MICRO-ORGANISMS IN WATER THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, IDENTIFICATION AND REMOVAL TOGETHER WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE BACTERIOLOGICAL METHODS SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF THOSE CONNECTED BY PERCY FRANKLAND, PH.D., B.Sc. (LOND.), F.R.S. ASSOCIATE OF THE ROYAL SCHOOL OF MINES FELLOW OF THE INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY, FELLOW OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY AND MRS PERCY FRANKLAND JOINT AUTHOR OF 'STUDIES ON SOME NEW MICRO-ORGANISMS OBTAINED FROM AIR' LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. AND NEW YORK: 15 EAST 16th STREET 1894 All rights reserved THE existing literature in connection with the Bacteriology of Water is so extensive, and is scattered through such numerous publications both English and foreign, that we venture to think an urgent necessity has arisen for a work in which this subject is specially discussed. We have, therefore, in the following pages endeavoured to present in a connected form an account of the more important investigations which have been carried out in this department of Bacteriology, in the hope that it may prove of service both to the student and investigator, as well as to those who, like engineers and medical officers of health, are practically concerned with the hygienic aspects of water-supply. With this object in view, we have given-firstly, a survey of all the more important general methods of bacteriological study, describing in detail those which are specially applicable to the examination of water; secondly, we have given an account of the principal results hitherto arrived at by the use of these new bacteriological methods in the study of the different kinds of water, and the changes which they undergo through natural and artificial agencies; further, particular attention has been bestowed on the behaviour |