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" The bare black cliff clang'd round him, as he based His feet on juts of slippery crag that rang Sharp-smitten with the dint of armed heels And on a sudden, lo! the level lake, And the long glories of the winter moon. "
The poetical works of Alfred Tennyson - Page 189
by Alfred Tennyson (1st baron.) - 1872
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Poems, Volume 2

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1842 - 252 pages
...and a cry Before. His own thought drove him like a goad. Dry clash'd his harness in the icy caves And barren chasms, and all to left and right The bare...moon. Then saw they how there hove a dusky barge, Dark as a funeral scarf from stem to stern, Beneath them ; and descending they were ware That all the decks...
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Poems, Volume 2

Alfred Tennyson (1st baron.) - 1843 - 256 pages
...and a cry Before. His own thought drove him like a goad. Dry clash'd his harness in the icy caves And barren chasms, and all to left and right The bare...moon. Then saw they how there hove a dusky barge, Dark as a funeral scarf from stem to stern, Beneath them ; and descending they were ware That all the decks...
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Alfred Tennyson (1st baron.) - 1845 - 510 pages
...harness in the icy caves And barren chasms, and all to left and right The bare black cliff clang 'd round him, as he based His feet on juts of slippery...moon. Then saw they how there hove a dusky barge, Dark as a funeral scarf from stem to stern, Beneath them ; and descending they were ware That all the decks...
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Poems, Volume 2

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - English poetry - 1846 - 252 pages
...and a cry Before. His own thought drove him like a goad. Dry clash'd his harness in the icy caves And barren chasms, and all to left and right The bare...level lake, And the long glories of the winter moon. Tlien saw they how there hove a dusky barge, Dark as a funeral scarf from stem to stern, Beneath them...
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Poems, Volume 2

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1846 - 252 pages
...harness in the icy caves And barren chasms, and all to left and right The bare black cliff clang 'd round him, as he based His feet on juts of slippery...moon. Then saw they how there hove a dusky barge, Dark as a funeral scarf from stem to stern, Beneath them ; and descending they were ware That all the decks...
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Poems, Volume 1

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - English poetry - 1851 - 276 pages
...harness in the icy caves And barren chasms, and all to left and right The bare black cliff clanged round him, as he based His feet on juts of slippery...moon. Then saw they how there hove a dusky barge, Dark as a funeral scarf from stem to stern, Beneath them ; and descending they were ware That all the decks...
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Poems, Volume 1

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1854 - 286 pages
...harness in the icy caves And barren chasms, and all to left and right The bare black cliff clanged round him, as he based His feet on juts of slippery...moon. Then saw they how there hove a dusky barge, Dark as a funeral scarf from stem to stern, Beneath them ; and descending they were ware That all the decks...
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The National Review, Volume 1

Richard Holt Hutton, Walter Bagehot - Periodicals - 1855 - 520 pages
...and a cry Before His own thought drove him like a goad. Dry cla-=h'd his harness in the icy caves And barren chasms, and all to left and right The bare...level lake, And the long glories of the winter moon." The two last lines place you on the very spot: you see it almost with your bodily eyes. And marvellous...
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Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1856 - 400 pages
...and a cry Before. His own thought drove him like a goad. Dry clash'd his harness in the icy caves And barren chasms, and all to left and right The bare...moon. Then saw they how there hove a dusky barge, Dark as a funeral scarf from stem to stern, Beneath them ; and descending they were ware That all the decks...
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The modern reader and speaker

David Charles Bell - 1856 - 466 pages
...a cry before. His »wn thought drove him like a goad. Dry clashed his harness in the icy caves and barren chasms, and all to left and right the bare...heels — and on a sudden, lo ! the level lake, and tho long glories of the winter moon. Then saw they how there hove a dusky barge, dark as a funeral...
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