Page images

Van Bergen,

-, 43

256, 262, 263, 266, 271, 275,

299, 305, 323, 331, 346, 350,
353, 361, 363, 365, 367, 376,

Vandalia (Illinois), 44, 45, 46, 47,
56, 60

Vanity Fair, 198

Vermilion County (Illinois), 117
Vermont, 161

377, 378, 388, 398, 405
Washington County (Kentucky), 4, 5
Washington monument, the, 81

Vicksburg, capture of, 323, 326, 327, Washington Post, the, 258

353, 405

Victoria, Queen, 239

Virginia, 2

secedes, 206, 207, 234

Virginia Convention, the, 204

Volney, 43

Volney's "Ruins," 88
Voltaire, 43

Wade, Ben, 291

Wade, Senator, 348, 353, 356, 408
Wade-Davis faction, the, 353, 354
Walker, Governor, 132

War, Secretary of, 121, 194, 206,
250, 253, 255, 258, 259, 275,
286, 298, 311, 333, 390
War, Confederate Secretary of, 296
War Department, the, 206, 257, 258,
275, 325, 348, 364, 366, 367
War Department contracts, 252
War President, the, 366
Ward, Artemus, 277

"Recollections" of, 238

Webster, Daniel, 95, 123, 126, 127,

149, 213

Webster's reply to Hayne, 182

Weed, Thurlow, 158, 174, 176, 184,

350, 355

Weitzel, General, 395

Welles, Gideon, Secretary of the
Navy, 185, 192, 199, 247, 259,
316, 391, 400, 401

West Virginia, 241, 354
Western Union, the, 259
White, Hugh L., 54

White House, the, 179, 208, 233,
237, 240, 277, 333, 359, 388,
Whitewater (Wisconsin), 34
Whitman, Walt, 388, 409, 410
Whitney, Henry C., 113, 114, 117,

Wide-Awake Clubs, 163
Wilderness, the, 375

Wilkes, Captain, 247, 248
Wilmot Proviso, the, 95
Wilson, , 33
Winchester, 318, 379
Wright case, the, 108

Warden, biographer of Chase, 346
Washburne, E. B., of Illinois, 125,
174, 178, 361, 364
Washington, George, 179, 419
Washington (D.C.), 90, 98, 99, 102,
112, 116, 120, 172, 176, 179,
181, 182, 183, 184, 187, 193,
199, 208, 209, 210, 211, 241,"Young Hickory," 94

Yates, Governor, 44

Yazoo Pass expedition, the, 327
Yorktown, 294

2 F

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