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ether and diviner air, are untried fields for exalted triumphs, more truly worthy the American name, than any snatched from rivers of blood. War is known as the Last Reason of Kings. Let it be no reason of our Republic. Let us renounce, and throw off forever, the yoke of a tyranny more oppressive than any in the annals of the world. As those standing on the mountain-tops first discern the coming beams of morning, let us, from the vantage-ground of liberal institutions, first recognize the ascending sun of a new era! Lift high the gates, and let the King of Glory in,— the King of True Glory,-of Peace. I catch the last words of music from the lips of innocence and beauty:


'And let the whole earth be filled with His Glory!'

"It is a beautiful picture in Grecian story, that there was at least one spot, the small Island of Delos, dedicated to the gods, and kept at all times sacred from War. No hostile foot ever sought to press this kindly soil; and the citizens of all countries here met, in common worship, beneath the ægis of inviolable Peace. So let us dedicate our beloved country; and may the blessed consecra

* The services of the choir at the church, where the Oration was delivered, were performed by the youthful daughters of the public schools of Boston.

tion be felt, in all its parts, everywhere throughout its ample domain! THE TEMPLE OF HONOR shall be surrounded, here at last, by the Temple of Concord, that it may never more be entered through any portal of War; the horn of Abundance shall overflow at its gates; the angel of Religion shall be the guide over its steps of flashing adamant; while within its enraptured courts, purged of Violence and Wrong, JUSTICE, returned to the earth from her long exile in the skies, with mighty scales for Nations as for men, shall rear her serene and majestic front; and by her side, greatest of all, CHARITY, sublime in meekness, hoping all and enduring all, shall divinely temper every righteous decree, and, with words of infinite cheer, shall inspire those Good Works that cannot vanish away. And the future chiefs of the Republic, destined to uphold the Glories of a new era, unspotted by human blood, shall be 'the first in PEACE, and the first in the hearts of their countrymen.'

"But while seeking these blissful glories for ourselves, let us strive to extend them to other lands. Let the bugles sound the Truce of God to the whole world forever. Let the selfish boast of the Spartan women become the grand chorus of mankind, that they have never seen the smoke of an enemy's camp. Let the iron belt of martial

music, which now encompasses the earth, be exchanged for the golden cestus of Peace, clothing all with celestial beauty. History dwells with fondness on the reverent homage that was bestowed, by massacring soldiers, upon the spot occupied by the sepulchre of the Lord. Vain man! to restrain his regard to a few feet of sacred mould! The whole earth is the Sepulchre of the Lord; nor can any righteous man profane any part thereof. Let us recognize this truth, and now, this Sabbath of our country, lay a new stone in the grand Temple of Universal Peace, whose dome shall be as lofty as the firmament of heaven, as broad and comprehensive as the earth itself."


This is certainly a finished passage, highly characteristic of Mr. Sumner, and one of the finest. examples which his Peace orations afford for the study and admiration of ingenuous minds. May it inspire the young men of our land with a deep and abiding love of Peace, and lead them to cultivate the noble affection of benevolence.


Spoken of as the successor of Judge Story in the Law School-Remarks of Story and Kent-Espouses the cause of freedom-Compared to Charles James Fox-Delivers a speech against the admission of Texas as a slave State-Extracts from the speech.

AFTER the death of Judge Story, in 1845, Mr. Sumner was universally pointed out as his successor in the vacant professorship of the Law School, but he expressed a disinclination to accept the office, and consequently was not appointed. Such an appointment, if made, would have been in accordance with the wish of Story, who had frequently remarked, "I shall die content, so far as my professorship is concerned, if Charles Sumner is to succeed me." And here, on this point, we would add the opinion of another eminent jurist, Chancellor Kent, who declared that Mr. Sumner was "the only person in the country competent to succeed Story."

Mr. Sumner early espoused the cause of freedom -a cause which he has never ceased to vindicate, and which, to his noble, generous soul is dearer than life itself. Since 1845, when his political

career may be said to have fairly commenced, he has been the worthy champion for oppressed humanity-the uncompromising opponent of the institution of slavery.

The one grand end of his political life has been the same which actuated that noble British statesman, Charles James Fox, who expressly asserted that his great object was "to widen the basis of freedom-to infuse and circulate the spirit of liberty." From the pure fountain of liberty emanated the political principles of Fox, and it has been said, that he drew from this source the most inspiring strains of his eloquence. No English speaker, not even Lord Chatham himself, dwelt so often on this theme; no one had his generous sensibilities more completely roused; no one felt more strongly the need of a growing infusion of this spirit into the English government, as the great means of its strength and renovation. The same glorious principle, we repeat, has stirred the spirit of Charles Sumner, and been the occasion of some of his grandest efforts, and the most "inspiring strains of his eloquence."

We shall presently have occasion to lay before our readers some of his most forcible and eloquent appeals on the unspeakable evils of slavery, which, we fear, is destined to shake the fabric of our government to its centre, and which is at present the

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