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St. Marie, followed by the presentation of an address to the Prince Imperial, who replied to the same, and a reception of deputations, who in some instances had travelled from the extreme parts of France to offer their gifts and congratulations. The Prince was interrupted by loud acclamations when he spoke of the President of the French Republic as the "former companion of the glories and misfortunes of my father." Still louder cheers interrupted him when he claimed a plébiscite in order to settle the foundations of Government in France, and spoke of the plébiscite as at once the "safety" and the " right" of France. The audience again broke out into shouts when he declared that if the name of Napoleon should issue for the eighth time from the voting urns, he was ready to accept the responsibility imposed upon him by will of the


16. Several Government elections to-day, in all cases without opposition. At Oxford a Conservative candidate was carried in room of Viscount Cardwell, Mr. Hall polling 2,554 votes against 2,092 given to Mr. Lewis, Liberal.

Carlist victory near Olot, Saballs capturing General Nouvilas with his column of 2,500 men, 104 guns, and 130 horses.

17.-The ship Princess Tomawatty run down and sunk in Gravesend Reach by the steamer Indus, from Southampton.

Increasing distress reported from the famine-stricken districts of Bengal. At Tirhoot the number of persons applying at the relief works had risen from 20,000 to 100,000 in ten days.

Died at Cannes, whither he had retired for the benefit of his health, John Candlish, a leading Nonconformist, and M. P. for Sunderjand in the last Parliament.

19. The Corporation of the City of London present an address of congratulation to the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh. Numerous other addresses were received at this time by the Queen and their Royal Highnesses from Universities, Corporations, and other public bodies.

Marshal Macmahon thanks the Duc de Broglie for a speech in the Assembly, in which he had so well described "the rights conferred and the duties imposed upon me by the confidence of the Assembly during the seven years." Following this letter the Official Journal reprinted the Marshal's speech to the Tribunal of Commerce:-"The Assembly on the 19th of January entrusted power to me for seven years. My first duty is to look to the execution of this sovereign decision. Be not uneasy, therefore.

During the seven years I shall be able to make the order of things legally established respected by all."

19.-Dr. Pusey writes to the Times in depreciation of the legislative action which he supposes is intended by the bishops against Ritualists. He defined his own position as that of "no Ritualist, although bound to many Ritualists by affection and by their labour for souls," and begged the bishops to be slow in entering upon a line of action which, once entered upon, would be irrevocable. "The Judicial Committee has included in its censures too many to be trodden out. As things are, they who would extirpate us would be obliged to leave their work undone. Endurance is stronger than infliction. There are too many, even for a summary process to sever from their flocks. Yet where there is one common offence, the judge who spares any condemns himself for not having spared all."

Parliament opened by Commission, the Lord Chancellor reading a Royal Message having reference to the marriage of the Duke of Edinburgh, the termination of the war in Africa, and the steps taken for relieving the intensity of the famine in Bengal. Legislation was promised regarding the transfer of land, a re-arrangement of the judicature in Scotland and Ireland, improvement of the Master and Servants Act of 1871, (so far as the law of con. spiracy was concerned), and the Act of last year regulating the sale of intoxicating drinks. In the Lords the Address was moved by Lord Lothian and seconded by Lord Cadogan, and in the Commons by Sir W. Stirling-Maxwell and Mr. R. Callender. Replying to an observation that the recent dissolution was an elaborate surprise-"a pit dug for the Conservatives into which the Liberals had fallen "-Mr. Gladstone said the justification of the dissolution was its result, showing a larger transfer of seats from one party to the other than had ever occurred since 1831. Though he could not but think the decision of the constituencies wrong, he admitted that it was emphatic. The present Government had acceded to power by the act of the country, and it had every title, therefore, to be fairly tried, without any factious opposition, and to have the opportunity of placing its policy and its principles before the country. -Mr. Disraeli replied, that although he thought Mr. Gladstone's reasons for not having called Parliament together before commencing the Ashantee expedition fallacious, he preferred not to enter into any captious controversy on a war which must be regarded as concluded, and in which the skill and energy of our commander and the admirable qualities of our soldiers had been so signally displayed. Neither did he think it incumbent on him to enter into Mr. Gladstone's defence of the dissolution. With its results Mr. Disraeli said he was quite satisfied.


[blocks in formation]

72, 73, 74.

settlement, 83.

indemnity paid, 132.

Albert Bridge, Chelsea, 130.
Albert Hall opened, 8, 17.

Albrecht, marriage of Prince, 114.
Alcohol manifesto, 52.

Alexandra Palace opened, 118.
Alexandra Palace deaths, 130.

Alford, Dean, statue, 34.

Alice, Princess, son killed, 119.

Alsace "option," 84.

Alsace-Lorraine election, 153, 157, 159.

Amadeus, Prince, 119.
Arctic expedition, 99.
Argyll, Duke of-

on Sir A. Cockburn, 57.
on Lord Mayo, 153.
Argyll, Bishop of, 148.
Army, royal warrant, 33, 44.
Army grievances, 136.
Arnim, Count, 52.
Arthur, Prince, 22, 33.

Arthur, Prince, 130.

Ascension Day, 13.

Assam, empire of. III.

Ashantee War-

attack on Elmina, 120.

ambuscade on the Prah, 129, 132.
appointments, 130.

blockade proclaimed,

staff leave, 132.


Sir Garnet Wolseley's address, 134.

successes, 138.

native attack, 139.

Earl Grey on War, 139.

despatches, 143.

advance on Prashu, 146.

battle of Amoaful, 152.

submission, 153.

Coomassie entered, 154, 158, 160.

objects secured, 154.

Treaty of Fommanah, 155.

indemnity, 156.

Royal umbrella, 161.


Association, British-


[blocks in formation]

Atchinese War, 112, 114, 119, 150, 156,

Athanasian creed, 66, 68, 69, 75, 76,
93, 101, 104.


Aurora disturbances, 98.

Ministerial changes, 44.
Reichsrath opened, 50, 139.
Emperor's anniversary, 143.
at St. Petersburg, 155.
Pope's letter, 160.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

'Beggar's League," 83.
Beethoven centenary, 36.

Bellemere, Gen., censured, 138.
Berlin monument, 44.
Bethlehem church dispute, 109.
Betting offences, 92.
Bicycle feat, 121.
Billiard match, 12.

Birmingham conference, 48.
Bismarck, Prince-

on Ultramontanism, 82.

resignation, 95, 124.
honours, 97;

Prussian ministers, 140.

defence in Lower House, 148.
on Alsace-Lorraine, 159.

Anglo-American, 72.
Botanic Society's fête, 75.
Bothnia, launch, 159,

Bouverie, E. P., on Gladstone defeat,
156, 159.

Bradford Mechanics' Institute, 40.
Brand, Speaker, elected, 57, 160.
addresses tenantry, 81.

Emancipation bill, 40.
Emperor in England, 30.
Bishops punished, 146.
Brest scandal, 82.
Briel anniversary, 64.
Bright, John-

on constitution, 65.
presentation, 75.
representation and land, 99.
Chancellor of Duchy, 133, 134.
at Birmingham, 137.

on Free Land, 138.
on "Residuum," 144.
at Birmingham, 152.
Brighton poisoning, 37.
aquarium, 79.
library, 132.
Brock, Rev. William, 84.

Brussels Bourse, 146.
Buenos Ayres, fever, 12.

Burdett-Coutts, Baroness, 24, 76, 148.

Burmese ambassadors, 71, 73, 102.

Burning, death from, 115.

Bute, marriage of Marquis, 67.
lecture, 125.

Burton, Consul, 83.

Byles, Sir William, 152.

Byron, Lady, controversy, 12, 13.


Caird, Principal, 147..

Cairns, Lord Chancellor, 158.
Cambridge, Duke of-
on grievances, 101.
assaulted, 147.

Cambridge Commission, 52.
Vice-Chancellor, 89.

Canterbury, Archbishop of-
on comprehension, 89.
rumoured resignation, 161.
Captain relief fund, 8.

Cardwell at Oxford, 57.

reconstruction of Army Bill, 59.

Carlyle, T., honours to, 146.

Catholic protest, 76.

Catholic (old) Congress, 83.

Cavour monument, 139.

Census taken, 10.

Central Asia boundaries, 86, 104.

dispute, 115.

railway scheme, 160.

Chaldean inscription, 93.

Challenger expedition, 133.

Chambord, Count de, 132, 137, 138.

demonstration, 59.

manifesto, 86, 102.

Changarnier, proceedings against, 25.

Chesterfield, letters, 145.

Chicago, fire, 41, 44.

Childers, retirement of, 3.

Chancellor of Duchy, 79.

China, marriage of Emperor, 85,
ambassador received, 122.

Chinese labourers killed, 149.
Chiselhurst fete, 129.

demonstration, 161.

Choral festival, 138.
Church, Dean, 37.

Church defence, 51, 58, 65, 7;.
Church Congress-

1872, Leeds, 85.
1873, Bath,

1874, Brighton.

Civil Service Stores, 94, 1OI
Clearing-house returns, 77.

Coals, rise in price of, 77, 101.

Cobden, R., on small holdings, 97, 98.
Club dinner, 29.

Cockburn, Chief-Justice, on Collier
appointment, 45, 47.

on Alabama claims, 83.

Coleridge, Sir J.-

on Liberal Party, 87, 88.

on Counsel in Queen z'. Cotton, 106,
Chief-Justice, 140.

Colliery Accidents-

Bryn Hall, Wigan, 119.
Ebbw Vale, 3.
Kelsall Hall, 9r.
Marley, 85.

Moss, Wigan, 37.
Oakwood, 52.
Seaham, 44
Talke, 104

Wynnstay, Ruabon, 115.
Collier, Justice, 44, 45, 49.
Collisions at Sea-

Alabama and Abeona, 128.
Baltimore and Lorenzo Semprun,


Chacobuco and Torch, 105.
David Burn and Earl Percy, 17.
Kestrel and Frankland, 14.
Madagascar and Widgeon, 32.
Murillo and Northfleet, 100.
Northumberland and Hercules, 96.
Parthia and Emiliano, 60.
Providence, 42.
Columbia market, 44.

Colquhoun, Sir James, drowned, 145.
Comédie Francaise Company, 31.
Comet discovered, 123.

Consort Prince, anniversary of death,

Convocation, 56, 68, 69, 75, 4. 103; 10
Athanasian Creed, 117.
conference, 117.

confession, 126.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

declaration, 28.

rector of Munich, 33, 50.
Avoch, 28.

Crawford, Mary, 53.
Cumbrae, 82
Hartlepool, 17.
Illinois (bridge), 116.
Lochlomond, 145.
Moulsey, West, 145.
Santander, 139.
Tyne, 146.
Windermere, 130.
Woolwich, 138.
Dubourg, death of M., 68.
Duc de Aumale-

on Montalembert, 113.
Ducrot, General, 143.

Ranc and Cassagnac, 123.
About and Hervé, 129.
Manteuffel and Gröben, 143.
Dufferin, Lord Clandeboye, 44.
Dumas, remains of, 67.

Cullen, Cardinal, on Education, 53, Earthquakes-


Pastoral, 128.

Cumming, Dr., hoax, 102.

Curates' augmentation, 117.
Cyclone, Madras, 69.

Dalling, Lord, 6.

Davy statue, 86.


Deerhound detention, 122, 129, 133.
Denison inhibition, 55.

School inspection, 64.

on the Catholic element, 130.
on Disestablishment, 134.

Denison, Speaker, retires, 50, 56.
Lord Ossington, 57.
death, 107.

Denman, Justice, 86.

Deptford market, 50.
Derby free library, 42.
Derby, Earl-

on Conservative policy, 52.
on state railways, 121.
on black men, 136.
Discount rate, 2, 91, 139.
Disestablishment conference, 84.
Dilke, Sir C., on royalty, 44, 47.
Disraeli, Right Honourable B.-
on her Majesty, 39.
early writings, 43.

Lord Rector, Glasgow, 46.
at Manchester, 65.

at Crystal Palace, 73.

Irish University Bill, 108.

sent for by her Majesty, 109.

declines office, 109.

on the Tory party, 110.

on Burial Bill, 112.

on Metropolitan Constituencies, 117.

Bath letter, 134.

Antioch, 65.
Bathang, 11.

England, 5.


Malay Archipelago, 3.
St. Thomas, 36.

Eclipse, 49.

Edinburgh, Duke of-

at Rome, 114.

marriage, 118, 124, 125, 127, 149.

at St. Petersburg, 146, 149.

at Berlin, 159.

return, 160.

entry into London, 161.

addresses to, 162.

Education Union, 101.

League, 123.

National Society,

Forster on, 142.


Education Bill, ballot, 135.
Elections, new-

Bath, 135.
Dover, 47:

East Staffordshire, 129.
Exeter, 144.
Greenwich, 128.
Hull, 137
Limerick (Butt), 38.
North Notts, 59.
North West-Riding, 55.
Plymouth, 47.
Renfrewshire, 132.
Shaftesbury, 131.
Stroud, 147.

Taunton, 135, 147, 151.
West Surrey, 36.

Ely celebration, 136.

Emma Mine Company, 104.

Emanuel Hospital, 117.

Romanist teaching, 121, 122.

England, Church of-

Euphrates railway, 113.


European Assurance, 53, 88.
Exhibition, London, 40, 68.
Dublin, 71.

Vienna, 115, 138.

Campbell, Michael, 14.
Communist Generals, 47.
Cotton, "poisoner," III.
Durham, 147.
Gloucester, 147.
Holmes, Charles, 79.
Maidstone, 79.

Montgomery, inspector, 131.
Shere Ali, 63.
Agra Fort, 47.
Blackburn, 159.
Camborne, 64.
Carthagena, 147.
Chelsea, 40.

Engine, Glasgow, 57.
Faversham, 55.

Glasgow, 142.

Greenwich, 54.

Hounslow (powder), 82.
Lambeth (fireworks), 139.
Morges, 3.
Oceanus, 66.
Oswestry, 71.
Paris, 22.

Roslin, powder, 70.
Ruth brigantine, 43.
Stowmarket, 35.
Tradeston, Glasgow, 75.
Whitehall (gun-cotton), 77.


Famine in Persia, 47.

Female intimidation, 118.
Remains found, 132.
Fenians in Canada, 42.
prisoners, 161.

Ferguson, Sir James, 106.

Alexandra Palace, 120, 130.
America, 80.

Antrim House, 143.
Ardverikie, 136.

Baltimore, 127.

Berkeley Square, 119.
Boston, 90, 119.

Burlington Arcade, 35.
Canterbury cathedral, 81.
Chicago, 41, 132.
City flour mills, 91, 92,
Derry castle, 67.
Don Juan, slaver, 27.
Dundee, 160.
Dusseldorf, 64.
Escurial, 84.
Exeter, 133.
Forest, 42
Glasgow, 64.
Holkar Hall, 5.

Hayfield cotton mill, 43.
Kentish Town, 81.
Lafayette, 39.
Leith pier, 48.
Lichfield, 99.

Lisbon, Embassy, 151.

Liverpool, 103.

Lorraine museum, 32.

Manchester Athenæum, 133.

Marland mill, 76.

Miles Platting, 115.

Melkshott, Romsey, 78.

Musselburgh, 160.

Nagpore, 140.

New York hotel, 94.
Niblo's theatre, 70.

Oxford music ha 88.

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