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prevent the massacre from becoming so general. But whatever was the cause from which it arose, the consequences of it were dreadful, and not to be paralleled in modern history. As the circle in which I stood enclosed, by this time was much thinned, and death seemed to be approaching with hasty strides, it was proposed by some of the most resolute to make one vigorous effort, and endeavour to force our way through the savages, the only probable method of preserving our lives that now remained. This, however desperate, was resolved on, and about twenty of us sprung at once into the midst of them. In a moment we were all separated, and what was the fate of my companions I could not learn till some months after, when I found that only six or seven of them effected their design. Intent only on my own hazardous situation, I endeavoured to make my way through my savage enemies in the best manner possible. And I have often been astonished since, when I have recollected with what composure I took, as I did, every necessary step for my preservation. Some I overturned, being at that time young and athletic, and others I passed by dexterously avoiding their weapons; till at last two very stout chiefs, of the most savage tribes, as I could distinguish by their dress, whose strength I could not resist, laid hold of me by each arm, and began to force me through the crowd. I now resigned myself to my fate, not doubting but that they intended to despatch me, and then to satiate their vengeance with my blood, as I found they were hurying me towards a retired swamp, that lay at some distance. But before we had got many yards, an English gentleman of some distinction, as I could discover by his breeches, the only covering he had on, which were of fine scarlet velvet, rushed close by us.

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One of the Indians instantly relinquished his hold, and springing on this new object, endeavoured to seize him as his prey; but the gentleman being strong, threw him on the ground, and would probably have got away had not he who held my other arm, quitted me to assist his brother. I seized the opportunity, and hastened away to join another party of English troops that were yet unbroken, and stood in a body at some distance. But before I had taken many steps, I hastily cast my eye towards the gentleman, and saw the Indian's tomahawk gash into his back, and heard him utter his last groan; this added both to my speed and desperation. I had left this shocking scene but a few yards, when a fine boy about twelve years of age, that had hitherto escaped, came up to me, and begged that I would let him lay hold of me, so that he might stand some chance of getting out of the hands of the savages. I told him I would give him every assistance in my power, and to this purpose bid him lay hold; but in a few moments he was torn from my side, and by his shrieks, I judge was soon demolished. I could not help forgetting my own cares for a moment, to lament the fate of so young a sufferer; but it was utterly impossible for me to take any method to prevent it. I now got once more into the midst of friends, but we were unable to afford each other any


"As this was the division that had advanced the furthest from the fort, I thought there might be a possibility, (though but a bare one,) of my forcing my way through the outer ranks of the Indians, and getting to a neighbouring wood, which I perceived at some distance. I was still encouraged to hope, by the almost miraculous preservation I had already experienced. Nor were my

hopes in vain, or the efforts I made ineffectual. Suffice it to say, that I reached the wood; but by the time I had penetrated a little way into it, my breath was so exhausted, that I threw myself into a brake, and lay for some minutes, apparently at the last gasp. At length I recovered the power of respiration; but my apprehensions returned with all their former force, when I saw several savages pass by, probably in pursuit of me, at no very great distance. In this situation, I knew not whether it was better to proceed, or endeavour to conceal myself where I lay, till night came on; fearing, however, that they would return the same way, I thought it most prudent to get farther from the dreadful scene of my distresses. Accordingly, striking into another part of the wood, I hastened on as fast as the briers and the loss of one of my shoes would permit me; and after a slow progress of some hours, gained a hill that overlooked the plain which I had just left, from whence I could discern that the bloody storm still raged with unabated fury.

"After passing three days without subsistence, and enduring the severity of the cold dews for three nights, I at length reached Fort Edward; where with proper care my body soon recovered its wonted strength, and my mind, as far as the recollection of the late melancholy events would permit, its usual composure.

"It was computed, that 1500 persons were killed or made prisoners by these savages, during this fatal day. Many of the latter were carried off by them, and never returned. A few, through favorable accidents, found their way back to their native country, after a long and severe captivity.

"The brave Colonel Monro had hastened away, soon after the confusion began, to the French camp, to en

deavour to procure the guard agreed by the stipulation ; but his application proving ineffectual, he remained there till General Webb sent party of troops to demand and protect him back to Fort Edward. But these unhappy occurrences, which would probably have been prevented had he been left to pursue his own plans, together with the loss of so many brave men murdered in cold blood, to whose valor he had been so lately a witness, made such an impression on his mind, that he did not long survive. He died in about three months of a broken heart, and with truth might it be said, that he was an honor to his country.

"I mean not to point out the following circumstance, as the immediate judgment of Heaven, and intended as an atonement for this slaughter; but I cannot omit, that very few of those different tribes of Indians that shared in it, ever lived to return home. The small-pox, by means of their communication with the Europeans, found its way among them, and made an equal havoc to what they themselves had done. The methods they pursued on the first attack of that malignant disorder, to abate the fever attending it, rendered it fatal. Whilst their blood was in a state of fermentation, and nature was striving to throw out the peccant matter, they checked her operations by plunging into the water; the consequence was, that they died by hundreds. The few that survived were transformed by it into hideous objects, and bore with them to the grave, deep indented marks of this much dreaded disease.

"Monsieur Montcalm fell soon after, on the plains of Quebec.

"That the unprovoked cruelty of this commander was not approved of by the generality of his country

men, I have since been convinced by many proofs. One only, however, which I received from a person who was witness to it, shall I here give. A Canadian merchant, of some consideration, having heard of the surrender of the English fort, celebrated the fortunate event with great rejoicings and hospitality, according to the custom of that country; but no sooner did the news of the massacre which ensued reach his ears, than he put an immediate stop to the festivity, and exclaimed in the severest terms against the inhuman permission, declaring, at the same time, that those who had connived at it, had thereby drawn down on that part of their King's dominions, the vengeance of Heaven. To this he added, that he much feared the total loss of them would deservedly be the consequence. How truly this prediction was verified we well know."

In 1758, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Gage, of Rowley, was at Lake George, where, on the 20th of July, David Payson was slain by the Indians.

James Creasey, Richard Easty, and Joseph Whitten, and probably others, were out under Captain Israel Davis, of Topsfield.

In 1759, Thomas Barker, Robert Gragg, Francis Nelson, and John Smith, were out under Captain Israel Herrick, of Boxford. And Benjamin Sawyer, John Searle, Jr., Ezra Clough, Nathaniel Clough, William Cheney, Abijah Dickinson, Abner Moores, Thomas Perrin, and Thomas Pike, under Captain Joseph Newhall, of Newbury.

Humphrey Saunders, Lieutenant, and Daniel Scott, Joseph Spiller, Ezra Burbank, Samuel Stickney, Samuel Spiller, Anthony Bell, James Creasey, Moses Lowell, Mark Dresser, Thomas Tenney, Peirce Bailey,

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