THE HISTORY OF THE RISE, PROGRESS, AND ESTABLISHMENT 7 OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE United States of America: INCLUDING AN ACCOUNT OF THE LATE WAR, AND OF THE THIRTEEN COLONIES, FROM THEIR ORIGIN TO THAT PERIOD. BY WILLIAM GORDON, D. D. Qiud verum*** curo, et rogo et omnis in hoc sum. HORAT. I Ep. 1 Lib. THE THIRD AMERICAN EDITION. VOL. II. NEW-YOR PRINTED FOR SAMUEL CAMPBELL, NO. 124, PEARL-STREET, BY JOHN WOODS. M.DCCC.I Checked May 1913 OF THE SEVERAL LETTERS IN VOL. II, New-Hampshire convention take up civil government, p. 11. The critical situation of the American army before Boston, p. 14. General Lee is sent on to New-York, p. 15. The inhabit- ants of Tryon county disarmed, p. 16. General Montgomery killed in an attack upon Quebec, p. 22. Preparations for tak- ing possession of Dorchester Heights, p. 25. The Americans possess themselves of the same, p. 26. General Howe resolves upon evacuating Boston, p. 28-evacuates it, p. 30. The hard- ships experienced by the inhabitants of the town, p. 33. Nor- folk in Virginia, burnt, p. 35. The North-Carolina insurgents The general voice of the Europeans rather favorable to the Americans, p. 43. A dreadful tempest on the coasts of New- foundland, p. 45. General Conway opposes administration, p. 47. The duke of Grafton unexpectedly quits it, p. 48. Go- vernor Penn examined before the house of lords, p. 50. The address of the representatives of Nova-Scotia to the king and parliament, p. 52. The bill for prohibiting all intercourse with the Thirteen United Colonies strenuously opposed, p. 53. Sir Peter Parker and earl Cornwallis sail for America, p. 55. The British king's treaties with the German princes, p. 56-pro- tested against, p. 58. Lord Howe and general Howe consti- tuted his majesty's commissioners for restoring peace to the colonies, p. 59. The sentiments of the French relative to the The blockade of Quebec continued, p. 62. The Americans conclude upon retreating from before it, p. 63. The American fort at the Cedars surrendered, p. 65. General Thomson goes against the British at Three-Rivers; is defeated and taken, p. The Americans retreat from Canada, p. 68. Capt. Mug- ford takes the Hope, ordnance store ship, p. 71. The British ships of war are driven from Nantasket, p. 72. A number of highlanders, with lieut. col. Campbell, taken in Boston Bay, p. 74. Measures taken to draw the New-Yorkers into independen-- cy, cy, ibid. Acts of congress, p. 75. Resolutions respecting independency moved and seconded in congress, p. 77. Mr. Payne's pamphlet stiled Common Sense, p. 78. A scheme for destroying general Washington's army at New-York, p. 79. Sir Peter Parker and general Clinton's design against Charleston, in South-Carolina, p. 80. Pennsylvania and Maryland agree to independence, p. 87. The declaration of independ ence, ibid. LETTER IV. P. 93-106 Lord Howe arrives off Staten-Island, and sends a letter to George Washington, esq. p. 94. General Howe lands the royal army on Long-Island, p. 97-surprises and defeats the Americans, p. 98. The Americans conclude upon evacuating the island, p. 101. The wretched state of the armies under generals Washington and Gates, p. 104. LETTER V. P. 107-149. Some members of congress have a conference with lord Howe, p. 107. General Washington's distressing situation, p. 108. The Americans evacuate New-York, p. 112. A terrible fire at New-York, p. 113. Great animosities in the American army, ibid. Congress adopt a new code for the government of the army, p. 114. General Howe lands on Frog's-Neck, p. 116. The Americans, by the advice of general Lee, evacuate New-York island, p. 117. The battle of the Brunx, or WhitePlains, p. 119. General Howe advances toward King's-bridge, p. 121. General Washington crosses the North-River, p. 123. The royal army takes Fort Washington, p. 124. Fort Lee abandoned by general Greene, p. 126. General Washington retreats to Newark, and through the Jerseys, across the Delaware into Pennsylvania, p. 127. General Lee taken, p. 130. A summary of the captures made by general Howe during the campaign, p. 131. General Lee's letter to the French minister, p. 132. The Carolinians engage in a successful war with the Cherokees, p. 133. Acts of congress, p. 137. They appoint commissioners to the court of France, p. 139-agree upon a scheme of a lottery, p. 142. General Gates fixes upon general Arnold to command the American fleet on Lake Champlain, p. 143. Arnold engages the British fleet and is defeated, p. 145. The wind keeps back Sir Guy Cariton from improving his victory, p. 146-his humanity to the American prisoners, p. 148. LETTER VI. P. 150-178. The infatuation of the enemy saved the Americans when they retreated across the Delaware, p. 150. General Washington crosses |