turn over his public property to the ranking officer of the Quartermaster's Department of Fort Leavenworth, who will act until relieved by Lieutenant Colonel Hodges. Major Easton will report, without delay, to the Headquarters of the Army of the Cumberland, and report for duty to Major General Thomas, commanding. BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. General Orders, No. 363. WAR DEP'T, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, November 10, 1968. Commanding officers of regiments will report in their monthly returns of deserters, the names of men joined from desertion, as well as those who deserted during the month. BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. General Orders, No. 364. WAR DEP'T, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, November 12, 1568. The accompanying statement of the cost of clothing and camp and garrison equipage for the Army of the United States, to govern until further orders, with the allowance of clothing to each soldier during his enlistment, and his proportion for each year, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. : STATEMENT of the cost of Clothing, Camp and Garrison Equipage, for the Army of the United States, until further orders, with the allowance of Clothing to each soldier during enlistment, and his proportion for each year. Third year.. NON-COMMIS. STAFF. CHIEF MUSICIANS. TABLE specifying the money value of Clothing allowed to the Army of the United States. Engineers. Ordnance. Cavalry or L't Artillery. 23 $54 27 96 18 $55 13 81 77 $55 48 $53 03 81 12 44 16 45 20 46 06 45 01 31 96 81 77 81 12 40 82 41 86 42 72 40 37 Infantry. 1 g g & Artillery or 80 72 43 96 80 72 40 62 The allowance to Volunteer troops is at the rate of $42 per annum. FIRST SERGEANT. First year.... Fourth year. Fifth year. Cavalry or L't Artillery. Artillery or Infantry. Cavalry or L't. Artillery. Artillery or Infantry. Engineers. Cavalry or L't. Artillery. Artillery or First year.... $57 58 $55 18 $58 48 $55 73 $54 47 $55 68 $53 82 17 81 77 82 62 82 07 82 06 81 22 80 82 Third year. 47 11 46 06 48 01 46 66 45 40 45 21 Fourth vear 82 17 81 77 82 62 82 07 82 06 81 22 80 S2 Fifth year.. 42 47 42 72 48 87 43 82 42 06 40 57 211 50 207 45 215 10 209 85 206 05 203 90 199 85 205 25 207 45 208 10 199 05 $54 88 $54 81 87 81 91 45 26 45 10 44 91 43 86 44 80 44 91 48 56 44 20 44 20 44 01 42 96 81 87 31 91 81 07 80 67 81 66 80 97 80 42 98 18 31 36 30 52 80 12 41 92 41 76 40 27 40 52 41 46 40 27 40 22 40 86 40 86 89 87 39 62 204 25 204 85 203 70 148 65 208 45 202 50 197 25 201 05 201 05 198 90 194 85 SERGEANT. General Orders, No. WAR DEP'T, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, Nopember 13, 1968. The following named non-commissioned officers and privates, having been duly examined and declared unfit for further field service, but fit for duty in the Invalid Corps, are hereby transferred from their respective Regiments and Companies to the Invai. I Corps, to take effect November 15, 1863, and from and after that date will be dropped from their Regimental rolls. Commanding Officers of Companies to which these men have heretofore belonged will at once furnish the Provost Marshal General, at Wasiington, a descriptive list, clothing account, and complete military history in each case: Kellen, Thomas F., Private, Co. M, Ist Maine Cavalry. |