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courir du moment où le navire se trouvera en dedans des limites du port.

Il en sera de même du délai de 48 heures pendant lequel il est accordé aux navires Allemands par l'Article XX du Traité de rester dans le port sans payer de droits de tonnage.

Les limites des ports seront déterminées par l'administration des Douanes conformément aux convenances du commerce compatibles avec les intérêts du trésor Chinois.

De la même manière on fixera les lieux où il sera permis de charger et de décharger les marchandises, dans chaque port, et on en donnera avis aux Consuls pour la connaissance du public.

7me Réglement.-Droits de Transit.

Il est convenu que le droit de transit mentionné dans l'Article XXIV du Traité équivaudra, à la moitié des droits fixés par le tarif, exceptés pour les articles exempts de droits énumérés dans le deuxième réglement qui ne paieront qu'un droit de transit de 21 pour cent ad valorem. Les marchandises auront acquitté les droits de transit lorsqu'elles auront rempli les conditions suivantes :

Pour les importations: On donnera avis au Chef de la Douane du port d'où les marchandises doivent être envoyées dans l'intérieur, de la nature et de la quantité de ces marchandises, du nom du navire qui les a débarquées et du nom des lieux auxquels elles sont destinées. Le Chef de la Douane, après avoir vérifié cette déclaration et avoir reçu le montant des droits de transit, remettra à l'introducteur de ces marchandises un certificat constatant le paiement des droits de transit, certificat qui devra être produit et visé à chaque station de barrière. Aucun autre droit, quel qu'il soit, ne pourra être prélevé sur ces marchandises, dans quelque partie de l'Empire qu'elles soient transportées.

Pour les exportations: Les produits achetés par un sujet des Etats Allemands Contractants dans l'intérieur de la Chine, seront examinés et notés à la première barrière qu'ils rencontreront sur leur route au port d'embarquement. La personne ou les personnes chargées de leur transport présenteront une déclaration qu'elles auront signée, relatant la quantité du produit et faisant connaître le port d'embarquement. Il leur sera remis en échange un certificat qui devra être produit et visé à chaque barrière sur la route au port d'embarquement: A l'arrivée du produit à la barrière la plus voisine de ce port, il en sera donné avis à la Douane qui y est établie, et les droits de transit ayant été payés, ces marchandises pourront passer. Au moment de l'exportation les droits fixés par le tarif seront payés.

Toute tentative faite pour passer les marchandises importées ou

exportées en contravention avec les règlements ci-dessus énoncés, rendra ces marchandises passibles de confiscation.

Une vente non-autorisée pendant le transit de marchandises dont la destination pour un port a été déclarée de la manière susdite les rendra susceptibles d'étre confisquées.

Toute tentative de passer plus de marchandises qu'il n'en a été déclaré dans le eertificat, rendra toutes les marchandises de la même denomination énoncées dans le certificat susceptibles d'être confisquées.

Le Chef de la Douane aura le droit de refuser l'embarquement de produits dont on ne pourrait pas prouver le paiement des droits de transit dûs, et cela, jusqu'à ce que ces droits aient été payés. Sme Réglement.-Commerce Etranger dans l'Intérieur au moyen de Passe-ports.

Il est convenu que l'Article VIII du Traité ne sera point considéré comme autorisant les sujets des Etats Allemands Contractants à se rendre dans la capitale de la Chine pour y faire le commerce. 9me Réglement.-Abolition des Droits prélevés pour la Refonte des Monnaies.

Il est convenu que les sujets des Etats Allemands Contractants ne seront point assujettis au paiement du droit d'un taël et deux inaces exigé jusqu'ici en sus du paiement des droits ordinaires par le Gouvernement Chinois, pour couvrir les frais de fonte et de


10me Réglement.-Paiement des Droits dans les Ports.

Le haut fonctionnaire Chinois désigné par le Gouvernement Impérial comme surintendant du commerce étranger visitera de temps à autre lui-même les différents ports ouverts au commerce ou il y enverra un délégué. Ce haut fonctionnaire sera libre de choisir tout sujet des Etats Allemands contractants qui lui paraîtrait convenable pour l'aider à administrer les revenus de la Douane, à empécher la fraude, à déterminer les limites des ports, à pourvoir aux fonctions de capitaine de port, et aussi à établir des phares, des bouées, &c. à l'entretien desquels les droits de tonnage pourvoiront. Réglement Additionnel.-Révision du Tarif.

Il est convenu entre les Hautes Parties Contractantes que le présent tarif pourra être revisé de 10 en 10 ans, afin d'être mis en harmonie avec les changements de valeur apportés par le temps dans les produits du sol et de l'industrie.




DECREE of the President of Mexico, promulgating the Agreement between Mexico and Yucatan of December 14, 1843, for the Re-Incorporation of Yucatan with the Mexican Republic.-Mexico, December 15, 1843.


VALENTIN CANALIZO, General of Division, and President ad interim of the Mexican Republic, to the inhabitants thereof:

Know ye, that the Supreme Provisional Government, taking into consideration how desirable it is for the interests of the Republic that the Department of Yucatan be re-incorporated with it; that the separation which has unfortunately existed has given rise to truly lamentable evils; that war between fraternal States is a public calamity which ought to be put an end to by all the means which prudence and a pure feeling of patriotism suggest; that in the state to which affairs had arrived, certain concessions required by the very peculiar circumstances of the Department of Yucatan were indispensable; that the nation by a grand act of magnanimity maintains its honour intact, closes the abyss of civil discord, and binds anew the bonds which unite the members of the generous Mexican family, has been pleased to decree, and I decree in Council of Ministers, in the name of the nation and in the exercise of the powers which are conceded to the Provisional Government, as follows:

The conditions for the re-incorporation of the Department of Yucatan with the Republic, agreed to by Don José Maria Tornel y Mendivil, Minister of War and Marine, and General of Division, and the Commissioners of that Department, Don Crescencio José Pinelo, Don Joaquin Garcia Rejon and Don Geronimo Castillo, are approved.

The conditions are, word for word, as inserted below.

Assembled in the city of Mexico, on the 14th day of the month of December, 1843, and the 23rd of the Independence, his Excellency Señor Don José Maria Tornel y Mendivil, General of Division, and Secretary of State for the Department of War and Marine, and Señores Don Crescencio José Pinelo, Don Joaquin Garcia Rejon, and Don Geronimo Castillo, the former empowered. by his Excellency the President ad interim of the Republic in Council of Ministers, to hear the new propositions that were to be made to the Supreme Government in the name of the Department of Yucatan, to examine them, discuss them, and agree to what might be honourable and beneficial to the interests of the nation; and the latter with ample powers from his Excellency the Governor of the Department of Yucatan, given according to the Decree of its

Congress dated 16th November of the present year, to propose some modifications in the bases and concessions which the Supreme Government agreed to on the 3rd of August last; they proceeded to discuss them one by one, and with the greatest attention, in order that the honour, dignity, rights, and interests of the Republic, and the honour, dignity, rights, and interests of the Department of Yucatan, might remain intact and combined; and after having cleared up all doubts, weighed all the difficulties, and given to the questions as much elucidation as was necessary, and being animated by the most lively and pure desire to effect this incorporation of the Department of Yucatan with the great family of its fraternal departments, they drew up and signed the following Agreement, which is submitted in due form for the approbation of the Supreme Government of the Republic.

ART. I. The territory of Yucatan shall be the same as it possessed in the year 1840.

II. Yucatan, in consequence of the Agreement now entered into, recognizes the Provisional Government in the plenitude of its powers, and the organic bases of the Republic sanctioned on the 12th June, 1843.

III. Yucatan, therefore, will adjust itself to the names and forms which are used by the other departments and their authorities in conformity with the said bases.

IV. Yucatan, in accordance with the said bases, will regulate its internal government as may be fitting for its welfare and interests, without detriment to those of the other departments; without departing from the said bases, it will nominate all the civil and political employés, the Governor of the department being proposed for according to the terms contained in Article CXXXIV of the said bases, and one of the persons proposed is to be elected.

V. Yucatan is not bound to contribute any contingent of men for the army; and as regards the navy, it shall furnish, in just proportion with the rest of the Departments, the number of mariners falling to its share for manning the national squadron; the authorities of Yucatan have the right of deciding how this obligation is to be fulfilled; they are also bound to replace them at the time and in the manner laid down in the regulations of the (Marine) department. The supplies for these people, as also the rewards to which they may individually become entitled, according to the same regulations and the existing laws, shall be paid by the Yucatan treasury, whose authorities shall receive them monthly from that of the Republic; notwithstanding this, the national Government may recruit in the ports of Yucatan all the sailors that it requires. Yucatan shall retain the standing forces which it actually has, subject to the ordinances and laws of the Republic; and in ordinary

times it shall not augment them without the knowledge of his Excellency the President, who shall appoint the Governor of the department as Commandant-General, granting him some military rank. In case of foreign war, or of the nation being threatened with it, in Yucatan, or in any other department, the nation shall then dispose of all the land and naval forces, and resources necessary for the defence of the rights and honour of the Republic. The erection of a maritime arsenal in the Island of Carmen having been decreed, the Supreme Government shall maintain in it a garrison for the security of the establishment. Whenever in extraordinary cases, tranquillity and order in Yucatan may be interrupted, and its authorities may solicit from the Supreme Government the assistance of any force, it shall be granted without delay. Except in this case, and that of a foreign war, no troops shall be sent to Yucatan, nor shall any be taken out of Yucatan for another department.

VI. The Supreme Government recognizes and confirms the military, civil, and financial appointments given and recognized by the Government of Yucatan from the 18th February, 1840, up to the present date, and as long as these employés continue in the service of that Department by order of its authorities, their salaries shall be paid from its treasury.

VII. Yucatan will submit to the concordats which the nation may make with the Apostolic See; and it recognizes the prerogative of the President for the presentation of Bishops.

VIII. The Supreme Court of Justice shall take cognizance of all affairs occurring in Yucatan appertaining to the general interests of the nation. The employés of the department of justice shall be appointed by the authorities of Yucatan in accordance with the organic bases.

IX. Yucatan shall regulate its internal revenue according to its eircumstances and local interests. It shall appoint the employés of that department; and as regards the general appointments thereof and the administrators of the maritime Custom-Houses, the Government of Yucatan shall propose 3 persons to the Supreme Government, of whom the latter shall select one. The produce of the revenues of Yucatan, including those of the maritime CustomHouses, Post-Office, and stamped paper, shall be applied to the exclusive benefit of that Department, and the general Government is not bound to assist Yucatan with any allowance. So long as the liquidation of copper money continues, the net proceeds of stamped paper shall be used for that purpose, but as soon as that liquidation is concluded they shall return to the revenues of the Department. The general powers shall not impose any tax or contribution on Yucatan, and in case of a foreign war, pecuniary assistance shall be reciprocal as far as possible. If in any extraordinary circum

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