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going royal and republican governments Iditions of the strife; but we doubt whether matters very little, after all, to any one but the compelled evacuation of Algeria by France, himself. The act itself was a just and hon- supposing no other European nation willing orable one; and the manner in which it was or able to supply her place, would not be the performed added greatly an important con- greatest misfortune that could befall the nasideration in France- to its dramatic effect. tives, now that the smashing, slaying, firing In truth, one can hardly imagine a more part of the business must be pretty well over. effective incident. Consider it for a moment. They have been forcibly brought into contact The place, a royal castle of the elder Bour- with a more potent civilization than their bons, built by Charles VI., where Louis XI. own, by which they must ultimately be instituted the order of St. Michael, and greatly benefited; railways, the precursors Charles VIII. was born and died; the captive of material progress, are, it is said, about to to be set free, originally a prisoner of the be constructed on the plains; and the govmonarch who had usurped the hereditary seat ernment, by the establishment of schools, evince of those ancient kings; and the liberator a laudable anxiety to advance their moral as himself, though his foot was now upon the well as physical condition. The subjugation of step of an imperial throne, but a brief space Algeria, so far as it has gone, has assuredly previously having escaped from the custody added nothing to the reputation of the French of Abd-el-Kader's jailer, in the dress of a la- armies either for prowess or humanity; but borer, a rough, heavy plank borne across the the civilization of Northern Africa presents shoulder, soon to be graced by the imperial an ample field for exertion, success in which mantle! The dialogue of this showy pièce de will make amends for the past, and cause men circonstance was not less bizarre and misplaced to acknowledge, with unalloyed satisfaction, than its other accessories. "I believe you,' "the signal service rendered to mankind by said Louis Napoleon, addressing the emir, France in putting down the vast and formida"to be capable of resigning yourself, as both ble system of piracy which, for three centuries, your religion and mine enjoin us to do, to the had been permitted to organize and intrench circumstances of the position in which you itself on the shores of the Mediterranean. are placed, and thus your word is sacred; I rely upon it confidently, knowing, as I do, that amongst honorable men no other bond is required!" To which the emir replied by commanding one of his suite to read aloud a passage from the Koran, which denounces the breaking of a promise, though made to an unbeliever, as a dishonor and a crime! There, reader, you may travel far and read much before you light upon so amusing and suggestive a scene as this, enacted late in the fall of last year at the royal castle of Amboise.

PREDICTION. In the "Astronomical Diary," or an Almanac calculated for the meridian of

Boston, in New England, for 1758, and published
in that year, by Nathaniel Ames, in an essay on
the "Past, Present, and Future State of Amer-
ica," a subject which the writer says is "daily
becoming more and more interesting," occurs
the following paragraph: "The curious have
observed that the progress of human literature
(like the sun) is from the east to the west; thus
it has travelled through Asia and Europe, and is
now arrived at the eastern shore of America.
arts and sciences will change the face of nature
in their tour from hence over the Appalachian

mountains to the Western Ocean


the rooks

Abd-el-Kader left France just as the news of the storming of Laghouat by General Pelissier, of Dahrah-Cave memory, arrived in that country; unmistakable evidence, were any required, that the war, of which we have will disclose their hidden gems — the inestimable endeavored to present a faithful, unexagger-huge mountains of iron ore are already dis treasures of gold and silver will be broken up; ated outline, is not yet at an end-a result covered, and vast stores are reserved for future much, we think, to be regretted for the sake generations shall not these vast quarries that of the native population themselves. They teem with mechanic stone- - those for structure be can never hope to expel France from their piled up into vast cities- those for sculpture sea-frontier; they are hemmed in east and into statues to perpetuate the honor of renowned west by numerous populations, bitterly hos- heroes, even those who shall now save their tile through dread of France, no doubt, but country? Oh! ye unborn inhabitants of Amerstill bitterly hostile - as the sanguinary over-ica! should this page escape its destined conthrow of Abd-el-Kader by the Morocco troops flagration at the year's end, and these alphabetclearly showed; and although even thus ical letters rema in legible, when your eyes becrippled, and divided as they are amongst round for two or three centuries more, you will themselves, the fastnesses of the Atlas might know that in Anno Domini 1758 we dreamed of perhaps be held for an indefinite time, the prolongation of a conflict without reasonable your times." What would Nathaniel Ames say now, if he could rise up from his grave and conhope or definite aim, must be chiefly hurtful template America, as she stands in less than a to the aborigines themselves. A maritime century from the time when he penned the above war would no doubt totally change the con-prophecy of her future destiny?- Daily Adv.


hold the sun after he has rolled the seasons

From the N. Y. Journal of Commerce. MR. DARLEY'S WYOMING. AMERICAN Subjects are not usually favorites with American artists. We must admit the costumes and accessories -the materials which go to make up a picture - to be more picturesque and effective, more abundant, striking, and significant, in the old world than in the new. A Swiss peasant girl, in the foreground of an Alpine landscape, is a more agreeable object to the eye, than a young lady with a parasol, among the mountains of Fishkill. We have in this country many estimable gentlemen of the Hebrew faith, whose portraits, no doubt, would be intensely interesting to their families and friends; and yet, we think a likeness of Judas Iscariot, after he hanged himself, likelier to be relished by the undiscriminating multitude. Mr. Seward's full-length, with a copy of "Uncle Tom" in his hand, even in these days of excitement, might, we fancy, be a less desirable subject for a painter than that of Machiavelli with a scroll. With certain privileges of art, custom has made us familiar. Respectable elderly gentlemen suffer themselves to appear in marble, in this climate of coughs, colds and catarrhs, with nothing but a slight fold of drapery across the pectoral muscles; and we gaze calmly upon the statue of Washington, in the trappings of Caligula, without the least suspicion of the palpable anachronism. In brief, however paradoxical it may seem, the elements of art are more attainable, more obvious, more easily recognized in the remote than in the near; and there are certain principles of effect, that have become legitimate, because hereditary, which artists, who wish to be on the safe side, had better acknowledge.

Happily, however, we possess certain achievements in American art that are independent of time and place, of costumes and accessories-transcripts of nature, as it is now, has been, and ever will be. We recognize in the sketches of Mr. Darley-in those expressive faces, and speaking lineamentsa language that needs no interpreter. In the beautiful landscapes of Cole and Durand, of Kensett and Church, we see something that will be understood wherever grass grows and water runs, wherever trees rustle or clouds mantle the sky.

quillity, seemed to invite invasion, and its unwritten epic is the most sad, and the most heroic in consequence. Who can pass through that primeval forest on the road to Wilkesbarre, not misnamed "The Shades of Death," without recalling vividly the suffering of those poor innocents-helpless age, and widowed mothers, and young children, perishing of hunger (as many did), rather than expose themselves to the merciless savage, or his no less merciless employer? We read, in Mr. Miner's history, of children who were born and died in that dismal swamp; of men who refused to touch a morsel of food, that their wives and little ones might not perish by famine; of mothers carrying their dead infants twenty miles beneath a July sun, to give them burial — to save their poor senseless remains from being devoured by wolves; we read of the constant, patient martyrdom of those faithful pioneers in the cause of liberty; we read the names of our great countrymen inscribed upon the monument in memory of the "massacre ;" and feel, that as Thermopyla was to the Greek, so is Wyoming to the American- a watchword, and a battle cry, against the standards of oppression!

Mr. Darley's picture, from which a large engraving is now published, represents, with exquisite fidelity, one of the incidents in that fruitful portion of our history. The Indians in the pay of the British, in 1778, had been gathering in and around the Valley, and the story is thus briefly told in that admirable work by Chas. Miner, "The History of Wyoming :'

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At Fort Jenkins, the uppermost in the Valley, and only a mile above Wintermoot's, there were gathered the families of the old patriot, John Jenkins, Esqr., the Hardings, and Gardiners, Not ap distinguished for zeal, with others. prized of the contiguity of the savages, on the morning of the 30th of June, Benjamin Harding, Stukely Harding, John Harding (a boy), James Hadsell, James Hadsell, jun., Daniel Miller, John Gardiner, and Daniel Carr, eight in all, took their arms and went up about three miles into Exeter, to their labor. Towards evening, at an hour when aid could not be expected, they were attacked. That they fought bravely was admitted by the enemy. James Hadsell and his son Benjamin, and Stukely Harding were killed. John Harding (the boy) threw himself into the river, and lay under the willows, his mouth just

above the surface. He heard with anguish the dying groans of his friends. Knowing he was near, the Indians searched carefully for him. At one time he was so close that he could have touched them.

The beautiful valley of Wyoming, our Eden, sweet, elegiac place, filled with the romance of our history, through which, like a silver thread, runs the Susquehanna river, has been a theme for a great European poet; but the "Gertrude" of Campbell, however admirable, does not embrace a tithe of the real interest How well this is delineated by the pencil inwoven with its own sad history. The of Darley, will be seen by referring to Mr very seclusion of the valley, its peaceful tran- Darley's picture.

This was the opening of the campaign.

From the Paris Correspondent of the N. Y. Tribune.


cellent; the personation of Eliza by Madame Guyon at one, and of Eva by Mlle. Felix, a sister of Rachel, at the other, drew downUNCLE TOM's literary success I have spoken tears of applause. At the Ambigu, one of of in former letters; it had then surpassed the scenes represents an auction sale of anything of the kind since the issue of the slaves at New Orleans, where George, reMysteries of Paris. It is still going on with- turned a free-man from Canada, bids for his out abatement. It has been published at own wife; his competitor is his former master, Paris in the feuilletons of the Presse, of the whose passion is roused by the charms of Pays, of the Estafette, of the Presse Litteraire, Eliza; the wealth of the latter soon enables and of another paper; it has also been pub- him to run up the merchandise to a price lished in eight distinct book-forms, of one of beyond George's resources; two friends add which an edition of one hundred thousand their purses, but they are outbidden by the has been sold. Not one of the numerous planter, now mad with passion; at the circulating libraries that has not its well- moment, however, when the chattel is to be thumbed copies. Besides the large importa- struck off to the latter, false news is brought tion from England, the house of Baudry to him that his house is on fire, and he hurhas issued an edition for English readers; and still a new translation, the eleventh, is announced in press. Not a journal or literary periodical, from the Revue des Deux Mondes and the Debats, down to the Chronique de France and Charivari, that has not had its article on Mrs. Stowe and her book. Engraved portraits of the lady are displayed in the shop windows; artists are already transferring to canvass the graphic scenes from her pages; a reflex fame illustrates the merits of her other writings, and two translations of her smaller tales have appeared. And all this began only three months ago; Uncle Tom came out in a French dress for the first time last October. We briefly express the universal popularity of a person by saying his name is familiar throughout the land as a household word; it is indicated in this latitude by its appearance at the head of the play-bill. No book that has attained anything like the astonishing success of Mrs. Stowe's, if its scenes and characters offer any dramatic elements, fails to be adapted to the stage.

The French, more sensuous (if I may so apply the word), but less imaginative, more gregarious and less domestic than we, love to see and hear in sympathetic crowds what they have wept and laughed over in solitary perusal. Consequently, the Ambigu Comique and the Gaité, the two largest theatres in Paris, are nightly crowded from pit to gallery with eager listeners and spectators to the thrilling words and brilliant tableaux of the dramatic spectacles founded on the American book. It would not be worth the while here to present an analysis of these two plays. You will find one given in all the Monday feuilletons of your Parisian files received by last steamer. It is enough to say that, with abundant errors in manners, scenery and local coloring generally, the black shade was essentially American; for, as one of the critics last Monday observes: "We have no slaves; on touching the noble soil of France one becomes free." The acting at both theatres is ex

ries off; George is enabled, by another friendly contribution, to rise on the last enormous bid, and the auctioneer knocks down his wife to her husband. "Il a reussi!" shouted at this instant a worthy blouse, who, with his body half extended over the railing of the gallery, had followed every incident of a. scene so novel to a Frenchman with breathless interest.

This is but one of several instances where the audience seemed to confound the fictitious horrors passing before them with some dreadful reality. I must note, with thankfulness, that the authors of the dramas had not taken the occasion to retort upon America the hard words which we have found cause to use toward France during the last year. The two theatres which I have mentioned, seat together an audience of 3,700 persons; they count upon a hundred successful representations of the American dramas. Still two other theatres, the Gymnase Dramatique, with 1,300 seats, and the little theatre du Palais Royal, with 930 places, severally announce as forthcoming the Cabane de l'Uncle Tom, and the Cassine de l'Uncle Tom. Finally, Mr. Ida or Ira Aldrige, a "black Macready," who would doubtless be mobbed at the Astor-place House, but who has been well received at the elegant Opera House in Berlin, is soon to play his round of Shaksperian characters on some Parisian stage. He is, I believe, our compatriot. Lebao le Negre, who, in this revival of the dramatic black art, figures nightly with sufficient applause, is not, and cannot be further treated of among American representatives abroad.

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LITTELL'S LIVING AGE.-No. 467.-30 APRIL, 1853.

1. The Octavius of Minucius Felix,

2. Flies in Amber,

3. A Word on Bristles,

4. Falconry,

5. The Lewis - What is it?


6. The Crown Matrimonial of France, .

7. Escape of James II.,

8. The Wooden Spoon,

9. Received, a Blank Child,

10. Private Journal of F. S. Larpent, Esq.,


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POETRY: The Love-test- Would You Remember Me, 272; An Old Maid's Musings - Turner and Claude, 276; The Legend of the Marie-Stein, 281; Clouds Shine and Fly, 282; How a True Poet is Made-Man's Degeneracy, 313.

SHORT ARTICLES: Institution of Civil Engineers, 266; Death of Dr. Leichardt-Russian Expedition, 280; Disinterment of a Buried City-Straw Paper, 296; Sale of Mr. Pugin's Collection, 318; The Ladies' Battle-Jubilee of the British and Foreign Bible Society, 320.

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New dancers, singers, pictures, books, plays, parties, belles, and beaux,

My mind will be relieved from fear-I know you won't propose!

From the Spectator.


THE Sabbath day - the gracious day! Bringing the gift of peace,

Chasing life's rudest cares away, Letting tired labor cease; Breaking like sunshine on the earth, Bidding vain shadows flee; Calling for praise and sinless mirth ; Making the bondman free.

The Sabbath day-the priceless boon!
Let not the sordid deem

It yields no gain, it comes too soon;
It is of light esteem.
Let not the bigot sternly say
His temple claims it all;
Who shall imprison Mercy's ray
Within that narrow wall?

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28th February, 1853

Austria seeks to gain possession of the Valley of In the approaching dismemberment of Turkey,

the Danube; Russia of Constantinople and the adjacent country; France, of the "Holy Places," or Syria. Under these circumstances, is it not time for England to make provision for securing her Northern Indian frontier, more especially that part of it which extends from the 30th to the 60th meridian East of Greenwich?

Commencing at the meridian first mentioned, that frontier is truly the Mediterranean, or the boundary of Asia as far as the Black Sea; from that sea to the Caspian, still the same boundary, or the watershed of the Circassian mountains and the Caucasus; and from the Caspian eastward to the Sea of Ochotsk the watershed of the Altai, or the mountain-chains separating the rivers that fall into the Arctic Ocean from those that flow into the Aral Sea and southwards.

Within these limits, do not wisdom and duty alike require that, borrowing an idea from her Transatlantic descendants, England adopt and so far carry out "the Monroe principle," as to preclude acquisition of territory by any power but herself? Spectator.

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