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The Thirtieth Congress-Its Political Character-The Democracy in a Minority

in the House-Robert C. Winthrop Elected Speaker-Distinguished Members in

both Houses-Mr. Lincoln takes his Scat as a Member of the House, and Mr.

Douglas for the first time as a Member of the Senate, at the same Session-Mr.

Lincoln's Congressional Record that of a Clay and Webster Whig-The Mexi-

can War-Mr. Lincoln's Views on the Subject-Misrepresentations-Not an

Available Issue for Mr. Lincoln's Opponents-His Resolutions of Inquiry in

Regard to the Origin of the War-Mr. Richardson's Resolutions Indorsing

the Administration-Mr. Richardson's Resolutions for an Immediate Dis-

continuance of the War-Are Voted Against by Mr. Lincoln-Resolutions

of Thanks to Gen. Taylor-Mr. Henley's Amendment, and Mr. Ashmun's Addi-

tion thereto-Resolutions Adopted without Amendment-Mr. Lincoln's First

Speech in Congress, on the Mexican War-Mr. Lincoln on Internal Improve-

ments-A Characteristic Campaign Speech-Mr. Lincoln on the Nomination of

Gen. Taylor; the Veto Power; National Issues; President and People; Wil-

mot Proviso; Platforms; Democratic Sympathy for Clay; Military Heroes and

Exploits; Cass a Progressive; Extra Pay; the Whigs and the Mexican War;

Democratic Divisions-Close of the Session-Mr. Lincoln on the Stump-Gen.

Taylor's Election-Second Session of the Thirtieth Congress-Slavery in the

District of Columbia-The Public Lands-Mr. Lincoln as a Congressman-He

Retires to Private life........................................ .................. ·

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