NUMBER. Chrift on earth accompanied with fuch CXVI. Argument of David Levi for the fuperiority of the miracles wrought by Mofes over those, which the evangelifts record of Chrift: His cavils against two particular miracles of Christ examined and opposed - 202 CXVII. Further defence of the miracles objected to by David Levi; his charge of contradiction against the evangelical historians answered; and bis further attempts for finking the character of Chrift below that of Mofes fairly confidered; the whole argument recapitulated, fummed up and concluded CXVIII. The story of Ned Drowsy CXIX. The fame continued CXX. The fame continued CXXI. The fame continued 213 CXXII, The fame continued, in which Abra ham CXXIII. Remarks upon the present taste for acting private plays. A short poст апnexed, founded upon reflections resulting from that fubject 280 CXXIV. Obfervations upon the passions, addressed to the ladies 296 CXXV. The author's explanation of his motives, in an address to his readers upon the conclufion of the volume THE OBSERVER. 1 A N° XCIV. GOOD man will live with the world as a wife man lives with his wife; he will not let himself down to be a dupe to it's humours, a devotee to it's pleasures, or a flatterer of it's faults; he will make himself as happy as he can in the connection for his own fake, reform where he is able, and complain only when he cannot help it. I am fick of that converfation which spends itself in railing at the times we live in; I am apt to think they are not made better by those complaints, and I have oftentimes occafion to know they are made worse by those very people who are loudest to complain of them. If this be really one of the habits of age, it is high time for every man, who grows old, to guard against it; for there is no occasion to inVOL. IV. vite B vite more peevish companions for the last hours of life, than time and decrepitude will bring in their train: Let us look back upon things past with what content we can, falute time present with the best grace we are able, and resign ourselves to futurity with calmness and a patient mind: If we do not wish to be banished from society before death withdraws us from it, don't let us trust to the world's respect only, let us strive also to conciliate it's love. But I do not wish to argue this point with the sect of the Murmurers merely upon the ground of good policy; I should be forry for the world, if I could give no better reason for keeping well with it than in self-defence: I really think it a world very easy to live with upon passable good terms; I am free to confefs it has mended me fince I have lived with it, and I am fully of opinion it has mended itself: I don't deny but it has it's failings; it still cuts out work for the moralists, and I am in no fear of finding subject matter for three more volumes of essays, before I have exhausted the duty of an Observer. However, though I have presumed upon taking up this character late in life, yet I feel no provocation from what I observe in others, or in myself, to turn Murmurer; I can call the time past under my review, as far back as my experience will go, and comfort myself by the comparison of it with the time present; I can turn to the authors, who have delineated the manners of ages antecedent to my own, without being ashamed of my contemporaries, or entertaining a fuperior respect for their's. I cannot look back to any period of our own annals, of which I can confcientiously pronounce, according to such judgment as I am possessed of, that the happiness of society was better secured, and more completely provided for than at the present moment. This may appear so hardy an affertion, that if the Murmurers take the field against me, I sus pect that I shall find myself, as I frequently have done, in a very decided minority; for let the reader take notice, I know the world too well to think of getting popularity by defending it; if ever I make that my object, I must run counter to my own principles, and abuse many, that all may read me: In the mean time I shall make a thew of fome of my defences, if it be only to convince the Murmurers, that I shall not capitulate upon the first summons; and I will keep fome strong posts masked from their view, that if they repeat their afsault, I may still have reTources in my reach. Society is cemented by laws, upheld by reli- B2 : |