A Journey to Deerfield-A thoroughly boyish Trick-Working in the Bark
Mill" Dave and Me "-Ulysses sent to Louisville-Driving a good
"Judgment and Mercy "-Ulysses' Father and
Bargain--The Hills
Mother-At School and in Sports-The Military Spirit fervent A Student
at Maysville and Ripley-Ulysses' standing at Seventeen...
Plans for Future Life-A Vacancy at West Point-Ulysses
Grant Appointed-Reaches the Military Academy-
thrashes a Classmate-Nicknames of the Cadets-"Leave it to Uncle
Sam"-"I can't die but once."-Graduates and returns Home..
Lieutenant Grant at Jefferson Barracks-Where he falls in Love--Origin of the
Mexican War-How Annexation was received-Lieutenant Grant and his
jovial Colonel-Stationed at Corpus Christi, Texas-How Taylor obtained
Mules The Army marches for Mexico-And encamps opposite Mata-
moras-Grant fights his first Battle-And the next day his second-War
upon our own Soil "-Scott's "Fire in the Rear"-Pillow's Ditch and
Breastwork-The Battle of Monterey-Three Days of Hard Fighting-
Grant runs a Gantlet of Death-"Green" rendered into Spanish.