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Republicans, opposition of, to emancipation,
Resignation of Senators and Representatives,
Resistance to the admission of California based upon the
ground that her people formed a Constitution
without the authority of Congress,

Resolution of March 1, 1845, extended the Missouri com-
promise line across Texas,

Resources, natural, how made valuable,
Revenue from public lands,

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there may be a system of protection that shall inci-
dentally yield,

Revenues, upon a war basis, and protection were secured
by the acts of March 2, 1861, August 5, 1861,
July 14, 1862, and June 30, 1864,

Revolution, events were the masters of the leaders of,
Revolutionary War, at the close of, England, France, and
Holland, possessed all the skill in manufactures,

at the close of, the United States had neither capi-
tal nor skilled labor,

Rhode Island, population of,
Right to continue the foreign slave-trade insisted upon by
Georgia and South Carolina, etc.,

Rights, if there were no remedy for the gross violation of,
the re-establishment of the Union could be re-
garded only as a mistake,.

Rio Grande, named by Texas as its Southern boundary,
Gen. Taylor ordered to the left bank of,

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Rule of the Democratic party has been perpetuated in
South Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana, some-
times by force and sometimes by fraud,
of the minority must be destroyed or the Republi-
can idea will disappear in the South, or the down-
trodden will rise in arms, etc.,

Savings Banks, the aggregate accumulation of deposits in,
greater in 1880 than 1860, .

Scheme, Mr. Calhoun's, for two Presidents designed, mani-
festly, to effect a dissolution of the Union,

Schools, influence of free,

established by Freedman's Bureau, .

in the city of Washington,

Scriptures, a class of theologians maintained that slavery

was not forbidden in,

Secession threatened in Mr. Calhoun's dying speech, unless
equality of political power should be given to the

resisted by the Republican party,

promoted by opinions of Mr. Buchanan,

to the position of the Democratic party in refer-
ence to the threats and doctrines of, was due the
impairment of the public credit, .

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Secession of States and the resignation of Senators and Rep-
resentatives, left Congress in the control of the
Republican party,

Mr. Buchanan denied the right of, as a constitu-
tional right,


Mr. Buchanan denied the right of the United
States Government to prevent, by force,

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the ordinance of, adopted by South Carolina the
17th of December, 1860,

Secessionists, the opinions of the President harmonized
with the purposes of,

Secretary of the Treasury was only able to borrow
million dollars in September, 1860,


of the Treasury, in December, 1869, recommended
the passage of a law authorizing a new loan, etc.,
Selfishness, the spirit of, subservient to the cause of justice,
Senate, the equality of States and of representation in, could
not be changed, except, etc.,

the attempt to preserve the equality of the Slave
States in, intensified the struggle,
the Democratic members of, and of the House of
Representatives, opposed the adoption of the
National Bank System with great unanimity,
of the United States controlled by the Demo-
cratic party for a time, because of usurpation in
the South,

Sentiment of anti-slavery organized in the Republican party,
Sentiments, bred of slavery, must disappear before the con-
test will end,

Seward, William H., the recognized leader of the Repub-

lican party in 1860,

Seymour, Governor, error of,

President of Democratic Convention at Chicago,

speech of, at Chicago, 1864.

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Sinking Fund, the act providing for, also for the issue of
six per cent. bonds, and for the issue of United
States notes, was approved February 25, 1862,
the system was not put in operation until after the
inauguration of President Grant,

Slave-holders, alliance of, with Democratic party,
Slave-owners, needed new lands,

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Slave power, subordination of, to Democratic party,
its rule in politics,

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Slave States, productive power of, in 1860 and 1880,

the attempt to preserve the equality of, in the Sen-
ate, intensified the struggle,

Slave-trade, Free and Slave States did not antagonize each
other upon the suppression of the foreign,
if Constitution had abolished instantly,

penalties imposed upon vessels, etc., engaged in
the foreign, by statute of March 2, 1807,









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Slavery, three provisions of the Constitution relating to,
conflicted with the principles of the founders of
the Northern States,

the advocates of, achieved a victory in the framing
of the Constitution,

extended to new territories, and the number of per-
sons pecuniarily interested largely increased,

land exhausted by,

tendency to consume, under a system of,
hatred of, taught in schools and churches, .

would have continued for years and perhaps gen-
erations in the South if, etc.,

would have been without political power,

would have been abolished by the individual ac-
tion of States,

the guarantees derived from the Constitution were
all temporary, etc.,

provisions in the Constitution concerning, made a
conflict inevitable, .

when it demanded new guarantees, neither of the
existing parties was prepared to resist,

has been destroyed by the people through the Re-
publican party,

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the Democratic party has profited by the injustice




the gradual destruction of, expected by the dele-
gates from both South and North,


the overthrow of, was resisted by the Democratic

unjust to assume that the framers of the Constitu-
tion foresaw the evils to come from,


the extension and defense of, induced by lust for
gain and love of political power,
imbedded in the Constitution,

protected by moral, theological, and financial de

protected by law, wealth, and theology combined,
prohibiting the foreign trade in, the only action by
the government which could or did affect the in-


the Democratic party yielded itself to the defense
of, and subordinated its love of the Union to,
neither opposed nor defended by the Whig party,
the destruction of, destined to be accomplished
by the Republican party,

existed in the Territory of Louisiana,
prohibited in that part of the original territory
of Louisiana north of parallel 36° 30', by the act
of March 6, 1820, except in the State of Missouri,
Mr. Polk and Mr. Clay were both in the interest of,
States formed south of 36° 30', might be admitted
either with or without,

11, 12



= 22 22


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Slavery, prohibited in States formed north of 36° 30',
gained fresh concessions by the acquisition of
the vast Territory of Texas,

contributed to the overthrow of its own power,
wherever it existed manual labor dishonored,
the exclusion of, the real reason for the resist-
ance offered to the admission of California,
the bill for the admission of California silent upon
the subject,

the statutes organizing the territories of Utah and
New Mexico permitted them to be admitted into
the Union with or without, as their Constitutions
might prescribe,

the bill for the surrender of fugitives from, carried
under the lead of Mr. Clay,










except for, the admission of California would have
been considered separately,


the organization of Utah and New Mexico a con-
cession to,

the Democratic party declared, in 1852, that peace
upon the subject of, had been secured by the
compromise measures of 1850,

the power of, compelled President Pierce to violate
his pledge,

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the supporters of, and of freedom, invited to a
contest of arms,

and freedom, antagonism between,

and freedom, a struggle for the mastery between,
went on for seventy years,

triumphed in the early contest, allied with the
Democratic party,

the Republican party at first divided as to the
abolition of, in the District of Columbia, .

no reference to, in the States or in the District of
Columbia, is made in the declaration of the
Republican party in 1856,

and polygamy in the Territories condemned by the
platform of the Republican party in 1856,
the South asserted its right to establish, in all the
Territories of the Union,

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the exclusion of, from the Territories, was the
leading issue in 1856,


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the controversy over the exclusion of, from the
Territories, led to secession, war, the abolition
of slavery, the constitutional amendments, and
the reconstruction of the government,
overthrown by the Republican party,
the sole surviving issue born of, is that of the
equality of men and of States,

the annexation of Texas, the consequent war with
Mexico, and the vast acquisitions of territory,
formed a scheme designed for the advantage of,

[blocks in formation]

Slavery, it is no credit to the Democratic party that a
scheme designed to foster the institution of, has
been controlled for the advantage of freedom,
defense of, by the Democratic party,

not exceeding one-fourth of the Democratic party
contributed to the destruction of,




[blocks in formation]

final abolition of,

Mr. Lincoln claimed that the ordinance of 1787
made the institution of, local,

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after the passage of the act for the organization of
Kansas, all territory in the United States was
open to,

Slaves, the number of, augmented by the foreign slave-

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the importation of, stimulated by the invention
of the cotton-gin,

of the South were set off against the freemen of
the North,



the value of, increased in the tobacco and grain
sections by the invention of the cotton-gin,
Congress passed a penal statute in 1794 against the
exportation of,



and against their transportation between foreign
countries, in American vessels,


the importation of, insisted upon by Georgia and
South Carolina to check monopoly, etc.,
the importation of, prohibited by Congress March
2, 1807,


emancipated, not citizens,

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agency of in supporting the Rebellion,

the value of, had been increased by the cotton-gin,

Solid South, by whatever of peril the civil service, the

financial system, or the industries of the country
are menaced, is due to the fact of,

means the rule of the minority, etc.,

South, poor,

government of the country by,

the pecuniary interests of, were promoted by the
legislation prohibiting the exportation of slaves,






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