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Georgia Hero.-Pemberton and the Fugitives.-His Return to Vicksburg. -Recriminations as to the Disaster of the Big Black.---How Pemberton Was in the Wrong.Johnston Orders the Evacuation of Vicksburg.---Pemberton's Determination to Hold It..





The Defences of Vicksburg. -Pemberton's Force.-His Troops Reinspirited.-A Memorable Appeal. -Grant's Assault on the Works.-Confidence of the Yankees. Their Repulse and Losses. Commencement of Siege Operations. -Confidence in Richmond.-Johnston's Secret Anticipation of the Fall of Vicksburg. -His Alleged Inability to Avert it. -Critical Condition of the Confederate Armies in Numbers.Secret Correspondence of Richmond Officials. -Mr. Seddon's Bait of Flattery. Sufferings of the Garrison of Vicksburg.-Johnston's Attempt to Extricate them.-Proposed Diversion in the Trans-Mississippi.-Its Failure. - A Message from Pemberton. A Gleam of Hope.-An Important Despatch Miscarries. The Garrison Unable to Fight Their Way Out.-But Their Condition not Extreme.-Pemberton's Surrender on the Fourth of July. -Surprise in Richmond-Mendacity of the Telegraph.-The Story of the Rats and Mules. - Pemberton's Statement as to his Supplies.-His Explanation as to the Day of Surrender. -The last Incident of Humiliation.-Behavior of the Vicksburg Population.-A Rival of "The Beast."-Appearance and Manners of the City under Yankee Rule. -Consequences of the Fall of Vicksburg.-THE YANKEE REOCCUPATION OF JACKSON. -Johnston's Second Evacuation. -The Enemy's Ravages in Mississippi. -How they Compared with Lee's Civilities in Pennsylvania.THE FALL OF PORT HUDSON, &c. -Enemy's Capture of Yazoo City. -THE BATTLE >F HELENA. THE TRANS-MISSISSIPPI. -Repulse of the Confederates. Abandonment f Little Rock. -The Trials and Sufferings of the Trans-Mississippi Department.Hindman's Memorable Rule. --Military Autocracy. - The Generous and Heroic Spirit f the Trans-Mississippi. ΡΑΘΕ 65


Elasticity of the Spirit of the Confederacy. - What it Taught. - Decay of Confidence in President Davis's Administration. - His Affection for Pemberton.-A Season of Encouraging Events.--THE CAMPAIGN IN LOWER LOUISIANA.-Capture of Brashear City. The Affair of Donaldson.-THE SIEGE OF CHARLESTON. -Operations of the Enemy on Folly Island.--General Beauregard's Embarrassments. Assault of the Enemy of Fort Wagner.-His Foothold on Morris Island.--Beauregard's Designs.Bombardrient of Fort Wagner.--Second Repulse of the Enemy's Assault.-Gilmore's Insolent Demand.-His Attempt to Fire Charleston.--A Noble Reply from Beauregard.-Bombardment of Fort Sumter.--The Fort in Ruins. --Evacuation of Micris Island by the Confederates. -The Yankee Congratulations. - Devilish Penaities for "the Secession City." -Dahlgren's Part of the Programme.-His Night Attack on Sunter.--His Failure. --Safety of Charleston. -Bitterness of Yankee Disappointraent. MORGAN'S EXPEDITION INTO INDIANA AND OHIO. - His Capture of Lebanon.-An Unnatural Encounter.-Murder of Captain Magennis. -The Incursion Through indiana. The Yankee Pursuit.-A Chaplain's Trick.--Operations in Ohio.--The Affair of Buffington Island.--Morgan's Attempt to Escape.-His Capture and imprisonment.-Results of his Expedition, Strategic and Material. The Value of Military Adventure....





Contrast between our Military Fortunes in the East and in the West.-Some Reasons for our Success in Virginia. -Her Hearty Co-operation with the Confederate Authorities.-Her Contributions to the War.-General Bragg's Situation in Tennessee. Confederate criticisms on General Rosecrans. - Opinion of the "Chattanooga Rebel."-An Extensive Movement Contemplated by Rosecrans.-Bragg's Retreat to Chattanooga.-The Yankees on a Double Line of Operations, -Buckner's Evacuation of Knoxville. THE SURRENDER OF CUMBERLAND GAP.-President Davis's Comment on the Surrender. -THE BATTLES OF CHICKAMAUGA.-Braggs' Evacuation of Chattanooga. Topography of the Battle field. -Thomas's Column of Yankees in McLemore's Cove. Disobedience of Orders by Lieutenant-general Hill of the Confederates.Bragg's Orders to Lieutenant-general Polk. -Two Opportunities Lost. Note: Bragg's Secret and Official Report of the Miscarriage of His Plans, -The First Day's Engagement on the Chickamauga.-Second Day.-General Polk's Fight on our Right.-Longstreet's Successful Attack on the Left.-The Grand Charge.-Rout of the Enemy. Longstreet's Message to Bragg. - Forrest Up a Tree.-Bragg Declines to Pursue.-His Hesitation and Error.-His Movement upon Chattanooga.-Boast of Rosecrans.-An Empty Victory for the Confederates.-Bragg's Awkward Pause.Discussions of the Campaign.-His Supposed Investment of Chattanooga.-Two Blunders of the Confederate Commander.-Chickamauga a Second Edition of Bull Run. Note: Observations of a General Officer of the Confederate States Army on ........ ...... PAGE 118

he Campaign in the West......


r'olitical Movements in the Fall of 1868. -The "Peace Party" in the North.-The Yankee Fall Elections. - The War Democrats in the North. - The South's Worst Snemies.-Yankee Self-Glorification.-Farragut's Dinner-Party. - The Russian Banquet.-Russia and Yankeedom. -The Poles and the Confederates. -THE POLITICAL TROUBLES IN KENTUCKY. - Bramlette and Wickcliffe. - The Democratic Platform in Kentucky.-Political Ambidexterity.-Burnside's Despotic Orders. The Kentucky "Board of Trade." - An Election by Bayonets. - The Fate of Kentucky Sealed.-OUR EUROPEAN RELATIONS.-Dismissal of the Foreign Consuls in the Confederacy.Seizure of the Confederate "Rams" in England. The Confederate Privateers.Their Achievements. British Interests in Privateering.- The Profits of So-called "Neutrality."-NAVAL AFFAIRS OF THE CONFEDERACY.--Embarrassments of Our Naval Enterprise. - The Naval Structures of the Confederates. -LEE'S FLANK MOVEMENT IN VIRGINIA. Affair of Bristoe Station.-Failure of Lee's Plans. -Meade's Escape to Centreville. Imboden's Operations in the Valley.--Capture of Charlestown. -OPERATIONS AT RAPPAHANNOCK BRIDGE,- Kelley's Ford. --Surprise and Capture of Hayes' and Hoke's Brigades. Gallantry of Colonel Godwin.-Lee's Army on the Rapidan.-THE AFFAIR OF GERMANIA FORD.-Meade Foiled. -The "On-to-Richmond" Delayed..... ..... PAGE 140


The Chattanooga Lines. Grant's Command. - The Military Division of the Mississippi.-Scarcity of Supplies in Chattanooga.- Wheeler's Raid.-Grant's Plans.-He Opens the Communications of Chattanooga.-THE AFFAIR OF LOOKOUT VALLEY.Relief of Chattanooga. -THE BATTLE OF MISSIONARY RIDGE.-Bragg's Unfortunate Detachment of Longstreet's Force.-His Evacuation of Lookout Mountain.- The Attack on Missionary Ridge. - Hardee's Gallant Resistance.-Rout and Panic of the Confederates.-President Davis's First Reproof of the Confederate Troops.--Bragg's Retreat to Dalton. -Cleburne's Gallant Affair.-LONGSTREET'S EXPEDITION AGAINST KNOXVILLE,-More of Bragg's Mismanagement. Insufficiency of Longstreet's Force. -Difficulty in Obtaining Supplies.-His Investment of Knoxville.-An Incident of Personal Gallantry.-Daring of an English Volunteer.-Longstreet's Plans Disconcerted. The Assault on Fort Sanders.-Devotion of Longstreet's Veterans.-The Yankee "Wire-net." - The Fatal Ditch.--Longstreet's Masterly Retreat.-His Position in Northeastern Tennessee. - He Winters his Army there. --THE AFFAIR OF SABINE PASS, TEXAS.--THE TRANS-MISSISSIPPI.-Franklin's Expedition Defeated.The Upper Portions of the Trans-Mississippi. - The Missouri "Guerillas."-Quantrell.--Romantic Incidents. - THE VIRGINIA-TENNESSEE FRONTIER. - Operations of General Sam Jones. An Engagement near Warm Springs. The Affair of Rogersville.-BATTLE OF DROOP MOUNTAIN. - The Enemy Baffled. - Averill's Great DecemDer Raid. The Pursuit. --THE NORTH CAROLINA SWAMPS.--The Negro Banditti in the Swamps.-Wild, Butler's "Jackal."--His Murder of Daniel Bright. Confederate Women in Irons. Cowardice and Ferocity of the Yankees......... PAGE 159



The President's Declaration to the Confederate Congress of 1868-64.-"Want of Capacity" in the Confederate Authorities. - Character of Jefferson Davis.-Official Shiftlessness at Richmond.--Early Prognostications of the War. -The "Statesmanship" of the Confederates. -Ludicrous Errors of Confederate Leaders. - What "King Cotton" might have done.-Gross Mismanagement of the Confederate Finances.-Mr. Memminger's Maladministration. - The Moral Evils of an Expanded Currency. The Military Situation in December.-Secretary Seddon's Shameful Confession.-"Demagogism" in the Confederate War Department. Seddon's Propositions.-Military "Substitutes." - An Act of Perfidy.-Bullying in Congress. - Spirit of the Confederate Soldiery. LINCOLN'S "PEACE PROCLAMATION. "-Its Stupidity, Insolence, and Outrage. How the Confederates Replied to it.-A New Appeal Against "Reconstruction." THE SLAVERY QUESTION IN THE WAR.-A French Opinion. The Abolitionists Unmasked. - Decay of European Sympathy with Them.-Review of Lincoln's "Emancipation" Policy. - The Arming of the Blacks. - The Negro Colonization Schemes. -Experiments of New England "Civilization" in Louisiana.Frightful Mortality of "Freedmen." -The Appalling Statistics of Emancipation.The Contraband Camps in the Mississippi Valley.-Pictures of Yankee Philanthropy. -"Slavery" Tested by the War. -The Confederates the True Friends of the African Laborer. The System of Negro Servitude in the Confederacy. -The "War-to-theKnife" Party in the North.-HISTORY OF THE "RETALIATION" POLICY. -The Outrages of Yankee Warfare.-President Davis's Sentimentalism. - The Record of his Unpardonable and Unparalleled Weakness. - A Peep into Yankee Prisons. The TortureHouses of the North. -Captain Morgan's Experience Among "the Convict-Drivers." -President Davis's Bluster. - His Two Faces. - Moral Effects of Submission to Yankee Outrage. The Rival Administrations in December 1868.-Richmond and Washington.-Mr. Lincoln's Gaiety. -New Issues for the Confederacy. PAGE 180


The Importance of the Winter Campaigns of the War. A Series of Remarkable vents. - Encouragement of the Confederacy. - ROSSER'S RAID. - A Magnificen Prize.--PICKETT'S EXPEDITION AGAINST NEWBERN.-The Fight on Bachelor's Creek.

Destruction of the Yankee Gunboat "Underwriter." The Bril..ant Exploit of Com mander Wood. - Results of the Expedition.--THE AFFAIR OF JOHN'S ISLAND.--General Wise's Fight.-THE BATTLE OF OCEAN POND.-History of the Yankee Expeditions inte Florida. Lincoln's Designs upon Florida. -Their Utter Defeat.-Political Jugglery of Seymour's Expedition.-Price of "Three Electoral Votes." --SHERMAN'S EXPEDI TION IN THE SOUTHWEST. - What it Contemplated.-Grant's Extensive Designs.--Th Strategic Triangle. -Grant's Proposed Removal of the Mississippi River.-Polk's Re treat into Alabama.-Forrest's Heroic Enterprise.-His Defeat of Smith's and Grier son's Columns. Sherman's Retreat to Vicksburg.--His Disgraceful Failure. The Yankee Campaign in the West Disconcerted.--The Lines in North Georgia.-Repulse of the Yankees..... ...PAGE 216


Auspicious Signs of the Spring of 1864.-Military Successes of the Confederates.Improvements in the Internal Polity of the Confederacy-Two Important Measures of Legislation.-Revolution of our Finances.-Enlargement of the Conscription.Theory of the New Military Law.-A Blot on the Political Record of the Confederacy.-Qualified Suspension of the Habeas Corpus. -An Infamous Edict, but a "Deadletter." An Official Libel upon the Confederacy. - The Real Condition of Civil Liberty in the South. - The Conscription not properly a Measure of Force.-Impressments but a System of Patriotic Contribution.--Development of the Yankee Government into Despotism.-An Explanation of this. The Essence of Despotism in One Yankee Statute. - MILITARY RESOURCES OF THE CONFEDERACY.-Its Military System, the Best and Most Elastic in the World. The War Conducted on A Volun tary Basis. Supplies.--Scarcity of Meat.-The Grain Product.-Two Centres of Sup plies. A Dream of Yankee Hate.--Great Natural Resources of the North-Summary of the Yankee Military Drafts. Tonnage of the Yankee Navy. -The Yankee War Debt.--Economic Effects of the War.---Its Effects on European Industry.--Yanke Conquest of the South an Impossibility.--A Remarkable Incident of the War.DAHLGREN'S RAID AROUND RICHMOND.-Kilpatrick's and Custar's Parts of the Expe dition.-Dahlgren and his Negro Guide.-His "Braves" Whipped by the Richmond Clerks and Artisans.--Death of the Marauder.-Revelation of his Infamous Designs. -Copy and History of "the Dahlgren Papers."--A Characteristic Yankee Apotheosis. Ridiculous and Infamous Behavior of the Confederate Authorities.--A Brutal and Savage Threat.-President Davis in Melodrama.... ....... PAGE 284


The Current of Confederate Victories. -THE RED RIVER EXPEDITION. - Banks' Am bitious Designs. Condition of the Confederates West of the Mississippi.-Banks Extensive Preparations.-A Gala Day at Vicksburg. - Yankee Capture of Fort De Russy.--Occupation of Alexandria.-Porter's Warfare and Pillage.-Banks' Con-tinued Advance. - Shreveport, the Grand Objective Point. Kirby Smith's Designs.General Green's Cavalry Fight.-BATTLE OF MANSFIELD. Success of the Confederates.-BATTLE OF PLEASANT HILL. -The Heroic and Devoted Charge of the Confeder ates. The Scene on the Hill.--Banks Fatally Defeated.-Price's Capture of Yankee Trains. Grand Results of Kirby Smith's Campaign.-Banks in Disgrace.-Yankee Tenure of Louisiana.-FORREST'S EXPEDITION INTO KENTUCKY. - His Gallant Assault on Fort Pillow. -The Yankee Story of "Massacre."-Capture of Union City. Con federate Occupation of Paducah. -Chastisement of the Yankees on their own Theatre

of Outrages-CAPTURE OF PLYMOUTH, N. C.-General Hoke's Expedition.-Capture of "Fort Wessel."-Exploit of the "Albemarle." --The Assaults upon the Town.Fruits of its Capture. -The Yankees in North Carolina...


....... PAGE 252

Close of the Third Year of the War. -Sketch of the Subsequent Operations in Virginia and Georgia.-GRANT'S "ON-TO-RICHMOND." -The Combination Against the Confederate Capital. -THE BATTLES OF THE WILDERNESS. -A Thrilling Crisis.-Grant on the Verge of Rout.-His First Design Baffled. -THE BATTLES OF SPOTTSYLVANIA COURT-HOUSE.- Death of General Sedgwick. - THE CARNAGE OF MAY THE 12TH.-Five Battles in Six Days.-Grant's Obstinacy. - "The Butcher."-Sheridan's Expedition. -Death of General "Jeb" Stuart. - Butler's Operations on the South Side of the James." The Beast" at the Back-Door of Richmond.-He is Driven to Bermuda Hundred by Beauregard.-Defeat of Sigel in the Valley. - Grant's Movement Down the Valley of the Rappahannock. -His Passage of the Pamunkey.-Re-organization of General Lee's Lines. -Grant's Favorite Tactics. - Yankee Exultation at his Approach to Richmond--Caricatures of the Confederacy. - A Hasty Apotheosis. - A True Theory of Grant's "Flank Movements." -His Occupation of McClellan's Old Lines. -THE BATTLE OF THE CHICKAHOMINY OR COLD HARBOR.-A Confederate Victory in Ten Minutes. What Had Become of Yankee Exultation. - Review of the Rival Routes to Richmond.-Grant Crosses the James River. - His Second Grand Combination Against Richmond,-Hunter's Capture of Staunton. -THE BATTLES OF PETERSRURG.--General Wise's Heroic Address. - Engagement of 16th June.--Grand Assault of 19th June.on "the Cockade City."-A Decisive defeat of the Yankees.-Engagement at Port Walthal Junction-Sheridan's Defeat Near Gordonsville. - Hunter's Repulse at Lynchburg.-Two Affairs on the Weldon Railroad.-Grant's Second Combination a Complete Failure. --Discouragement of the North. -The Gold Barometer.-Secretary Chase's Declaration. - SHERMAN'S "ON-TO-ATLANTA."-His Flanking Movement.Engagement in Resaca Valley.--Johnston's Retreat.-Engagement at New Hope.Johnston's Telegram to Richmond.-Defeat of Sturgis's Expedition in Mississippi.BATTLE OF KENESAW MOUNTAIN. - Sherman's Successful Strategy. -The Confederates Fall Back to Atlanta. - THE BATTLES OF ATLANTA. -Hood's Gallant Defence.-. The Military Situation in July, 1864.-Grant's Failure.-His Consumption of Troops. -Review of Yankee Atrocities in the Summer Campaign of 1864. Sherman's Char acter. His Letter on "Wild Beasts." - His War on Factory Girls. -Sufferings of Confederate Women and Children.-Ravages in Georgia. - Hunter's Vandalism in Virginia. "The Avengers of Fort Pillow." - Sturgis and his Demons. -The Spirit of the Confederates.- Some Words on "Peace Negotiations." -A Piratical Proposition and an Infamous Bribe. - The Heroic Choice of the Confederates....PAGE 267






Sentimental Regrets concerning American History. The European Opinion of * "State" Institutions.-Calhoun, the Great Political Scholar of America. His Doc-trines.-Conservatism of "Nullification." - Its "Union" Sentiment. -Brilliant Vision of the South Carolina Statesman.-Webster, the Representative of the Imperfect and Insolent "Education" of New England.-Yankee Libels in the shape of Party "Nomenclature.-Influence of State Institutions.--How they were Auxiliary to the

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