EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORY France VILLA AMBOISE A Residential School in Paris for Young Women MUSIC. FINE AND APPLIED ARTS. DRAMATIC ART. DANCING. LECTURES AT THE SORBONNE. DOMESTIC SCIENCE. Unusual opportunities for enjoying and appreciating the artistic and cultural life of Paris. French is the language of the school. All subjects clective. Traveling during vacations. Riding, golf and tennis. Pupils may enter whenever a vacancy occurs. Summer Residence from July 1st to October 1st For booklet address MISS IRENE JAMIESON 6, Avenue de Villars, Paris (7e), France California Martha Washington Seminary Girl. Happy, healthful school-days, on beautiful estate, with city and country advantages. Junior Collegiate and High School forms. Household Science, Secretarial Science, Music, Art, Expression. Address the Secretary, Box A. Oakcrest, 3640, 16th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Preparing women to become Elementary and Kindergarten teachers. Cultural courses. Three- and four-year diplomas. Degree courses. 12nd year. Spring term opens January 31, 1928, in new College and Dormitory buildings. Box 42, Evanston, Ill. MONTICELLO SEMINARY College Preparatory and Junior College Courses. Music, Art, Dramatics, Physical Education. Secretarial, Home Economics. 30 miles from St. Louis. 300-acre campus. All sports. Limited number of students admitted in February For catalog and views address: Harriet Rice Congdon, Godfrey, Illinois. Maryland National Park Seminary For girls. Suburbs of Washington, D. C. 2-year Junior college course. Music, Art, Home Economics, Expression, Secretarial. College Preparatory. acres. All sports. Riding. Catalog. JE. AMENT, PH.D., LL.D., PRES., Box 175. FOREST GLEN, Maryland. Massachusetts Abbot Academy 1828-1928 Advanced Courses for High School Graduates. ration. Outdoor Sports. Address: Bertha Bailey, Principal, Andover, College Prepa Massachusetts LASELL SEMINARY A school that develops well-trained, healthful and resourceful womanhood. Home Economics, Music, Art, College Preparatory and Secretarial Course. GUY M. WINSLOW, PRINCIPAL 135 Woodland Road Auburndale, Mass. The Massachusetts General Hospital TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES Regular three-year course requires high school diploma. Time allowance to college graduates with accredited courses. Five-year course in affiliation with Simmons College giving B.S. degree. Maintenance, text books and uniforms supplied to members of the training school. Entrance February and September. SALLY JOHNSON, R.N., Principal. BOSTON, MASS. CHAUNCY HALL SCHOOL Established 1828. Prepares boys exclusively for Massachusetts Institute of Technology and other scientific schools. Every teacher a specialist. Franklin T. Kurt, Principal, 555 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. (Copley Square.) BRADFORD ACADEMY A Junior College and College-Preparatory Katharine M. Denworth, Ph.D., Principal School for Girls Bradford Founded in 1803 Massachusetts Thomas Bickford, Founder Outdoor life. Training in self-discovery and self-direction. Stimulating ideas of health, responsibility. Christian influence. Three hundred acres, pine groves, seashore. College Preparatory, Cultural, Secretarial and Athletic courses. Advanced students one year intensive course preparing for college or professional schools. Arts. Crafts. Dramatics. Music. Corrective Gymnastics. Recreation Camp July and August. Summer courses and counselorship training for older girls and young women. Illustrated booklet. Faith Bickford, Principal W. T. Chase, Treasurer Box N, Brewster, Mass. CHOATE SCHOOL 28 MASSACHUSETTS― (Continued) New Jersey SCHOOL WALNUT HILL SCHOOL DWIGHT FOR GIRLS Natick, Mass. A College Preparatory School for Girls. Outdoor Life, Athletics and Winter Sports. 17 miles from Boston. MISS FLORENCE BIGELOW, Principal DeWitt Hebberd School for Boys A College Preparatory Country Boarding School John B. Hebberd, A.M. Head Master. Cotton Street, Newton, Mass. HOUSE in the PINES NORTON NASS. A School for Girls, 30 miles from Boston. College preparatory and general courses. Outdoor activities. Horseback riding emphasized. MISS GERTRUDE E. CORNISH, Principal. College Preparatory and Special Finishing Courses. Miss E. S. Creighton, Principal Englewood, N. J. A country school with beautiful grounds. College preparatory and General Courses. (Over fifty girls in leading colleges today.) Resident Department carefully restricted. Special attention to Music and Art. Athletics, Dramatics, Riding. EMELYN B. HARTRIDGE, Vassar A.B., Principal ACCREDITED. Diploma and B. C. S. degree courses; Prepares for C. P. A., Business Executive, Secretarial and Commercial Teaching Positions. Free placement. Ex-President Wilson and General Pershing chose Rider Graduates. Enter any Monday. 62d year. Co-ed. Rik se For catalog, address, Supt. Rider College, Trenton, NJ. College Preparatory, Cultural and Vocational Courses MRS. RUSSELL HOUGHTON The STORM KING SCHOOL Announces as Headmaster, Mr. R. J. Shortlidge, recently Associate Headmaster of The Choate School, and Headmaster of Camp Marienfeld. For catalog address The Headmaster, Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y. -Lake Placid Club School In the Adirondacks For Boys Under Lake Placid Club Education Foundation. College preparation in 6 forms. For discriminating parents who wish for their sons, the best in Education, Environment and Health. IRA A. FLINNER, Director, LAKE PLACID CLUB, N. Y. URSULINE ACADEMY FOR GIRLS. 2 hours from New York. Usual subjects. Also See retarial; Music. Lower School for younger girls. Riding. All Athletics. Special Vacation schedule. For illustrated catalog write URSULINE SISTERS, Box A, Middletown, N. Y. OGONTZ SCHOOL for Girls Two years of unusual finishing courses. Also College Preparatory Mary Lyon School College preparatory, general, cultural, secretarial courses. Wildcliff, 2-year graduate course. Seven Gables, girls 6-12. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Crist, Prins., Box 1536, Swarthmore, Pa. Virginia STAUNTON MILITARY ACADEMY One of the most distinguished schools in America preparing for Universities, Government Academies, Business. Superb disciplinary training equaled by academic excellence. Col. Thomas H. Russell, B.S., Pres., Box K (Kable Station), Staunton, Va. WARRENTON COUNTRY SCHOOL The School is planned to teach girls how to study, to bring them FISHBURN MILITARY SCHOOL Diploma to all colleges. Small classes, expert faculty. Also Business Course. 90% of graduates enter college, R.O.T.C. Under U. S. Govt. 49th year. CATALOG. Col. M. H. Hudgins, Box M, Waynesboro, Virginia. West Virginia ST. HILDA'S HALL OLD CHARLES TOWN (60 Miles from Washington, D. C.) THE CHEVRON SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Episcopal. In the Shenandoah Valley. College Prep. Wisconsin St. John's Military Academy The American Rugby. Eminently fitted for training American boys. Thorough scholastic and military instruction. Situated on high ground in Waukesha County Lake Region. Summer recreational camp. Catalog. Box 25-A, Delafield, Wisconsin. Teachers' Agencies The Pratt Teachers' Agency 70 Fifth Avenue, New York Recommends teachers to colleges, public and private schools in all parts of the country. Advises parents about schools |