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have seldom expressed their ideas on these subjects in plainer language than God hath done in his word; and yet they have ever been understood, and found those who would contend against them.

This is a handy method of getting round the word of the Lord, when he speaks in language that does not suit our views. If we had given such an explanation to the text produced against our system, we should have supposed, that every rational man would say, that we were surely in an error, and could not reconcile the word of God with our sentiments; and consequently, they would fear to trust their souls upon them.

Besides, what do they mean by indirectly saying, that these expressions of the Holy Ghost have no meaning, or no sense at all? Do they mean to say, that God has filled his word with nonsense! or with words that cannot be understood? If so, the Lord might have kept that part of it to himself, because it was no revelation of his will to man, if he cannot understand it. The reader may see, that throughout these two sections we have quoted a multitude of scriptures, which boldly contradict the freewill scheme of salvation; and these are not the half we might have quoted; yet they would explain them all, by saying, these scriptures have no meaning. We only add, that God now speaks to fallen men by his word; but if they will not bear, or understand, that, the time will come when he will make them understand his actions.


In this section, we shall compare the doctrine with reason. The reason why many will not believe our system is, because they say it is contrary to reason; therefore, we shall now examine the two systems by reason. President Edwards was ever esteemed by the world to be a great reasoner; and when he left the people of North Hampton, he charged them in his farewell address, to be careful about this Armenian doctrine. For, said he, "there is no stepping stone between that and Atheism." We will now ask a few plain questions, which the weakest mind can answer. These will show which system is most reasonable, and at the same time the propriety of the President's remark.

They deny the answer given to the seventh question, in our shorter catechism, which says, "that God foreordained whatsoever comes to pass." We have already explained what we mean by this answer: it is God's determination to do, or permit to be done, whatsoever comes to pass.

Mr. Wesley and the General Conference, say that "God sees all eternity at one view." It is also a fact, granted by us all, that God has made all things. We will likewise agree, that the Lord hath created some angels that have stood, and others that have fallen, and been damned. Now, we ask if the Lord created some with powers to stand, why did he not create them all with the same powers? Or, if they were all upheld in their innocence by the power of God, why did he not uphold them all by the same power? Or, why did he create these angels at all, when he certainly knew that they would apostatize, and become devils?

When the devil came into the garden of Eden to tempt our first parents, did not the Lord know that he was there, and what would be the consequence? And if so, why did he not immediately drive him out, and prevent the fall of man? If God sees all eternity at one view, why did he determine to make those angels and men, and let them do as they have done? Did he not know all the wickedness that ungodly men would commit, long before he made them? and if so, why did he make these men, if he did not determine to permit them to do this wickedness? Perhaps the reader may say, "they did it of their own freewill." We grant that; but did not the Lord know before he made them, that they would be willing to do this wickedness, and that they would finally be damned for it? Let the rational reader answer these questions for himself; and if he al

lows that there is a God who has made all things, and has at all times a controlling power over them, then he may judge, whether it is irrational that God hath foreordained whatsoever cometh to pass.

Again; we read in scripture, that "Herod slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, from two years old and under. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet." It appears that the Lord knew this wickedness many hundred years before he formed Herod, because he foretold it. And if so, why did he make such a creature? Besides, the Lord upheld him and his men of war while they did the act; for they could not walk, except he upheld them by his power. If a man had acted similar, the General Conference would have said, he was worse than the devil; and said so with some truth. But it will not always do, to compare God and man together in their actions. By this rule, we might try to raise the resentment of mankind against the Lord, because he kills men, women, and children with death: tearing the smiling infant from the mother's breast, and rending the husband or wife, from the embraces of a beloved companion, amidst the agonizing groans, and tears of a distressed family. The man who would act thus, would be truly a hateful being. But it becomes sinful men, to be stili, and know that it is God; to look back, and learn the cause of all these things; remembering, that the Lord


reigneth; and that there is not a sparrow falis to the ground, without your Father.

Further: Hazael was another who committed awful wickedness; but the Lord knew it, and told him so by the mouth of the prophet. In short, it is needless to mention particulars: the Lord in his word, from beginning to end, is continually prophesying, and telling of evils and wickedness, which will take place; while he himself is the creator and upholder of all things, and his eyes were continually upon them It requires no great stretch of the powers of the mind, for any one to see, that if God created men as instruments who did wickedness; and knew before he made them, that they would do this wickedness; and supported theminlife; gave them health and strength while they were engaged in the actions:-any man can see, that God foreordained, or foredetermined, that these evils should be done.

We will suppose, for instance, that I knew of an unruly dog, which I knew for a certainty would tear every man in pieces, who came in his way, if he were not chained. And I knew at the same time with a certainty, that one of my neighbours would come to my house on a certain evening, (perhaps with a bad intent:) 1 go and procure that dog, and on that evening in which I knew that my neighbour would come, I turn the dog loose; accordingly, he tears the man in pieces; and at the same time I look out of the window, -see the act, and

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