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"NAYS.-Messrs. Morse, Tappan, Adams, Robinson, Ferry, Morrill, Humphrey, Washburne-8. "ABSENT.-Messrs. Hawkins and Boyce. "NOT VOTING.-Mr. Davis, (Miss.)"

Mr. Corwin, it was understood, had matured a series of resolves, which had the approval of a majority of the Republicans. They were as follows:

"First. Pledging the faith of Congress against any attempt to abolish Slavery in the District of Colum



"Fourth. In favor of any amendments rendering the Fugitive-Slave act effective and satisfactory to the South.

"Fifth. Against any discrimination by Congress of Slave States asking admission.

Territories till they have 30,000 inhabitants, when

"Sixth. Protecting persons and property in the

non-intervention by Congress shall be the law."

These early conciliatory steps gave the friends of Compromise hope that a settlement would be arrived at; but the continued hos

"Second. Against interfering with the inter-slave-tility of the extremists from the Gulf States indicated clearly that compromises were not

trade between the States.

“Third. Against the abolition of Slavery in the wanted, and probably would not be acceptdock-yards and arsenals in the Slave States. ed, no matter what their nature.



SEVERAL attempts were made to obtain a | States of the Union that may be disposed to meet us conference of Slave States, but without effect. The proposition submitted by Governor Houston, as we have stated, received no consideration. Gov. Magoffin, of Kentucky, on the 9th of December, dispatched the following circular of proposition to the Governors of the Slave States:

Circular of Governor

"COMMONWEALTH of Kentucky, EXECUTIVE Į DEPARTMENT, FRANKFORT, Dec. 9, 1860. “Entertaining the opinion that some movement should be instituted at the earliest possible moment to arrest the progress of events which seem to be rapidly hurrying the Government of the Union to dismemberment, as an initiatory step, I have, with great diffidence, concluded to submit to the Governors of the Slave States a series of propositions, and to ask their counsel and co-operation in bringing about a settlement upon them as a basis. Should ta the propositions be approved, they can be submitted to the assembling Legislatures and Conventions of the Slave States, and a Convention of all of said States, or of those only approving, be called to pass upon them, and ask a General Convention of all the

on this basis for a full conference. The present good to be accomplished would be to arrest the secession movement until the question as to whether the Union can be preserved upon fair and honorable terms can be fully tested. If there be a basis for the adjustment of our difficulties within the Union, nothing should be left undone in order to its development. To this end, it seems to me there should be a conference of the States in some form, and it appears to me the form above suggested would be most effective. I, therefore, as the Governor of a State having as deep a stake in the perpetuity of the Union, and at the same time as much solicitude for the maintenance of the institution of Slavery as any other, would respectfully beg leave to submit for your consideration the following outline of propositions:

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ments of the law, or throws obstructions in the way relations. In deference to that recommendation the General Assembly, as such, has taken no further action.

of his recovery.

"Third. The passage of a law by Congress compelling the Governors of Free States to return fugitives from justice, indicted by a Grand Jury in another State for stealing or enticing away a slave.

"Fourth. To amend the Constitution so as to divide all the Territories belonging to the United States, or hereafter to be acquired, between the Free and the Slave States, say upon the line of the 37th degree of North latitude-all North of that line to come into the Union with requisite population as Free States, and all South of the same to come in as Slave States.

“Fifth. To amend the Constitution so as to guarantee forever to all the States the free navigation of the Mississippi River.

"Sixth. To alter the Constitution so as to give the South the power, say in the United States Senate, to protect itself from unconstitutional and oppressive legislation upon the subject of Slavery.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,


"The Convention of the people of Georgia will assemble on the 16th day of January next, and doubtless that Convention will appoint delegates to a General Convention of the Southern States.

"Before this the Convention of our sister States of South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida, and perhaps others, will have assembled for action. "In behalf of the people of Georgia, whom we represent, this meeting, composed of members of the General Assembly, do most respectfully, but earnestly, ask the people of our sister States, above named, to appoint delegates to such a General Convention of the Southern States, or of as many as will convene; and that until such General Convention shall assemble and deliberate, no final separate State action shall be taken on the question of our longer continuance as members of the present confederacy of States.

"We urge this request, deeply feeling its importance to all, and to our great common cause. "We have but one interest; we are separate, inde

destiny we are one individual people.

"The action of one State must affect all the Sou.

To this there came no definitive reply. pendent sovereignties, but in welfare, feeling and The efforts of Virginia to secure a hearing for conference were futile, South Carolina even refusing to receive a Commissioner for the professed purpose of a "concert of action." The same fate awaited the proposition sent out by the Legislature of Georgia (December 15th) to the several States, asking for no separate State action.

The Georgia Plan of Cooperation.

It was not acted upon, except adversely, having been tabled by the South Carolina Convention without reading! It was as follows:

"To the people of South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida, in Delegate Convention assembled, and to such other Southern States as may assemble before the meeting of the Georgia Convention:

"The people of Georgia, in many very large primary meetings, have frequently requested that the Southern States of this Union should meet, at an early day, by their delegates in Convention, and confer together.

"The same meetings have urged the present Assembly of Georgia to inaugurate this movement. Before these meetings were held this Assembly had psssed a bill for the call of a Convention of the people, and to that Convention it seems all our prominent men were understood to have recommended the reference of all other questions on our Federal

thern States; the separation of one from all must greatly involve not only the feelings but the interests of all. No slaveholding State can live for itself—we must live with and for each other. God has not mingled more indistinguishably the drops of water in our rivers, than he has linked indissolubly the destinies of our people and their children forever.

"In climate, soil, productions and systems of labor we are as identical with each other as we are separate from the balance of the world.

"Let us consult together, then. Let us so act that all may agree. Our people must be united. Our common interest must be preserved. Our common movement must be successful. Common dangers must be avoided. Our equality, our honor, shall be preserved. All these can devise a cooperation. Not for our enemies, but for ourselves, our safety, our children, our peace, our necessities, we beseech you so to order your action as that consultation and cooperation shall not be defeated, but secured.

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Delay would be

(Signed by 52 Members of the Legislature). As the moment approached for South Carolina to take the "precipitate" step, we find considerable hesitancy, on the part of some of the leaders in Georgia, to precipitate that State from the Union. Thus, Mr. Cobb, (T. R. R.) wrote (Dec. 17th): "The greater the number of States which retire together from the Union the more dignity and moral weight will the movement have. Any haste in one State to move in advance of the others (though not so intended), will have or be construed into an appearance of a disregard to the will and action of others. And while I am free to admit that each State must act for herself, and resume, by her own independent will, her delegated authority, yet I conceive that it is possible and highly desirable that all of them should assign some common day for such resumption. In the meanwhile, proper steps might be taken not only to secure harmonious action, but to provide for a future Confederacy."

Mr. Toombs, ultra-secessionist as he was, in view of the conciliatory attitude of Congress, did not care to hurry the State into the vortex. In his letter to the Danburg Committee (Dec. 15th) he said among other things: "Many persons think the remedy ought to be applied immediately; others at a day not to extend beyond the 4th of March next; others, again, supposing that too short a time for the convenient action of the Abolition States, would extend it only to what might be fairly deemed a reasonable and convenient time within which our wrongs might be redressed by the wrong-doers. I would strongly ad vise that there be no division among those who hold either of those opinions. While I personally favor the position of those who are opposed to delaying longer than the 4th of March next, I certainly would yield that


point to correct and honest men who were with me in principle, but who are more hopeful of redress from the aggressors than I am,. especially if any such active measures should be taken by the wrong-doers as promised to give us redress in the Union."

The Commissioners sent out by Mississippi and Alabama to the Slave States executed their trust by visiting all the State Legislatures and Governors. Their reception in the Border States was not particularly cordial. The movement for immediate secession, it was evident to them, must be confined to the Gulf States and South Carolina alone. The Border States were not yet ripe for the revolution.

North Carolina Conservatisin.

of the North Carolina Legislature took very The minority report of the Joint Committee strong grounds against the State Convention call. The bill calling such a Convention was declared, in the report, to be unconstitutional, for the palpable reason that "such Convention can only be summoned by a twothirds vote of all the members of each House. In the Personal Liberty laws of Northern States there is no new cause for grievance, and in any event they will be declared unconstitutional when brought face to face with the Constitution. Then, too," the address remarks, "if the grievance complained of and not disclosed, is the election of Lincoln to the Presidency-an election effected by a minority vote, in consequence of divisions among his opponents-it is, in the opinion of the minority, an inadequate cause for calling a Convention so hastily, with extraordinary power, which may place North Carolina out of the Union before the 4th of March next, and before the country can be officially informed of the policy of the incoming Administration. Would it not be more prudent to abide the determination of the great efforts now being made at Washington City and elsewhere, by patriotic men, to compromise all difficulties, and obtain more secure guarantees against the unfriendly legislation of certain Northern States? Let the people have time to deliberate, that North Carolina may not be precipitated out of the Union, and her influence as a peace-maker between the North and the South utterly destroyed."

Louisiana seemed, for aLouisiana Hesitating. while, to pause for deliberation, in view of the attitude of affairs at Washington. Thus, the New Orleans Picayune, of December 15th,


"There is less of impulse but more of determination here than in some other States. We may possibly take all measures that may justify us before the world and acquit us of impetuosity in this crisis; but, we doubt that Louisiana takes any backward steps. It depends on the action of Congress, and the returning sense of justice and reason at the North, whether the revolution in Louisiana goes rapidly forward to its full consummation. No plan of conciliation short of a final settlement of the Slavery agitation, by amendments to the Constitution, can, we think, be satisfactory. At the same time there is a disposition, by large bodies of our citizens, to move with deliberation, and to try all remedies, until means of security and equality in the Union are exhausted, before the State considers the United States as a foreign government, and its citizens as aliens."

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"Second. That the great subject of disturbance, that of Slavery in the Territories, rests upon a satisfactory foundation, and that we have nothing to ask except that the status quo be respected.

"Third. That the subject of the rendition of fugitive slaves can be adjusted to the satisfaction of the injured property-holder, and without dishonor to ourselves.

66 Fourth. That in relation to the maintenance of

the rights we have, or those that have been defeated or impaired, and in whatever concerns the subjects of contumely and insult we complain of, there may be sufficient cause for increased vigilance, for preparation, for alliance among the Southern States, for the demand of new guarantees, but not for disunion,

Conservatism in Tennessee

until there is a refusal of redress. In my opinion separate State action will result in the discredit and defeat of every measure for reparation or security.” Ex-Governor Brown, of Tennessee, published a letter on the state of affairs, about the same time. He assumed strong Union grounds, and saw, in the election of Mr. Lincoln, no cause whatever for a dissolution of the Confederacy. "There is every reason," he said, "to suppose that he will administer the Government in a conservative manner; and as for the question of Slavery in the Territories, there is no reason to fear that he will do the South injustice, since there is no Territory now belonging to the Union where a Southerner would care to carry slaves, nor is it likely that any will be acquired during Mr. Lincoln's administration." He urged the necessity of calling a Southern Convention, and concluded by an earnest appeal for the people of Tennessee to stand by the Union.

Hon. A. O. P. Nicholson, of the same State, also addressed the people, through the press, deprecating secession, and adverted to the position which Tennessee must occupy as a friend of both sections of the Union.

Conservatism in


Ex-Governor Wickliffe, of Kentucky, under date of December 17th, published his views, suggesting how to deal with South Carolina, or other seceding States. His ideas were, to repeal the acts creating her ports of entry, to prevent any commerce with her. "Then, if she opposes Congress in establishing judicial districts in the State, and her citizens refuse to fill the offices of judge and marshal, abolish the district by law, and attach the territory to some other neighboring judicial district. If she desires no postal facilities of the United States, abolish the post-offices and withdraw the service. If she will send no Senators or Representatives to Congress, let her alone-the Government can get along without their services in Congress. State. This is making no war upon a State Apply these same remedies to each seceding or upon its citizens-it necessarily does not involve the shedding of human blood.”

The Louisville Journal, speaking the senti


ment of a large majority of the people of the State, thus characterized the precipitationists and their schemes:

"It seems to us that the whole annals of the human race do not present such an example of arrogance and presumption as this attempt of South Ca

rolina to coerce the Border Slave States out of the

Union. If she herself desires to go out, in Heaven's
name, let her go.
We do not desire to coerce her.
And yet she seeks to 'drag' us after her, at the haz-
ard of all that makes life worth having; to 'drag' us
into the slaughter-house of civil and servile war; to
'drag' us away from a Government with which we
are satisfied, under which we enjoy prosperity and
peace, sitting every man of us in joy and content
under our own vine and fig-tree; to 'dragus from
this Government, constructed by the wisdom and
patriotism of our venerated forefathers and cement-
ed by their heroic blood, and force us down a preci-
pice the bottom of which no mortal eye can see.


Our wishes are not to be regarded; we are not worthy even to sit in counsel with South Carolina upon our own fate; even Old Virginia, the land of Washington, the mother of constitutional liberty in America, is waved off majestically by the Charleston Mercury, when she approaches with the olive branch and asks to be permitted to consult with Carolina upon measures concerning their common destiny. Ye gods! upon what meat doth this our Cæsar feed, that he has grown so great?' 'He doth bestride the earth like a Colossus,' and we, petty borderers, must crawl between his huge legs,' and 'find ourselves dishonorable graves.'

These several expressions are a reflex of the conservative public opinion in the several sections of the Union during the middle of December. It will be apparent, therefore, what action in Congress would have met their views.








THE third week of the | officers of the United States upon a requisition, A Resolution of. session proved a very im- or if this has ever been refused; and further, Inquiry. portant and exciting one in what instructions have been given to the of both Houses. In the Senate, on Monday (Dec. ficers of said forts in case of a demand to 17th), Mr. Clark, (Rep.) of New Hampshire, surrender them by any person or authority sought to obtain information concerning the made upon them; also, the copies of any corcondition of Fort Moultrie by a resolution of respondence between the Commander-in-Chief inquiry, which requested the President to in- of the American Army relative to the necesform the Senate what number of men were sity of supplying the officers of said forts with stationed at Forts Moultrie and Sumter; protection. This was immediately objected whether, in his opinion, the number was suffi- to by Mr. Brown, (Dem.) of Mississippi, when, cient to defend those forts against any attack under the rules it had to lie over. The Southor domestic violence; whether additional men ern members evidently had determined upon had been ordered to either of said forts, or a steady opposition to all Union or coercive any steps taken to put them in position to resolves. resist any attack; in whose custody the arsenal at Charleston is placed; what arms and property are there kept, or, if removed, by whom; why said arms are not put in possession of

At one o'clock Mr. Powell's resolution for a Committee of Thirteen on the Union was taken up, when Mr. Wade, of Ohio, proceeded to address the Senate. As Mr. W. was un

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