Wesley contradicts the 89th Psalm, His discipline declares man master of God, ERRATA. Page 15, line 3, for Methodist, read Atheist. following, for the, read each. INTRODUCTION. DEAR READER, God in his providence has so connected the means with the ends, in the salvation of men, that a knowledge of the truth is very important. It lies at the root of practice, because if a man believe the truth with his whole heart, he will naturally be led to practise accordingly; and although nothing can fatally deceive the elect of God, yet we are taught, both by precept and example, to use the appointed means, in order to prevent that deception: for that reason, I have written this book, and taken pains to compress my ideas in as small a compass as possible, that it might be a cheap and handy volume for the use of those who may wish to read it; and I have also published the debate, because there has been much said about it; and some may have a desire to see it. I have treated the subject, in general, in a different manner from what I have seen it treated by writers heretofore. I have placed my opponents for the most part on the defensive; and have done this with a view to lead the humble inquirer into a knowledge of the truth. I am aware of the difficulties with which I have to contend. In the first place, I expect that some of the Methodist preachers will endeavour to prejudice the minds of their hearers against reading what I have B written, except those who may be thoroughly set against the truth in any shape. And in the second place, I expect that, in order to invalidate my arguments, some will say that the quotations I have made from writers, and the historical facts which I have here related, are not true; but I can assure the reader, that I stand pledged, as a gospel minister, to produce the books, and show all the quotations and historical facts which I have here recorded; and I am liable to be censured by my Presbytery, if I fail. And, as for the justness of my reasoning, the reader will judge for himself. Protestant writers are not much in the habit of making false quotations, or of misrepresenting the doctrines of those from whom they differ in sentiment; yet we know it is done by some people : therefore, if any answer to this should appear in public, I hope the writer will give us his name, and be candid and honest in all his quotations; and if he attempt to remove thes eabsurdities out of his system, let it be done so plain, that we can all easily perceive, how his system is connected with itself and with the Bible: then we shall be glad to see it. But lest this candour should not be exercised, we would advise the reader who values the truth, and realizes that his eternal salvation is resting upon it, carefully to compare the answer (if any appear,) with a copy of this; because one writer, whom I have seen, in attempting to answer a piece of this kind, made either four or five misrepresentations, in only four pages, which contained the whole book. I have not studied elegance of style; neither will I warrant this book to be clear of grammatical blunders I have no desire to appear before the world as an author, and subject myself to the criticisms of the learned. Nothing would have tempted me to this task, but a desire to lead those souls into the path of truth, who are to be found in the humble walks of life. Therefore, I have varied from the modern mode of writing, made my sentences short, and endeavoured to use the plainest words. Neither have I any antipathy against either the Methodists, or Roman Catholics, as men. My prayer to God is, that they all be brought to a knowledge of the truth in Christ, and be saved. If it had not been for a desire of this kind, I should not have subjected myself to that rage and dislike which I expect to meet from some of them. However, I consider it unreasonable in them to be offended; because they have filled the country with books, attacking our system, and endeavouring to show its absurdities. If they have done this with malice, it is done with a wicked spirit; but if they have done it from motives of love, because they think us labouring under dangerous error, they ought to remember, that we think the same concerning them. One of us must be wrong; and we are all candidates for eternity. Therefore, the |