A Glimpse of the WorldLongmans, Green, 1886 - 380 pages |
From inside the book
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Page 16
... book which always lay on her table . ' Dear heart ! no , ma'am . How can one say ? fevers are like babies ; there's no knowing them apart when they are born . And who can tell what this will turn 16 A GLIMPSE OF THE WORLD .
... book which always lay on her table . ' Dear heart ! no , ma'am . How can one say ? fevers are like babies ; there's no knowing them apart when they are born . And who can tell what this will turn 16 A GLIMPSE OF THE WORLD .
Page 21
... heart a troubled tender yearning for the poor little girl whom no one liked , who was entering upon life with such grievous faults , such fierce self - will , passion , vanity , and selfishness , destined , it would seem , to be A ...
... heart a troubled tender yearning for the poor little girl whom no one liked , who was entering upon life with such grievous faults , such fierce self - will , passion , vanity , and selfishness , destined , it would seem , to be A ...
Page 29
... heart a genial , friend - seeking , kindly old man , who desired to accept his parishioners as his children ; or , if they were too old for that , at least as his brothers and sisters . And Mrs. Patty was more than kindly . Except when ...
... heart a genial , friend - seeking , kindly old man , who desired to accept his parishioners as his children ; or , if they were too old for that , at least as his brothers and sisters . And Mrs. Patty was more than kindly . Except when ...
Page 37
... heart to pray , and making you wish to be better , and forgiving you however many times you do wrong , if only you are sorry ; and you turn away to the wall , and will declare that God won't love you , and won't hear you , and won't ...
... heart to pray , and making you wish to be better , and forgiving you however many times you do wrong , if only you are sorry ; and you turn away to the wall , and will declare that God won't love you , and won't hear you , and won't ...
Page 44
... heart . Of all the inmates of Yare Hall , there was not one who thought so much , read so much , or felt so much , as Myra . Even when she fed her imagination with fiction , the fiction was digested and reproduced so as to become her ...
... heart . Of all the inmates of Yare Hall , there was not one who thought so much , read so much , or felt so much , as Myra . Even when she fed her imagination with fiction , the fiction was digested and reproduced so as to become her ...
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afraid ANDREW LANG Annette answer asked Baines Betsey better Cabinet Edition Catharine Charlotte Charlotte Stuart child Colonel Verney comfort Conyers Crown 8vo dear dinner Doctor door doubt dress E. A. FREEMAN Edmund Elise engaged excitement exclaimed Myra eyes face Faith father feeling felt friends girl give Godfrey Gosau Hallstadt hand hear heard heart Hensman hope Illustrations India inquire Ischl Johnny Ford Juliet Kingsbury knew laughed little Myra ma'am mamma marriage married Medley's mind Miss Cameron Miss Greaves Miss Medley Miss Myra Miss Stuart mond morning Myra's never papa Patty Patty's perhaps pleasant poor quiet R. A. Proctor remark replied Myra Rosa Rosamond Salzkammergut scarcely seemed smile Stormont sure talk tell things thought told tone Tracy trouble turned Verney's voice vols waiting walk whilst wish Wolfgang Woodcuts words