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recommend that a collection be taken up in aid of this fund, in all the congregations under their care, on or before the first Sabbath of November next; and that the same be forwarded, with as little delay as possible, to the Treasurer of the Trustees of the General Assembly, Mr. Isaac Snowden, of the city of Philadelphia. And the agents of the Assembly to solicit for the funds of the Theological Seminary for the ensuing year, are also directed to forward as speedily as practicable, the monies they may collect for the contingent fund of the Assembly.

Resolved, That Drs. Green, Alexander, and Miller, be a committee to employ an agent or agents, if practicable, whose duty it shall be to solicit donations and form societies, to aid the funds of the Theological Seminary; and that said committee be invested with discretionary powers as to the place or places where the agent or agents shall be employed. Also that the said committee be authorised to pay the agent or agents, a reasonable compensation for their services, from the unappropriated funds of the seminary.

The General Assembly viewing with deep interest the present state of our country, and more especially the commercial embarrassments which press upon every part of the United States, and the spirit of corrupt and mischievous speculation which is probably to be regarded as both a cause and an effect of these embarrassmentsfeel it to be their duty to take this notice of the unhappy state of things, and to express their opinion of the proper remedy. The Assembly then are persuaded, that the evils, so general in their prevalence, and so severt in their pressure, primarily on the commercial and manufacturing portions of the community, but in a considerable degree on all, owe their origin, in a great measure to that spirit of cupidity, of adventurous and unjustifiable speculation, of extravagance and luxury, which so unhappily prevails in our country. And also in no small degree to the want of that kind of education which is calculated to prepare youth for solid usefulness in the church, and in civil society. The Assembly therefore

are firmly persuaded, that the effectual remedy for these evils, under God, is to be found only in a recurrence to those principles and duties of our holy religion, which are not less conducive to the temporal welfare of men, than to their eternal happiness; and they have no hope, that general prosperity can be restored to our country, until there is a return to those habits of industry, temperance, moderation, economy and general virtue which our common christianity inculcates.

Under these impressions the Assembly would earnestly exhort the churches and people under their care, to take into due consideration the opinions above expressed; to cultivate in themselves, and to endeavour to promote in others, those simple, frugal, and regular pursuits, which cannot fail to exert a most benign influence on the best interest of society; and to train up their children in those principles and habits which will prepare them at once to be useful members of the church and useful citizens. They would especially intreat those individuals and families belonging to their communion, whom God has been pleased to favour with temporal wealth, to consider the peculiar importance of their setting an edifying example; so that their whole influence may be employed to discourage fashionable vices and amusements, and to promote the simplicity and purity of christian practice. And the Assembly would earnestly exhort all the ministers in their communion, to make these sentiments a subject of frequent and serious address to the people of their respective pastoral charges; and to endeavour by all the means in their power, to impress on the minds of their hearers the all-important truth, that the religion of Jesus Christ, in its vital power and practical influence, is the best friend of civil society, as well as essential to the eternal well-being of man.

Ordered, That the Stated Clerk have an attested extract of the above Minute published in the principal newspapers of this city, accompanied with a note requesting editors of other papers to publish the same.

The following resolution being submitted to the Assembly, was read, viz.

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Resolved, That a committee be appointed to take into consideration the present state of Psalmody in our church; and if they think it expedient, to digest and prepare an improved system, for that important part of public worship; and also that the committee be empowered, if they deem it proper, to compile a larger body of Hymns, than are contained in our ordinary collections. The whole when prepared, agreeably to the views of the committee, to be submitted to the General Assembly.

Resolved, (after some discussion on the subject) That the above resolution be and it hereby is recommended to the attention of the next Assembly.

It being the order of the day for this afternoon, an election was held for persons to constitute the Board of Education. After the ballots had been taken, and the votes counted, the following persons were declared to have been duly chosen, viz.

Of the city of Philadelphia, and its vicinity.
Rev. Ashbel Green, D. D.

Rev. Samuel Miller, D. D.

Rev. Archibald Alexander, D. D.

Rev. Jacob Jones Janeway, D. D.

Rev. George C. Potts,

Rev. John Ewing Latta,
Rev. William Neill, D. D.

Rev. Ezra Stiles Ely, D. D.
Rev. Isaac V. Brown.


Robert Ralston, Esq.
Alexander Henry, Esq.
Mr. John M Mullin,
Mr. John W. Scott,
Mr. Samuel Morrow.

Of the several Synods.

Rev. Henry Axtell, } Geneva.

Col. John Linklaen,

Rev. Samuel Blatchford, D. D.} Albany.

John Woodworth, Esq.

Rev. John Brodhead Romeyn, D. D.

Mr. Zechariah Lewis,

Rev. Samuel Martin,


William Kirkpatrick, Esq.} Philadelphia.

Rev. John H. Rice,

William Maxwell, Esq. Virginia.

Rev. Francis Herron, Pittsburgh.
Mr. A. Brown,

Rev. Robert G. Wilson, D. D. } Ohio.

Mr. E. Putnam,

Rev. Charles Coffin, D. D.

Mr. John Montgomery,



Rev. James Blythe, D. D.} Kentucky.

Mr. William Trigg,

Rev. Joseph Caldwell, D. D. } North-Carolina.

Mr. Henry Potter,


Rev. Andrew Flinn, D. D.) South-Carolina and
Mr. William Leslie,


The following persons were chosen and appointed a Board of Missions for the ensuing year, viz:

Of Philadelphia and its vicinity, the Rev. Drs. Green, Alexander, Wilson, Miller, Janeway, and Neill; the Rev. Messrs. Potts and Skinner, and Messrs. Boudinot, Connelly, John McMullin, R. Smith, R. Ralston, and S. Bayard.

Of New York, the Rev. Dr. Romeyn, and Messrs. Lenox, Rodgers, Bethune, Lewis, and Rensalaer Havens. Of the Synod of Geneva, the Rev. David Higgins.

of Albany, the Rev. Jonas Coe, D. D.
of N. York and N. Jersey, the Rev. James
Richards, D. D.

of Philadelphia, the Rev. R. Cathcart, D.D.
of Pittsburg, the Rev. Elisha Macurdy.
of Virginia, the Rev. John H. Rice.
of Kentucky, the Rev. James Blythe, D.D.
of Ohio, the Rev. Robert G. Wilson, D.D.

Of the Synod of N. Carolina, the Rev. James Hall, D.D. of S. Carolina and Georgia, the Rev. An

drew Flinn, D. D.

of Tennessee, the Rev. Gideon Blackburn,

Resolved, That Dr. Green be associated with Dr. Miller, in writing the history of the Presbyterian church.

Resolved, That this Assembly be dissolved, and that another Assembly, chosen in the same manner, be required to meet in the Second Presbyterian Church in this city, on the third Thursday in May next, at eleven o'clock, A. M.

Concluded with prayer.

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