THE ANGLING EXCURSIONS OF GREGORY GREENDRAKE, Esq. IN THE COUNTIES OF WICKLOW, MEATH, WESTMEATH, LONGFORD, AND CAVAN, WITH ADDITIONS, BY GEOFFREY GREYDRAKE, Esq. DEDICATED TO "ALL HONEST BROTHERS OF THE ANGLE." FOURTH EDITION. R-BALL DUBLIN: GRANT AND BOLTON, 4, DAME-STREET, AND LONGMAN, REES, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMAN, LONDON. THE 13370 PUBLISHERS' ADVERTISEMENT. THE very amusing and original papers here presented to the public, will be found to combine the charms of imagination and legendary lore, with rich and faithful descriptions of local scenery and manners, and, we doubt not, will create a strong wish in those who shall peruse this little volume, that GREGORY GREENDRAKE may extend his Angling Excursions, and continue to his readers a source of pleasure, in communicating which he displays, appropriate to his subject, a degree of talent not inferior to the most popular and established writers of the day. A Fourth Edition of these pleasing Excursions has been called for by more than the "gentle lovers of the angle," and the present publishers obey the call, under the advantages of presenting to the reader, much additional matter, from the pen, and aided by the editorship, of an eminent and ingenious Irish member of the great piscatorial family, named, in just keeping with the natural mutations of the May-fly, Mr. GEOFFREY GREYDRAKE; and it is to be hoped that something will be found in this new portion to add, not only to the worth of the volume, but to the delight with which the former editions have been perused by "crabbed age and youth," the greenhorns and the grey-beards of the brotherhood of the angle. The song says "Green leaves all turn yellow," So, all green heads, in time, become grey, if Atropos, in the shape of Cholera, or some such other foe to human existence, does not show them a short cut to the grave. We say this with a saving exception; for, although the outside may be grey, there have been, are, and ever will be, heads, the interior of which, or lining, continues green in fancy or in folly, to the end of the chapter of life. To Mr. Gregory Greendrake's original excursions are added, in the present edition, angling on the Blackwater, county Meath; on Lough-raumer, county Cavan; and on the eminently beautiful and extensive waters of Lough-gowna, or Erne-head lake, partly in the counties of Longford and Cavan. |