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Treaty of Amity and Commerce between his Moft
Christian Majefty and the Thirteen United States

of America


Treaty of Alliance Eventual and Defenfive between bis Moft Chriftian Majefty and the Thirteen

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Treaty of Amity and Commerce between their High Mightinees the States General of the United Netherlands and the United States of America Convention between the Lords the States-General of the United Netherlands and the United States of America concerning Vessels recaptured Authentic Copy of the Provifional Articles figned at Paris, Nov. 30, 1782, by the Commiffioners of bis Britannick Majesty and the Commiffioners of the United States of America





A Lift of Prefidents of the American Congress, ar

ranged in the Order of Time and Succeffion





CORRECT Edition of the Constitutions of the Confederated States of North-America being propofed, it was judged an object of utility to incorporate other authentic papers relatively connected with the fubject. However well-informed the prefent age may be, pofterity will be curious to examine, not only the code of Continental Laws, but also to trace thofe progreffive steps by which dependent Colonies afcended to the rank of Sovereign States. To affift impartial investigation in this particular, a felection of the most confequential records is fubmitted to the Public, difpofed in fuch a feries as to bear the mutual relation to each other of cause and effect.

The Papers now exhibited acquire additional importance from the recognition of the Independence of America on the part of GreatBritain. All offenfiveness in the matter is obliterated. What was formerly treason, is

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now juftifiable affertion; and even the famous. Declaration of Independence, fo pointed against an exalted Perfonage, is no more than republican complaint furnishing the ground-work of fovereignty. Offended with Royalty, Congress renounce allegiance; and, confeffing by implication that the offence was well-founded Majefty fanctions every iota in the Declaration of Independence; generously acquiesces in the cenfures it contains, and deigns to confider the authors as the fovereigns of an extenfive empire! The annals of Chriftian forgiveness cannot produce a paralle

With refpect to the American Conftitutions, it is obfervable that they differ in many particulars, fome participating more, others lefs, of the nature of a pure democracy ; but they are all valuable, because all favourable to Liberty. The Legiflators feem to have been sedulously attentive to avoid the defects, and to adopt the excellencies of the English Conftitution; and, in proportion as this has been accomplished, America may promise herself duration of empire. Thinking, with honest Henry Marten, “ one man not wife enough to

ES govern

govern them all," the Americans framed Conftitutions for the government of themfelves; and, as their councils have hitherto been actuated by the fpirit of wisdom, not a doubt can exist of their attaining the summit of political happiness.

It would be obtrufive on the good fenfe of the reader, to anticipate the reflections that will naturally occur, on a perufal of the following pieces. In them may be traced the origin of a destructively inglorious war, which began in tyranny, and ended in the unhappy difmemberment of the empire. By a retrospective view of paft calamities, future evils may be avoided; and, the Petition brought over by Mr. Penn, the Declaration of Independence, but, above all, the humiliating Treaties fubjoined to this work, may ferve as admonitory cautions to Monarchs and Minifters how they reject the Petitions, provoke the refentments, or infringe the liberties of a brave and free people.

The arm of refiftance fhould ever prevail, when directed against the heart of tyranny.

*« I do not think one man wife enough to govern us all." HENRY MARTEN to EDWARD HYDE.

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ITHOUT infringing the province of Hiftory, by entering into the origin of the unhappy rupture with America, the measures adopted by the Colonies after the dif pute commenced, may be thus concisely ftated. On the 5th of September, 1774, a Continental Congress, confifting of Deputies from the respective Colonies, affembled at Philadelphia; and on the 10th of October, they agreed on the following


THE good people of the feveral Colonies of New Hampshire, Maffachusetts-Bay, RhodeIfland, and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jerfey, Pennsylvania, Newcastle, Kent, and Suffex on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, alarmed at the arbitrary proceedings of the British Parliament and Administration, having feverally elected deputies to meet and fit in General Congress in the city of Philadelphia, and thofe deputies fo chofen being affembled on the 5th day of September, after fettling feveral neceffary preliminaries, proceeded to take into their oft ferious confideration the beft means of attaining the redrefs of grievances. In the first place, they, as Englishmen, their ancestors, in like cafes, had ufually done, for afferting and vindicating their rights and liberties, DECLARE,

That the inhabitants of the English Colonies in North America, by the immutable laws of nature, the principles of the English Conftitution, and the feveral Charters or Compacts, have the following Refolved,


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