Assassination of the President: A Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln

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S. Chism, 1865 - Fast-day sermons - 15 pages

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Page 8 - And the king said unto his servants, Know ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel?
Page 13 - OH, slow to smite and swift to spare, Gentle and merciful and just ! Who, in the fear of God, didst bear The sword of power, a nation's trust ! In sorrow by thy bier we stand, Amid the awe that hushes all, And speak the anguish of a land That shook with horror at thy fall. Thy task is done ; the bond are free : We bear thee to an honored grave, Whose proudest monument shall be The broken fetters of the slave. Pure was thy life ; its bloody close Hath placed thee with the sons of light, Among the...
Page 11 - When I left home to take the chair of state I requested my countrymen to pray for me. I was not then a Christian. When my son died — the severest trial of my life — I was not a Christian. But when I went to Gettysburg, and looked upon the graves of our dead heroes who had fallen in defense of their country, I then and there consecrated myself to Christ. I do love Jesus.
Page 3 - ... were dissolved in tears, or started to their feet in consternation. When he preached the funeral sermon of the King, on the words, " Lo, I have become great ; " he commenced by repeating them slowly, as if to recollect himself ; then he fixed his eyes on the assembly in mourning ; next he surveyed the funeral enclosure, with all its sombre pomp; and lastly, turning his eyes on the mausoleum erected in the midst of the cathedral — after some moments of silence exclaimed, Dieu seul est grand,...
Page 11 - ... home to take this place, I requested my countrymen to pray for me; but I was not a Christian then. When my son died — -the severest trial of my life — I was not a Christian. But when I went to Gettysburg, and looked upon the graves of our dead heroes who had fallen in defence of their country, I then and there consecrated myself to Christ. I DO LOVE JESUS.
Page 4 - The people will wonder, if they hear of it ; but the truth is, I must have a change of some sort, or die." It may well be believed that these scenes were but little in his mind, always fertile in thoughts for the welfare of the nation in all its portions, — whether the Western frontier, the Canada coast, or the status...
Page 3 - David's followers day weak, though anointed king ; and these men the sons of Zeruiah be too hard for me : the Lord reward the doer of evil according to his wickedness
Page 5 - For this act; in all its atrocity, no personal motive seems possible. There was no wrong to be avenged, no wealth to be clutched, nothing to be gained.
Page 8 - It is better to trust in the LORD : than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LORD : than to put confidence in princes.

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