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To the Tropics A Cruise

Our Business

is to select and to make the best
Farm Mortgages
We can still net 6%

Send for Our Booklet

it gives our methods in detail and shows why our clients have never had a loss.

George M. Forman & Co.

(Founded 1885) 11 So. La Salle Street, CHICAGO

Finance and Banking Continued from page 160 preceding ing; others foresee only a temporary disturbance of labor and industry followed by active production along normal lines. Whatever readjustments may become necessary, the United States may face the future with composure, for its position is indeed fortunate and enviable when compared with the war-worn countries. It is a creditor nation, possessed of more liquid capital than ever before, having an abundance of materials, and a manufacturing equipment greatly enlarged out of extraordinary profits. Its laws are becoming less restrictive and will probably permit manufacturers to work. together for foreign trade, and banks to combine in the establishment of branches abroad. The mercantile marine is growing and will be an important factor if navigation standards permit successful competition with British and Continental vessels.

The country has entered upon a new banking era. Reserves have been mobilized, a discount market established, and a strong and dependable banking system. evolved, with the solid underpinning of the federal reserve banks. International finance has been undertaken in a large way. Its intimate relationship with foreign trade is bound to be reflected in the volume of exports. But in the growth of foreign trade, mechanical and financial equipment are only the branches; the root is-work. Will the American barter his services as attractively as the Briton and the German? Wages here increased nineteen per cent. in the five years ended 1914; the increase since then is striking.

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is warmly recommended by physicians for the convalescent, the weak, and the anaemic. Should be taken at each meal and before retiring by all who are tired, overworked or undernourished.

There are some cheaper preparations
calling themselves malt preparations-
they are beverages, not tonics. Malt-
Nutrine is rich in malt-that's what
gives it its value to you. Insist.
All Druggists-Most Grocers

Malt-Nutrine declared by U. S.
Internal Revenue Department
to be a pure malt product, not
an alcoholic beverage. Contains
14.50 per cent malt solids-1.9
per cent alcohol.

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"Why I Read The Outlook"

We take the following definition of The Outlook from a letter
written by a subscriber:

It tells me what I want to know.

It doesn't tell me what I don't
want to know.

It makes plain the world's history
as it happens.

It gets at the right and wrong of
things; it loves justice; it hates
what is mean, false, or oppressive.
It puts fair writing above smart

Its special articles present the
knowledge and the views of
leaders in thought and action.

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