De la Ronde, Pierre Denis, a bill from the House 394 382 Denison, Elisha and others, Mr. Sanford pre- 149 151 291 read a second time laid on the table Dobson, Thomas, and Son, Mr. Lowrie presented the petition of, referred adverse report thereon 288 Documents, a resolution to furnish the State Drawback. (See Lanusse, Paul, &c.) Dufosset, Francois, Mr. Johnson of Louisiana presented the petition of, referred - - 343 Representatives for the relief of, twice 256 288 391 394 186 240 Dick, William, Mr. Walker of Alabama, pre- sented the petition of, referred the committee discharged - Dickerson, Mahlon, of New Jersey, attended speech of, on the petition of Matthew Lyon 191 Dinsmore, Silas. (See Choctaw Nation.) 26 121 123 morial of several of the, referred to the the petition of, referred - Eaton, John H., of Tennessee, attended 185 on his proviso - 244 on Mr. Wilson's substitute 256 263 380 384 39% 21 a bill from the House of Representatives to 99 41 44 101 on offering his proviso a second time Mr. Pinkney presented certain resolutions Edwards, Ninian, of Illinois, attended 151 328 384 9 report thereon - |