INDEX. NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, &c. Born to Sorrow: 1, 57, 113, 169, 225, 281 Charlemagne : 30 Cheerfulness: 166 Comfort: 154 Concerning Bazaars: By S. G.: 93 Correspondents, Answers to: 56, 112, 168, 224, 280, 336 Curate's Story, The : 128 Denmark-its History and Literature: 290 Enfranchisement of qualified Women, List of Pe- Fouquet: 179 Garibaldian Head-quarters, A Week at the: 68 Gold, The Link of (A Story of the New Year); By the Author of " Cupid a Medium," &c., &c., 33. Greenwich Theatre: 165, 221 Historic Battle-ground: 195 Horace Carew; or, the Heir of Sairmouth Castle: 295 How to show Love for a Wife: 32 Katharia, the Fall of: 255 Kind Words: 123 Knowledge: 311 LADIES' PAGE: Basket for drying Salad: 328 rocheted Flowers-Campanula: 167 LADIES' PAGE (continued): Crochet Trimming: 224 Daisy Pattern for a Crochet Couvrette: 167 Explanation of Contractions used in Crochet, &c.: 107 Foot-cushion: 224 Knitted Border for a Bed-quilt: 328 Knitting Pattern for various purposes: 280 Netted Tassel Cover: 53 Printer's Marks: 107 Square Anti-Macassar for Darning: 53 Lady, The, of Bagatelle: By Le Moine: 329 Anecdote of Dogs: By Rev. C. Williams: 103 Conversations with Papa: 101 Fairy Talisman, The: By Miss L. A. Beale : 214 Max By Virginia F. Townsend: 216 Obedience in Children: By F. H. Staupper: 105 The Forget-me-not: Translation from the German: 159 The Two Willies: 268 The Two Springs: By Della Dane: 323 LIBRARY TABLE: Country Words: 108 English-Woman's Review: 163, 271 Little Willie By Matthias Barr: 165 Oddfellow's Quarterly: 165, 270 Purchase System in the British Army: By Sir Charles E. Trevelvan, K. C. B.: 217 Royal Dukes of Great Britain: 109 Science made easy-Lecture to the Working classes: By Thomas Twining, Esq.: 334 Stocking-knitters' Manual: 334 |