CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME. Report of the Convention at Annapolis, proposing a Federal Con- Refusal to remove the the military stores from Springfield-Con- ference of Mr. Madison and Mr. Bingham with Mr. Gardoqui rel- ative to the navigation of the Mississippi-Discontents in the West- Discontinuance of enlistments-Military establishment-Seizure of Spanish property by General Clark-Representations of Virginia Ordinance for settlement of public accounts-Complaints from Illi- nois-Seizure of Spanish property by General Clark-Unsettled state of the Western Territory-Navigation of the Mississippi- Mr. Jay's report on the admission of Mr. Bond as British Consul— Subject postponed-Representations of North Carolina relative to discontents in the Western Territory-Navigation of the Missis- CORRESPONDENCE DURING AND SUBSEQUENT TO THE DEBATES IN THE CONGRESS OF Navigation of the Mississippi-Treaty of peace with England-In- fraction of it by the States-Federal Convention-Views of it by the States-Enlistment of troops on account of the insurrection in Massachusetts-Dutch Minister complains of preferences in treaty with France-Seizure of Spanish property by General Clark. Congress sanction the Federal Convention-Embarrassment of the Insurrection in Massachusetts-Appointments by States of Dele- Mr. Jay's report relative to the effect of the British treaty of peace Mr. Henry-Navigation of the Mississippi-Views of France about it-Time of meeting of the Federal Convention-Resolutions of Mr. Gardoqui-Representations of Virginia relative to the seizure of Spanish property by General Clark-Views of several States relative to the Mississippi-Rhode Island against the Federal Marriage of French subjects in America-Propositions in the Fed- General Washington as President of the Federal Convention-Doc- Sale of public lands-Land jobbers-Copper coinage-Opinions in Resolutions of Congress on the effect of treaties on the States- Debates in Congress on Federal Constitution-Proposal to amend Requisitions on the States-Western Territory-Indians-Opin- Proposal of amendments by Congress-R. H. Lee-Dana-Mason- Prospects for establishment of Federal Constitution-Mr. Charles Dissensions in Holland--Commencement of the Federalist-Pro- Tobacco contract with France-Proceedings of States on Federal Mr. R. H. Lee's views on Federal Constitution-Mr. Mason's- |