No. 11. Comparative statement of the value of stamps and stamped envelopes issued during the last four years...
No. 12. Statement of money letters received during the year ended June 30, 1863.............
No. 13. Statement of minor dead letters returned to the writers thereof during the year ended June 30, 1863..
No. 14. Statement of letters containing miscellaneous articles received during the year ended June 30, 1863
No. 15. Statement showing the number of letters "held for postage,' "held for carriers' fee," and because misdirected, and the number sent to dead-letter office from the following named offices, as also the number delivered therefrom upon notice to persons addressed, from January 1 to June 30, 1863 ..
No. 16. Annual report of dead letters sent to the writers thereof during the year ending June 30, 1863 .
No. 17. Statement of dead letters returned to foreign countries during the year ending June 30, 1863
No. 18. Statement of dead letters received from foreign countries during the year ending June 30, 1863
1. The receipts of the department under their several heads. 2. The expenditures of the department under their several heads. 3. The postal receipts and expenditures in the several States and Territories
4. The number of letters, circulars, newspapers, and pamphlets received and delivered by carriers, and the amount received and paid out for carriage in the cities named therein...
5. The amount of letter postage on British mails received in and sent from the United States...
6. Amount of letter postage on Prussian mails received in and sent from the United States.
7. Amount of letter postage on French mails received in and sent from the United States...
8. Amount of letter postage on Belgian mails received in and sent from the United States..
9. Amount of letter postage on Bremen mails received in and sent from the United States...
10. Amount of letter postage on Hamburg mails received in and sent from the United States..
11. Number of letters and newspapers exchanged between the United States and the United Kingdom in British mails..
12. Number of letters and newspapers exchanged between the United States and the Kingdom of Prussia in closed mails..
13. The number of letters and newspapers exchanged between the United States and France....
14. Number of letters and newspapers exchanged between the United States and Belgium...
15. Number of letters and newspapers exchanged between the United States and Bremen....
16. Number of letters and newspapers exchanged between the United States and Hamburg...
17. Revenue to the United States, also to the United States Post Office Department, by the Cunard line.....
19. The receipts and disbursements in closed mails between the United States and Prussia....
20. Statement of letters and newspapers, with the several postages, conveyed by the West India line of ocean steamers.
21. Amount of postages on mails exchanged between the United States and the British provinces...
22. The postal account of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland with the United States.....
23. The account of the Kingdom of Prussia with the United States..
24. The account of the general post office of Belgium with the United States
25. The account of the general post office of France with the United States
26. The account of the post office of Bremen with the United States. 27. The account of the post office of Hamburg with the United States. Statements are likewise appended showing the postal balances due to foreign governments; also statements showing the amounts due to the various lines of ocean steamers for sea and inland postages. Postmaster General, transmitting a statement of the expenditure of the con- tingent fund of the Post Office Department. Letter from the.. President of the United States on the state of the Union, with accompanying documents and reports. Annual message of the....
President of the United States, recommending a vote of thanks to Captain John Rodgers. Message from the.............
President of the United States, transmitting reports relating to the diplomatic and consular systems of the United States. Message from the... President of the United States, transmitting letters from the Secretary of War and Provost Marshal General in relation to bounties to volunteers. Message from the..
President of the United States, relating to claims of Peruvian citizens. Message of the..
President of the United States, transmitting decree of the court in the case of the British schooner Glen. Message from the........
President of the United States, transmitting report of Joseph A. Wright in relation to the international agricultural exhibition at Hamburg. Message from the...
President of the United States, in relation to the arrest of the American consul general to the British provinces. Message from the... President of the United States, transmitting a statement in relation to the master of schooner Highlander. Message from the... President of the United States, transmitting a letter from the Secretary of War relative to veteran volunteers. Message from the. President of the United States, transmitting a treaty with Great Britain for settlement of claims of the Hudson's Bay and Puget's Sound Agricultural Companies. Message from the..
President of the United States, in relation to adjustment of claims between the United States and Ecuador, by commissioners appointed for that purpose. Message from the
President of the United States, transmitting a report by Charles B. Stuart on improvements to pass gunboats, &c., on the northwestern lakes. Message from the...
President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the House in relation to Major N. H. McLean. Message from the ...
President of the United States, transmitting a letter from Lord Lyons in regard to Surgeon Solomon Sharp. Message from the.... President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the House in relation to the appointment of Hon. F. P. Blair, jr., as major general of volunteers. Message from the....
President of the United States, transmitting information with reference to the appointment of General F. P. Blair, jr. Message from the.... President of the United States, in answer to resolution of the House in relation to Mexico. Message from the.....
President of the United States, in relation to the exemption clause in the enrolment act. Message from the...
Prisoners. Report of the commissioner for the exchange of..
Prize money. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, with reference to the distribution of...
Prize cases in New York. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, in answer to a resolution of the House in relation to the disposition of..
Provost Marshal General. Report of the..
Public Buildings. Annual report of the Commissioner of...
Public Buildings, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1863. Statement of the receipts and expenditures, under the direction of the Commissioner of. 3 Public lands in Illinois. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, con- cerning the two per cent. fund arising from the sale of..
Quapaw Indians, in relation to the. Letter from the Secretary of the
Quartermaster General of the United States. Report of the..
Railroad companies, in relation to payments made to. Letter from the Secre- tary of War...
Ram Albemarle, rebel. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, in answer to a resolution of the House, in regard to the attack on Plymouth by the. 15 Receipts and expenditures of the Post Office Department for the year ending June 30, 1864..
Receipts and expenditures of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of the.. Receipts and expenditures for the year 1862-'63. transmitting statement of the... Reciprocity treaty. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury in relation to the.
Reed, Captain Theodore. Letter from Colonel Hardie in relation to the murder of..
Sea-wall at Buffalo, New York. Letter from the Secretary of War, in answer to a resolution of the House, in relation to the.. Sharp, Solomon. Message of the President relative to.. Signal officer. Report of the.
Sioux Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a report of the commission on claims for depredations by the.. State Department upon foreign affairs. Correspondence of the..
State, transmitting an abstract of returns for relief and protection of Ameri- can seamen. Letter from the Secretary of....
State, relative to the expenditure of the contingent fund of the State Depart- ment. Letter from the Secretary of...
State, transmitting a report of Samuel B. Ruggles of the International Con- gress at Berlin. Letter from the Secretary of
State, transmitting statement of the number, age, &c., of emigrants arriving in the United States during 1863. Letter from the Secretary of... State, transmitting a report on the commercial relations of the United States
with foreign countries for the year 1863. Letter from the Secretary of... 10 Superintendent of the Washington aqueduct. Report of the.. Superintendent, transmitting estimates for the support of the government
hospital for the insane for the year ending June 30, 1865. Letter from the.
Supplies for the navy. Letter from the Secretary, in relation to..
Surgeon General of the United States. Report of the.... Surveyor general of Minnesota. Annual report of the.
Surveyor general of Iowa. Annual report of the.
Surveyor general of Dakota Territory. Annual report of the. Surveyor general of Colorado and Utah. Report of the.. Surveyor general of Kansas and Nebraska. Report of the Surveyor general of New Mexico. Report of the..
Surveyor general of Washington Territory. Report of the Surveyor general of Oregon. Annual report of the.. Surveyor general of California. Annual report of the
Treasurer of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1862. Annual report of the....
Treasurer of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1863. Annual report of the.....
Treasury Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to the expenditure of the contingent fund of the...
Treasury, transmitting statement of the receipts and expenditures for the year ending June 30, 1862. Letter from the Secretary of the..... Treasury, transmitting the names of persons employed in the coast survey. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Treasury, relating to the claim of Carmick and Ramsey. Letter from the Comptroller of the...
Treasury, relating to Pennsylvania militia claims. Letter from the Second Auditor of the
Treasury, in relation to the operation of the reciprocity treaty. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Treasury, transmitting tabular statements of the commissioner of emanci- pation in the District of Columbia. Letter from the Secretary of the.... Treasury, transmitting a list of clerks employed in the Treasury Depart- ment. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Treasury, in answer to a resolution of the House relative to the services of Jay Cooke & Co. in the sale of United States securities. Letter from the Secretary of the..
Treasury, in answer to a resolution of the House concerning the two per cent. fund in Illinois. Letter from the Secretary of the. Treasury, transmitting statement of the receipts and expenditures for the year 1682-'63. Letter from the Secretary of the..... Treasury. Annual report of the Secretary of the..
Papers accompanying the above.
Statement No. 1. Receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1863..
Statement No. 2. Receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1864.
Statement No. 3. Receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1865...
Statement No. 4. Duties, revenues, and public expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1863, agreeably to warrants issued, exclusive of trust funds..
Statement No. 5. Receipts and expenditures for the quarter of the fiscal year 1864, ending September 30, 1863 .
Statement No. 6. The indebtedness of the United States
Statement A. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
Statement B. Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Statement C. Report of the Treasurer...
Statement D. Report of the Register.
Statement F. Report of the First Auditor
Statement E. Report of the Solicitor..
Statement G. Report of the Second Auditor
Statement H. Report of the Third Auditor.. Statement I. Report of the Fourth Auditor. Statement J. Report of the Fith Auditor.. Statement K. Report of the Sixth Auditor..
Statement L. Report of the First Comptroller..
Statement M. Report of the Second Comptroller..
Statement O. Report of the supervising architect
Statement N. Report of the Commissioner of Customs.
Statement P. Report of the Light-house Board
Statement Q. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey
Statement R. Report of the Supervising Inspector of Steamboats.
Statement S. Report of the Director of the Mint...
Statement No. 7. Coinage at the United States mint, annually, from its establishment, in 1792, and also the coinage of the branch mints and the assay office, (New York,) from their organization until June 30, 1863 Statement No. 8. Amount due under treaties with various Indian tribes. Statement No. 9. Condition of the banks of the United States on or about January 1, 1863.
Statement No. 10. Synopsis of the returns of the banks in the dif ferent States
Statement No. 11. General view of the condition of the banks in the United States on or about January 1, 1851, to 1863, inclusive. Statement No. 12. Comparative view of the condition of the banks in different sections of the Union... Statement No. 13. Amount of the public debt on the first day of January in each year from 1791 to 1842, and at various dates in subsequent years to July 1, 1863..
Statement No. 14. Revenue collected from the beginning of the government to June 30, 1863, under the several heads of customs, internal revenue, direct tax, postage, public lands, and miscel- laneous sources, with the receipts from loans and treasury notes, and the total receipts....
Statement No. 15. Statement of expenditures from the beginning of the government to June 30, 1863, under the several heads of civil list, foreign intercourse, war, navy, interest and principal of public debt, and total expenditures..
Statement No. 16. Receipts and expenditures of the marine hospital fund for the relief of sick and disabled seamen in the ports of the United States for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1863 Statement No. 17. Amount expended at each custom-house in the United States during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1863.... Statement No. 18. Number of persons employed in each district of the United States for the collection of customs during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1863, with their occupation and compensation.. Statement No. 19. General results of all receipts and disposal of mer- chandise within the United States during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1863 Satement No. 20. Amount of coin and bullion imported and exported annually from 1821 to 1863, inclusive. Also a comparison of the im- portation and exportation during the same years.. Statement No. 21. Gross value of imports and exports from the begin- ning of the government to June 30, 1863 Statement No. 22. Value of domestic produce and foreign merchandise, exclusive of specie, exported annually from 1821 to 1863, inclusive Statement No. 23. Value of leading articles of manufactures exported from June 30, 1846, to June 30, 1863...
Statement No. 24. Value of foreign merchandise imported, re-exported, and consumed annually from 1821 to 1863, inclusive. Also the es timated population and rate of consumption per capita during the same period..
Statement No. 25. Amount of the tonnage of the United States annually from 1789 to 1863. Also the register and enrolled and licensed tonnage employed in steam navigation each year.......
Statement No. 26. Stocks held in trust by the United States for the Chickasaw national fund and Smithsonian Institution... Statement No. 27. Range of prices of staple articles in the New York market at the beginning of each month in each year from 1825 to
No. 28. Regulations concerning commercial intercourse with and in States declared in insurrection, and the collection of abandoned and captured property
Treasury, in answer to resolution of the House in relation to Garnett, an employé in the Treasury Department. Letter from the Secretary of the. 15 88 Treasury, transmitting annual report of the banks in the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the.....
Vessels, steam, suitable for carrying mails to and from foreign ports. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy transmitting list of
Veteran Reserve Corps, recruiting invalids in the. Letter from the Secre- tary of War in regard to...
Volunteers, message from the President of the United States in relation to bounty to......
Volunteers, veteran, message from the President of the United States, trans- mitting letter from the Secretary of War in relation to....
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