions to take forcible possession, but on a passed into the new province of east Florpetition from the European residents no ida. A body of emigrants from the Roahostile move was made until Feb. 11, 1899, noke settled in west Florida, about Baton when the American commander demanded Rouge; and some Canadians went into the surrender of the city to the authority Louisiana, for they were unwilling to of the United States. After it became evi- live under English rule. A colony of dent that the insurgent-officer in command Greeks from the shores of the Mediterwould not peaceably accede to this de- ranean settled at what is still known as mand, the United States naval vessels the inlet of New Smyrna, in Florida. And Petrel and Baltimore opened fire upon the while these movements were going on city, which was soon evacuated by the in- there were evidences of a rapid advance surgents after being fired. The American in wealth and civilization in the older troops quickly landed and extinguished communities. At that time the population the flames, but not before considerable and production of Maryland, Virginia, damage had been done. During the en- and South Carolina had unprecedented ingagement the Americans suffered no crease, and it was called their golden age.

portation of Japanese and other lat under contract to serve monopolistic porations is a notorious and flagran lation of the immigration laws. W mand that the federal government take cognizance of this menacing ev repress it under existing laws. We ther pledge ourselves to strive for enactment of more stringent laws fo exclusion of Mongolian and Malaya migration;" and the Silver Repul party declared: "We are opposed to importation of Asiatic laborers in petition with American labor, and fa more rigid enforcement of the lawlating thereto."

Immigration Statistics. During period 1789-1820, when no thorough sight was exercised, it is estimated the number of immigrants into the U States aggregated 250,000; and d the period 1820-1900 the aggregate 19,765,155. The nationality of i grants in the fiscal year ending Jun 1900, was as follows: Austria-Hun 114,847; German Empire, 18,507; 1 including Sicily and Sardinia, 100 Norway, 9,575; Sweden, 18,650; R nia, 6,459; Russian Empire and Fin 90,787; England, 9,951; Ireland, 35. Scotland, 1,792; Wales, 764; Jε 12,635; Turkey in Asia, 3,962; Indies, 4,656; all other countries, 20, total, 448,572.

Commerce rapidly became more diffused. declaration in its platform: "The Boston, which almost engrossed trade in navigation, now began to find rivals in New York, Baltimore, Norfolk, Charleston, and little seaports on the New England coasts; and its progress, which had been arrested by these causes twenty-five years before, stood still twenty-five years longer. The leading political parties in recent years have made almost identical declarations in their national platforms. At the beginning of the campaign of 1896 the Democratic National Convention, which nominated Mr. Bryan, ignored the subject; but the Free-Silver wing of the party, in convention in Chicago, declared: "We hold that the most efficient way of protecting American labor is to prevent the importation of foreign pauper labor to compete with it in the home market, and that the value of the home market to our American farmers and artisans is greatly reduced by a vicious monetary system which depresses the prices of their products below the cost of production, and thus deprives them of the means of purchasing the products of our home manufactories; and as labor creates the wealth of the country, we demand the passage of such laws as may be necessary to protect it in all its rights;" and the Republican National Convention declared: "For the protection of the quality of our American citizenship, and of the wages of our workingmen against the fatal competition of low-priced labor, we demand that the immigration laws be thoroughly enforced, and so extended as to exclude from entrance to the United States those who can neither read nor write." In the campaign of 1900 the Democratic National Convention called for the strict enforcement of the Chinese exclusion act and its application to the same classes of all Asiatic races; the Republican National Convention pronounced: "In the further interest of American workmen we favor a more effective restriction of the immigration of cheap labor from foreign lands, the extension of opportunities of education for working children, the raising of the age limit for child labor, the protection of free labor as against contract convict labor, and an effective sys- "Be it enacted, etc., that the followtem of labor insurance;" the People's ing classes of aliens shall be excluded party (Fusion wing) inserted this from admission into the United States,

High-water mark was reached in 1882, when the immigrants numbered 788,992. In 1892 the steady decline was checked, with a total of 623,084. The lowest number of arrivals in the period of 18671900 was 141,857 in 1877, and in the period 1880-1900, 229,299 in 1898.

Immigration Act of 1891.-This measure, "in amendment of the various acts relative to immigration and the importation of aliens under contract or agreement to perform labor," was introduced in the House by Mr. Owen, of Indiana, and referred to the committee on immigration and naturalization. It was reported back, discussed, and amended, and passed the House Feb. 25, 1891, as follows:

in accordance with the existing acts regulating immigration, other than those concerning Chinese laborers: All idiots, insane persons, paupers or persons likely to become a public charge, persons suffering from a loathsome or dangerous contagious disease, persons who have been convicted of a felony or other infamous crime or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, polygamists, and also any person whose ticket or passage is paid for with money of another or who is assisted by others to come, unless it is affirmatively and satisfactorily shown on special inquiry that such person does not belong to one of the foregoing excluded classes, or to the class of contract laborers excluded by the act of Feb. 26, 1885. But this section shall not be held to exclude persons living in the United States from sending for a relative or friend who is not of the excluded classes, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treas ury may prescribe; Provided, that nothing in this act shall be construed to apply to exclude persons convicted of a political offence, notwithstanding said political offence may be designated as a 'felony, crime, infamous crime or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude' by the laws of the land whence he came or by the court convicting.

"Sec. 2. That no suit or proceeding for violations of said act of Feb. 26, 1885, prohibiting the importation and migration of foreigners under contract or agreement to perform labor, shall be settled, compromised, or discontinued without the consent of the court entered of record with reasons therefor.

"Sec. 3. That it shall be deemed a violation of said act of Feb. 26, 1885, to assist or encourage the importation or migration of any alien by promise of employment through advertisements printed and published in any foreign country; and any alien coming to this country in consequence of such an advertisement shall be treated as coming under a contract as contemplated by such act; and the penalties by said act imposed shall be applicable in such a case; Provided, this section shall not apply to States, and immigration bureaus of States, advertising the inducements they offer for immigration to such States.

"Sec. 4. That no steamship or transportation company or owners of vessels shall, directly, or through agents, either by writing, printing, or oral representations, solicit, invite, or encourage the immigration of any alien into the United States except by ordinary commercial letters, circulars, advertisements, or oral representations, stating the sailings of their vessels and the terms and facilities of transportation therein; and for a violation of this provision any such steamship or transportation company, and any such owners of vessels, and the agents by them employed, shall be subjected to the penalties imposed by the third section of said act of Feb. 26, 1885, for violations of the provisions of the first section of said act.

"Sec. 5. That section 5 of said act of Feb. 26, 1885, shall be, and hereby is, amended by adding to the second proviso in said section the words 'nor to ministers of any religious denomination, nor persons belonging to any recognized profession, nor professors for colleges and seminaries,' and by excluding from the second proviso of said section the words or any relative or personal friend.'

"Sec. 6. That any person who shall bring into or land in the United States by vessel or otherwise, or who shall aid to bring into or land in the United States by vessel or otherwise, any alien not lawfully entitled to enter the United States, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

"Sec. 7. That the office of superintend ent of immigration is hereby created and established, and the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, is authorized and directed to appoint such officer, whose salary shall be $4.000 per annum, payable monthly. The superintendent of immigration shall be an officer in the Treasury Department, under the control and supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury, to whom he shall make annual reports in writing of the transactions of his office, together with such special reports, in writing, as the Secretary of the Treasury shall require. The

Secretary shall provide the superintendent cers and agents of such vessel to adopt with a suitably furnished office in the due precautions to prevent the landing city of Washington, and with such books of any alien immigrant at any place or of record and facilities for the discharge time other than that designated by the of the duties of his office as may be inspection officers, and any such officer necessary. He shall have a chief clerk, or agent or person in charge of such vesat a salary of $2,000 per annum, and two sel who shall either knowingly or neglifirst-class clerks. gently land or permit to land any alien immigrant at any place or time other than that designated by the inspection officers, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

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Sec. 8. That upon the arrival by water at any place within the United States of any alien immigrants it shall be the duty of the commanding officer and the agent of the steam or sailing vessel by which they came to report the name, nationality, last residence, and destination of every such alien, before any of them "That the Secretary of the Treasury are landed, to the proper inspection offi- may prescribe rules for inspection along cers, who shall thereupon go or send com- the borders of Canada, British Columbia, petent assistants on board such vessel and Mexico so as not to obstruct, or unand there inspect all such aliens, or the necessarily delay, impede, or annoy pasinspection officer may order a temporary sengers in ordinary travel between said removal of such aliens for examination countries: Provided, that not exceeding at a designated time and place, and then one inspector shall be appointed for each and there detain them until a thorough customs district, and whose salary shall inspection is made. But such removal not exceed $1,200 per year. shall not be considered a landing during the pendency of such examination.

"The medical examination shall be made by surgeons of the marine hospital service. In cases where the services of a marine hospital surgeon cannot be obtained without causing unreasonable delay, the inspector may cause an alien to be examined by a civil surgeon, and the Secretary of the Treasury shall fix the compensation for such examinations.

"The inspection officers and their assistants shall have power to administer oaths, and to take and consider testimony touching the right of any such aliens to enter the United States, all of which shall be entered of record. During such inspection after temporary removal the superintendent shall cause such aliens to be properly housed, fed, and cared for, and also, in his discretion, such as are delayed in proceeding to their destination after inspection.

"All decisions made by the inspection officers or their assistants touching the right of any alien to land, when adverse to such right, shall be final unless appeal be taken to the superintendent of immigration, whose action shall be subject to review by the Secretary of the Treasury. It shall be the duty of the aforesaid offi

"All duties imposed and powers conferred by the second section of the act of Aug. 3, 1882, upon State commissioners, boards, or officers acting under contract with the Secretary of the Treasury shall be performed and exercised, as occasion may arise, by the inspection officers of the United States.

"Sec. 9. That for the preservation of the peace and in order that arrest may be made for crimes under the laws of the States where the various United States immigrant stations are located, the officials in charge of such stations, as occasion may require, shall admit therein the proper State and municipal officers charged with the enforcement of such laws, and for the purposes of this section the jurisdiction of such officers and of the local courts shall extend over such stations.

"Sec. 10. That all aliens who may unlawfully come to the United States shall, if practicable, be immediately sent back on the vessel by which they were brought in. The cost of their maintenance while on land, as well as the expense of the return of such aliens, shall be borne by the owner or owners of the vessel on which such aliens came; and if any master, agent, consignee, or owner of such vessel shall refuse to receive back on board the

Sec. 11. That any alien who shall come into the United States in violation of law may be returned, as by law provided, at any time within one year thereafter, at the expense of the person or persons, vessel, transportation company or corporation bringing such alien into the United States, and if that cannot be done, then at the expense of the United States; and any alien who becomes a public charge within one year after his arrival in the United States from causes existing prior to his landing therein shall be deemed to have come in violation of law and shall be returned as aforesaid.

vessel such aliens, or shall neglect to de- the United States gives the House of tain them thereon, or shall refuse or neg- Representatives sole power to impeach the lect to return them to the port from President, Vice-President, and all civil which they came, or to pay the cost of officers of the United States by a numeritheir maintenance while on land, such cal majority only. It also gives the Senmaster, agent, consignee, or owner shall ate sole power to try all impeachments. be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and The Senate then sits as a court, organizshall be punished by a fine not less than ing anew, Senators taking a special oath $300 for each and every offence; and any or affirmation applicable to the proceedsuch vessel shall not have clearance from ing. From their decision there is no any port of the United States while any appeal. A vote of two-thirds of the Sensuch fine is unpaid. ate is necessary to convict. When the President is tried the chief-justice presides. The punishment is limited by the Constitution (1) to removal from office; (2) to disqualification from holding and enjoying any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States government. Important cases: (1) William Blount, United States Senator from Tennessee, for conspiring to transfer New Orleans from Spain to Great Britain, 1797-98; acquitted for want of evidence. (2) John Pickering, judge of the district court of New Hampshire, charged with drunkenness, profanity, etc.; convicted March 12, 1803. (3) Judge Samuel Chase, impeached March 30, 1804; acquitted March 1, 1805. (4) James H. Peck, district judge of Missouri, impeached Dec. 13, 1830, for arbitrary conduct, etc.; acquitted. (5) West H. Humphreys, district judge of Tennessee, impeached and convicted for rebellion, Jan. 26, 1862. (6) Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, impeached "of high crimes and misdemeanors," Feb. 22, 1868; acquitted. (7) W. W. Belknap, Secretary of War, impeached for receiving money of posttraders among the Indians, March 2, 1876; resigned at the same time; acquitted for want of jurisdiction.

"Sec. 12. That nothing contained in this act shall be construed to affect any prosecution or other proceeding, criminal or civil. begun under any existing act or acts hereby amended, but such prosecution or other proceeding, criminal or civil, shall proceed as if this act had not been passed.

"Sec. 13. That the circuit and district courts of the United States are hereby invested with full and concurrent jurisdiction of all causes, civil and criminal, arising under any of the provisions of this act; and this act shall go into effect on the first day of April, 1891."

The measure passed the Senate Feb. 27, and was approved by the President March 3, 1891.

"Impending Crisis," the title of a book written by Hinton R. Helper, of North Carolina, pointing out the evil efImmigration, RESTRICTION OF. See fects of slavery upon the whites, first LODGE, HENRY CABOT. published in 1857. It had a large sale Impeachment. The Constitution of (140,000 copies) and great influence.


Imperialism. The Hon. William A. The arraignment of the national adPeffer, ex-Senator from Kansas, makes the following important contribution to the discussion of this question:

ministration by certain citizens on a charge of imperialism, in the execution of its Philippine policy, brings up for

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