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" received and admitted into this Union as a new and entire member of the United States." CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA... "
The Congressional Globe - Page 131
by United States. Congress - 1855
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The Scots Magazine, Volume 54

English literature - 1792 - 684 pages
...that on the ift of June 179» " The new State of Kentucky fhall be received and admitted i- . > the union as a new and entire member of the United States of America," a convicción nectíTirily refults, that a ftate ha's been populated, cultivated, and progrefled fo...
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The Laws of the United States of America, Volume 1

United States - Constitutional law - 1796 - 508 pages
...ninety-two, mitted into the /aid new ftate, by the name and ftile of th" unu>IU the State of Kentucky, fliall be received and admitted into this Union, as a new...and entire member of the United States of America. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS MUHLENBERG, Speaker of the Houfe of Rcprefentativcs. JOHN ADAMS, Vice-Present of...
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An Abridgement of the Laws of the United States: Or, A Complete Digest of ...

William Graydon - Law - 1803 - 730 pages
...thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, the said state, by the name and stile of " the state of Vermont," shall be received and admitted into this union, as...and entire member of the united states of America. ACT of March 2, 179l. (Vol, L p. 297.) 4. SECT. I. From and afterthe third day of March next, alitheiaivs...
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A Digest of the Laws of the United States of America, from March 4th, 1789 ...

Edward Ingersoll - Law - 1821 - 884 pages
...Virginia. SEc. 11. Upon the aforesaid first day of June, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, the said new state, by the name and style of the state...and entire member of the United States of America. LANDS— GENERAL LAWS. Marshals empowered to sell, 1, S Collrctor's sales confirmed, 2 Mode of surveying....
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Vermont State Papers: Being a Collection of Records and Documents, Connected ...

Vermont - Land grants - 1823 - 590 pages
...thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, the said State, by the name and style of " the State of Vermont," shall be received and admitted into this Union, as...and entire member of the United States of America. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS MUHLENBERG, Speaker of the House of Repretentatioes. JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President...
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The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States ..., Volume 3

United States. Congress - United States - 1855 - 968 pages
...That, on the 4th day of March, 1791, the said State, by the name and style of ' the State of Vermont,' shall be received and admitted into this Union, as...and entire member of the United States of America." The district of Kentucky, being originally a part SENATE. Admission of Missouri. DECEMRER, 1820i of...
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The Public and General Statutes Passed by the Congress of the ..., Volume 1

United States - Law - 1840 - 864 pages
...nine- the4thMarch ty-one, the said slate, by the name and style of " the stale of 1791, &c. Vermont," shall be received and admitted into this Union, as a new and entire member of the United Stales of America. [Approved, February 18, 1791.] CHAP. 88. [8.] An act to continue in force, for a...
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An Address in Commemoration of the First Settlement of Kentucky: Delivered ...

James Turner Morehead - Kentucky - 1841 - 200 pages
...fourth day of February, 179] , Congress enacted and declared, "that on the first day of June, 1792, a new State, by the name and style of the State of Kentucky,...and entire member of the United States of America." Nothing now remained but the action of Kentucky herself, in order to bring to a close her long and...
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History of Vermont: Natural, Civil, and Statistical, in Three ..., Parts 1-3

Zadock Thompson - Natural history - 1842 - 662 pages
...said state, by the name and style of "the state of Vermont," shall be received and admitted into their union, as a new and entire member of the United States of America." This act was passed without debate, and without a dissenting vote, and by it were terminated all the...
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History of Vermont, Natural, Civil, and Statistical

Zadock Thompson - Natural history - 1842 - 726 pages
...said state, by the name and style of uthe state of Vermont," shall be received and admitted into their union, as a new and entire member of the United States of America." This act was passed without debate, and without a dissenting vote, and by it were terminated all the...
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