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Sig. Bb2 Ruth 3rd ch. 15 v. last line. 1611 A reads "he went into the citie ". 1611 B and 1613-11-" she went into the citie" in one line.

1617 and 1634 "she | went into the citie" in two different lines.

but in 18 v. last line 1611 B reads "vntil he have finished the thing."

1617 reads "vntill he have finished the thing."

1613-11 and 1634 "vntill he have finished ye thing."

while in 4 ch. 1 v.-1613-11 reads "aside and sat down."

1634 reads "and sat downe."

Sig. Bb 1 Sam. 1 ch. verso head line Left Hand

1611 A reads "Elis sonnes wicked"—all the others "Eli his sons wicked."

but in 2nd ch. 29 v. 1611 B reads "offrings of Israel."


1617 offerings of Israel" and 1634 "the offerings of" &c.

in 11 v. last line 1613-11 reads "

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come vp

and all the others no rasor come vpon his head."

The other three leaves of the signature have similar variations.

Signature Ff 2 Saml. 12 ch. 2 v. last line 1611 A and 1613-11 read "my flockes" &c -and all the others, "flockes" &c. but in 13 v. 3rd line 1611 A has "Nathan saide "-1613-11 "Nathan said." same chapter Contents, last line 1611 B & 1634 read "people thereof."

and 1617-"thereof."

12 v. last line 1611 B reads "before the Sunne "

1634 reads "and before the Sunne." The counterpart Ff has similar variations. The leaves marked 1613-11 were found like sig. T & T before described, in a mixed copy of 1617.

Signature Hh. 1 Kings 1 ch. 42 v. 1st line. 1611 B reads "he yet spake "-all the others"hee yet spake."

24 v. last line 1611 À reads “my throne❞—
1617 & 1634, "throne."

35 v.
last line 1617 reads "ouer Israel" and
36 v. last line "king."

35 v. last line 1634 reads 66 uer Israel" and
36 v. last line "King."

Head line Right Hand 1611 A & 1611 B have "Solomon anointed." 1613-11 reads "Solomon anoynted." Sig. Hh Head line Right hand 1611 A has "Joab slaine."

and all the others, "He is slaine."

in 2 ch. 17 v. last line 1611 B reads "Abishag"-1617 & 1634 "bishag."

11 v. last line 1617 reads "rusalem " 1634 "Jerusalem."

27 v. 3rd line 1611 B reads "that he might "-1613-11 "that hee" &c.

Sig. Hh3. 1 Kings 3rd ch. 20 v. 1st line 1611 A. 1617 & 1634 read "and shee arose." 1611 B" and she arose "-1613-11 "and she rose."

13 v. last line 1611 A has "all thy dayes" -1617 & 1634 "thy days."

20 v. 3rd line 1617 reads "layd her dead child."

1634 reads "laid her dead child." The other three leaves of the signature contain similar variations.

Signature li3 1 Kings 11 ch. 17 v. last line. 1611 A reads " yet a litle childe "-1611 B, 1613-11 & 1634 "yet a little child." 1617 reads "yet a little childe."

but in the 7 v. last line 1611 B reads "of the children of Ammon" & 1634 "the children" &c.

verso, 12 ch. Contents, last line 1611 B has 66 and by the idolatry" &c.

and 1613-11 has "and by the idolatrie" &c. Variations of a similar kind are found on the counterpart Ii.

Signature Kk 1 Kings 18 ch. 1 v. last line. 1611 A & 1613-11 (the latter found in a mixed 1617) read " on the earth." 1611 B reads "raine vpon the earth "1617" earth "-1634 "the earth." same chapter 1 v. last line 1611 A reads "third yeare"-1613-11 "third yere." Sig. Kk3 1 Kings 19 ch. 1 v. last line 1611 A begins "with the sword."

all the others begin "sword."

but 2 v. last line 1611 B reads "them by tomorrow about."

1617 & 1634 read " row about."

14 v. 1st line 1617 reads "beene" and 1634 been."

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and in 1 v. 4th line 1611 B has "he had slaine" and 1613-11 "hee had slaine." There are variations also in the counterparts Kk and Kk".

Sig. L12 2 Kings 4th ch. Contents, last line. 1611 A & 1634 read "twentie loaves" and the others "twenty loaves."

but in 4th ch. 6 v. last line 1611 A begins "and the oyle stayed."

and 1634 begins "the oyle stayed."

verso 4th ch. 13 v. 1st line 1611 B has "he said" and 1617 "he sayd."

recto 3rd ch. 17 v. 2nd line 1611 B reads "ye see " and 1613-11 "yee see." The counterpart Ll3 has variations also. Signature Pp 1 Chron. 12 ch. 16 v. last line 1611 A begins "to David" and all the others "David."

same chap. 27 v. last line 1611 B begins "three thousand "-1617 & 1634 "thousand."

verso 13 ch. Contents, last line 1617 reads "ten the arke is "

and 1634 reads "Obededom."

13 ch. 1 v. last line 1611 B begins "with euery leader" and 1613-11 "leader." Sig. Pp2 1 Chron. 15 chap. 12 v. last line. 1611 A, 1617 and 1634 read "for it "-1611 B & 1613-11, "it"

but same chap. 1 v. last line 1611 A has "ched for a tent."

1617 & 1634 66 a tent

2 v. last line 1617 reads "ster vnto him for euer"

1634 reads "nister vnto him" &c.

1 v. last line 1611 B has "ched for a tent " -1613-11 66 a tent" and with different capital letters.

Signature Pp3. 1 Chron. 17 ch. 24 v. last line, verso.

1611 A begins "stablished before thee." 1611 B and 1613-11 "blished before thee."

1617 and 1634 "ed before thee."

1 v. last line 1611 B reads "taines" and
1613-11 "

8 v. 1st line 1617 reads "bene with thee."
-1634 "beene with thee."

The counterparts Pp1, Pp' and Pp have variations also.

Signature Xx Nehemiah 3 ch. 17 v. last line. 1611 A, 1617 and 1634 read "halfe part of Keilah" &c.

1611 B and 1613-11, "the halfe part," &c.
but in 4th ch. 4th v. last line 1611 A begins
"pray, in the land of captiuitie."
1617 begins 66
prey, in the land of

1634, begins "prey, in the land of cap-

3 ch. 26 v. last line 1611 B reads "lieth " and 1613-11 "lyeth."

Sig. Xx2. Neh. 5 ch. 8 v. last line.

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1611 A reads "found nothing to answere." -and all the others "nothing to answere." but 9 v. last line 1611 B begins "of the heathen our enemies."

1617 and 1634 "heathen our enemies." the head line Left Hand in 1617 is "Vsurie reformed" and in 1634 "Vsury reformed." |

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Signature Yy, Neh. 13 ch. 5 v. last line. 1611 A begins "and the offerings of the Priests."

1611 B begins "and the offrings of the Priests."

1613-11 begins "and the offrings of the priests."

1617 begins "of the Priests" and 1634 "porters & the offerings," &c.


Sig. Yy Esther-The title to the Book. 1611 A T The Booke of &c. 1611 B 1617 and 1634 The Booke of &c. 1613-11 2 The Booke of, &c.—(the leaf is reversed.)

1 ch. 1 v. last line 1611 B begins “and tweny prouinces."

1617" and twenty prouinces"-1634" and twentie prouinces."

Signature Yy Esther 5 ch. 5 v. last line. 1611 A begins "had prepared" all the others "prepared."

but in 8 v. last line, 1611 B and 1613-11 read "as the king hath said."

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The last line of contents 1611 B reads "
fits." 1617 and 1634 "benefites."
7 v. last line 1617 reads "of the people "-
1634"mult of the people."

5 v. last line 1611 A, "that are afarre off”-
1613-11 "afarre off."

In Eee, the counterpart, there are variations also.

Sig. Kkk2. Proverbs 23 ch. 23 v. last line. 1611 A, 1617 and 1634 read "standing" 1611 B and 1613-11, "derstanding."

5 v. last line 1611 A reads "as an Eagle toward heauen."

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Sig. Kkk3. Proverbs 25 ch. 19 v. last line. 1611 A, 1613-11 and 1634 read "and a foot out of ioynt."

1611 B and 1617 read "and a foote out of ioynt."

5 v. last line 1611 A reads "blished in righteousnes."

1613-11 reads "blished in righteousnesse." 1634 reads "stablished in righteousnesse." 13 v. last line 1611 B begins "the soule of his maisters."

1617 begins "the soule of his masters." The counterparts Kkk' and ' vary in a similar


Signature Zzz, Ezekiel 12 ch. 2 v. last line 1611 A reads "are a rebellious house." 1611 B, 1613-11 & 1617 read "bellious housc"-1634 "house."

but verso, head-title, Right Hand 1611 B has "the captiuity." 1617 "the captiutie."

verso, 6 v. last line 1617 reads "of Israel." 1613-11 reads "Israel."

The counterpart Zzz varies in a similar man


The leaves marked 1613-11 were found in a made up copy of 1617.

The text of the New Testament in the editions 1611 B and 1613-11 are generally alike in all copies. I have discovered only four leaves with variations, and these are the same leaves in which my copies of 1611 A and 1611 B are alike, as already mentioned.

Signature S, 2 Cor. 11 ch. Contents, last line. 1611 A and 1611 B begin "nistery far superior."

1613-11 begins "his ministerie" &c.

1617 begins "ministery, farre superior" &c. and sig. Xxxxx.

1634 begins "for his ministery farre" &c. and sig. Xxxxx.

Sig. So, the counterpart; Eph. 4 ch. Contents, last line.

1611 A & 1611 B begin "ing, and 29. corrupt communication."

1617 begins "off lying, and 29. corrupt" &c. 1634 begins "nication."

5 ch. 2 v. last line 1611 A and 1611 B begin "smelling savour."

1613-11 begins "fice to God for a sweet smelling" &c.

Sig. U3 1 Tim. 4 ch. Contents, last line. 1611 A and 1611 B begin "cepts belonging thereto."

1617 begins " uers precepts" &c. and sig. Zzzzz3

1634 begins" diuers precepts" &c. and sig. Zzzzz3

26 ch. 5 v. last line 1611 A and 1611 B begin man Christ Jesus."

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1613-11 begins "Christ Jesus."

Sig U, the counterpart, 5 ch. 22 v. last line. 1611 A and 1611 B begin "sinnes. Keepe

thy selfe pure."

1617 and 1634 begin "Keepe thy selfe pure."

verso 1617. T The second Epistle-1634 The second Epistle.

6 ch. Contents, last line 1611 A and 1611 B begins "prophane wranglings." 1613-11 begins "doctrine, and to auoid prophane" &c.

In order to introduce the variations in 161311, the quotations are more intricate than they would be if reference were had merely to the other four editions. This is the case throughout the whole text, but a few will be given from the New Testament only.

Sig. C3 Matt. 23 ch. Contents, last line.

1611 A reads "of Hierusalem"-1611 B" on

of Hierusalem "

1617 and 1634 "the destruction of Hierusalem" & sig. Fffff3

but in 37 v. last line 1617 reads "with all thy minde."

1634 reads "all thy mind."

Sig. C Matt. 26 ch. 36 v. 1st line.

1611 A, 1617 & 1634 begin "Then commeth Jesus."

1611 B "Then commeth Judas."

but 24 v. last line 1611 A begins "not bene borne."

1617 begins "had not bene borne." 1634 begins "had not beene borne." Sig. Gʻ, Luke, 10 ch. Contents, last line. 1611 A begins "Mary her sister "-1611 B "deth Mary her sister."

1617 & 1634 begin "tha, and commendeth Mary" &c.

but 1617, 1 v. last line begins "himselfe would come

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1634 "hee himselfe" &c.

Sig. K, John, 10 ch. head line, Left Hand. 1611 A "The good Shepheard "-1611 B "The good shepherd."

1617 & 1634 "The good Shepherd." but 2 v. last line, 1634 begins "is the shepherd" &c. 1617 "is the shepheard " Sig. M3, Acts, 6 ch. Contents, last line. 1611 A begins "law and the temple "

1611 B "gainst the law and the temple." 1617 & 1634 "mie against the law and the Temple," and sig. Ppppp

but 7 ch. Contents, last line 1617 begins "and humbly prayeth" &c. 1634 begins "bly prayeth for them." Sig. N3, Acts, 15 ch. Contents, last line. 1611 A begins "part asunder”-1611 B"and depart asunder"

1617 begins "at strife, and depart asunder." 1634 begins" and part asunder."

In 1617 and 1634 the signatures are Qqqqq Sig. T2, Philip, 1 ch. Contents, last line. 1611 A and 1634 begin "fortitude in persecution."

1611 B "titude in persecution "—1617— "persecution."

but 1611 A 1 v. last line begins "Deacons” -1634 "cons."

and in 1617 & 1634, the signature is Yyyyy.' Sig. Y2, James 4 ch. 1 v. last line.

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1617 begins" and there was no more sea." 1634 begins " & there was no more sea." The variations in the two issues, each bearing date 1611, may be accounted for by a suggestion of Dr. Cotton, made, however, in reference to the quarto Bibles of 1612. He writes, "I can only attempt to account for these variations by supposing that, as a large supply was wanted at once, two or more printers were employed by the person who had the contract for supplying all, and that the same title-page was affixed to all, though the body of the work had been set up and printed at different houses." printer of a new version like that of 1611 would naturally want a larger supply of the 1st edition than of any subsequent issue of the same version. L.


New York, Nov., 1861.

NOTE. The map in its second condition has certainly been re-engraved. It is not only shorter than in Nos. 1 and 2, but many variations which are not noted, prove that it could not have been altered. Elstrack's name does not appear upon it in its first condition.

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