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mounted on wooden carriages. As soon as the evacuation of the fort was complete, the carriages of these guns were fired, and at the time of visiting the fort yesterday, were nearly consumed, and the guns thereby dismounted. These guns, as well as those constituting the entire armament of the fortress, were spiked before it was abandoned. This is the only damage done the fortification, further than cutting down the flagstaff, and the breaking up of ammunition wagons to form ramparts on the walls of the fort.".

Active Preparations

for Resistance.

This movement of the commander was construed by the Convention as a threat of coercion, and every means were taken to prepare for resistance. A communication was dispatched to the Commissioners at Washington, authorizing them to demand of the President the unconditional evacuation of the, forts in the harbor in event of his refusal to order Anderson back to Moultrie, and thus restore the status ante quo bellum. The telegraph offices were placed under State control. The post-office was considered to be under surveillance. The custom-house already had become part of the machinery of State. Orders were issued, during the day, for the occupation of Castle Pinckney and Fort Moultrie by the State troops. The arsenal, already in possession of State troops under Major Humphreys, gave freely of its plentiful stores to equip the troops, and to furnish munitions and artillery as they were required. Mr. Floyd had, during his four years' administration, succeeded in placing ten years' ordinary supplies in that arsenal, and thus had, indeed, befriended "the cause."

Seizures by the State


took possession of Moultrie. Captain Foster, seeing the approach of the troops, retired up the beach to a small boat with his eight men, and was suffered to pull over to Sumter. The work of restoration immediately commenced. Anderson could have shelled the fort, had he dared to assume the offensive; but, as his orders were imperative, to stand only on the defensive, he soon had to see one thousand troops and negroes swarming on Sullivan's and Morris' islands, throwing up fortifications and mounting guns for his own destruction. Had he been empowered to forbid this hostile work, the shot and shell of his tremendous Columbiads would have rendered it simply impossible for the revolutionists to erect their batteries. One of Mr. Buchanan's most unfortunate mistakes was to resist reinforcements of the forts in the harbor, when they could have been thrown in early in November. His next great error was to hamper Anderson with orders which forbade him to assume the responsibility of destroying forti fications expressly designed for the subjuga tion of the beseiged garrison. The patriotism and courage which afterwards controlled the Cabinet, in the persons of Joseph Holt, Judge Black and General Dix, gave the country good cause to regret their introduction at so late an hour.

The movement into Sumter was received with reunanimity of markable

Honor to Major Anderson.

approval in all sections of the country, save in the disaffected States. Even there many were found who saw in the act the attitude best calculated to force matters to a speedy settlement. It would seem to prove that, if it had "precipitated" matters politically, it During the afternoon of had also precipitated the unsettled patriotism Thursday (December 27th), of the people to glisten like a ruby on the the two forts were occu- "Ethiop breast" of the rising storm. The pied. Castle Pinckney was taken by Colonel press, the pulpit, the platform, the poets-all J. J. Pettigrew, with a force of two hundred chaunted pæans for the loyal AndersonThat fort had not a soul in it, and was more loyal and true, indeed, than his supeso barricaded that scaling ladders had to be riors. His name became the theme of disused to secure an entrance. The guns were course, for many a day, in public and private, found spiked, the ammunition and stores throughout all the States still faithful to the removed, and the flagstaff down. When it Constitution and the Laws. Such spontahad been stripped no one knew. Lieutenant-neous, heartfelt congratulation never before Colonel De Saussure, with two hundred men, was offered to a servant of the United States.



FROM DECEMBER 27th, 1860, TO MARCH 4th,* 1861.

Dec. 27.-Occupation of Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, by Major Anderson. Fort Moultrie is dismantled.

--The United States Revenue Cutter Aiken betray ed by its commander, Capt. N. L. Coste, into the hands of the South Carolina authorities.

Dec. 28.-South Carolina authorities seize the Custom-house and Post-office. Castle Pinckney and Fort Moultrie occupied by State troops. The Arsenal at Charleston is held by orders of Governor Pickens. Large numbers of troops pouring into Charleston. One body of eighty men received from Georgia. The Palmetto flag flying from the forts, public buildings, &c. The Stars and Stripes only flying from Fort Sumter. A dispatch to a member of the Cabinet, from Charleston, says troops are pouring in from all directions.

-Mr. Holt, the Postmaster-General, sends orders to the Sub-treasury at Charleston, to remit all the balance, $35,000, on the Post-office account in his possession, immediately, to the credit of the department. "If this order is not complied with at once, he will demand of the Federal Government to enforce orders. He is also determined, as before suggested, to suppress mail matter to and from South Carolina, if the mails are interfered with in that State."

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Jan. 1, 1861.-The New York journals of to-day all regard the capital as in danger of seizure. One says: "It is now well known that military companies have been organized and drilled for months past in Maryland and Virginia—some of them under the eye of an officer of the regular army-and that the distinct object of their organization is to aid in the seizure of Washington city in the interest of the disunionists, or the prevention by force of Lincoln's inauguration. Some of the less prudent of their leaders boast in private circles that they have five thousand well-armed and organized men ready to strike the blow instantly upon the concerted signal being given."

Jan. 2.-In view of the dangers which threaten the city of Washington, General Scott has taken steps to place the militia of the District under arms. Regulars are also being ordered to the Navy Yard and every precaution is to be taken to avoid a surprise, and to repel any attempt at revolutionary proceed.

-The Cabinet broke up to-night, after five hours session, without coming to any conclusion relative to the disposition of troops at Charleston. The impression prevailed that a conflict was inevitable. Secretary Toucey and Mr. Holt, Postmaster-Gene-ings. ral, urged defense; the others, a further evacuation, if necessary.

Dec. 29.-John B. Floyd resigns his appointment in Mr. Buchanan's Cabinet as Secretary of War. In his letter of resignation he charges the President with a purpose to inaugurate civil war by refusing to withdraw Anderson from Charleston harbor entirely. "I cannot consent to be the agent of such a calamity," (civil war,) and therefore tenders his resignation. It was accepted by the President, Dec. 31st, in a very curt and summary note.

-The South Carolina Commissioners make known their mission, by official communication to the Pre


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-A dispatch from Georgia states that the elec tion returns indicate that the State has voted, by a large majority, for immediate secession. The State troops are also reported to be in possession of the United States arsenal in Augusta, as well as of Forts Pulaski and Jackson.

-Gov. Ellis, of North Carolina, dispatched troops to-day to seize upon Fort Macon at Beaufort, the forts at Wilmington, and the United States arsenal at Fayetteville. It was done to keep the property from seizure by mobs-so Gov. Ellis wrote to the Department of War.

-Private accounts from Charleston state that a thousand negroes are engaged in the erection of fortifications in the harbor, and that the channels leading to Fort Sumter have been obstructed by sunken vessels, and the buoys removed. Also, that Gov. Pickens has received the offer of 10,000 volunteers from without the State, who hold themselves in readiness to march at a minute's warning.

-Senator Baker, of Oregon,concluded his response to Mr. Benjamin's speech, in the United States Senate. It was pronounced a "masterly effort."

Jun. 2.-Mr. Baker was followed by Mr. Douglas, | who charged upon the Republican party the present troubles. He declared for compromise, and for giving the South any necessary Constitutional guaran


Jan. 3.-The Florida Convention meets at Tallahasse.

The South Carolina Commissioners return home, having failed of recognition by the Federal government. They wrote insulting letters to the President, prior to their departure.

-The War Department rescinded the order for the shipment of guns from Alleghany Arsenal to the unfinished forts in the South. This news gave great satisfaction to the loyal people of Pittsburg.

Jan. 4.-Fast day, by proclamation of the President. It is quite generally observed in the Northern States and in the Border Slave States, but is not regarded in the Gulf States.

-The South Carolina Convention nominated as delegates to the proposed Southern Confederate Congress: Hon. T. J. Wither, L. M. Keitt, W. W. Boyce, James Chesnut, junior, R. B. Rhett, junior, R. W. Barnwell and C. G. Memminger.

-The United States' Arsenal, at Mobile, seized. It contained large quantities of munitions and arms. Fort Morgan, at Mobile, was also seized and garrisoned, by order of Governor Moore.

Jan. 5.-Enrolment of volunteers going on in several Northern cities, to be offered to the Presi

dent to enforce the laws.

-Great Workingmen's meeting in Cincinnati. Resolutions passed declaring that the Union must be preserved in its integrity by the enforcement of the laws in all parts of the Union by any necessary means. An immense meeting was also held in Philadelphia in honor of Anderson and the Union. Resolutions were passed, demanding the President to enforce the laws. All parties took part in the proceedings.

-A dispatch from Washington says:- "The Alabama and Mississippi delegations held a conference last night, and afterward telegraphed to the Conventious of their respective States advising them to secede immediately, saying there is no prospect of a satisfactory adjustment. They resolved to remain here, awaiting the action of their States."

-The Florida Legislature and Convention assemble.

-The steamer Star of the West sailed secretly from New York with supplies and reinforcements for Fort Sumter. Governor Hicks, of Maryland, publishes his address to the people, stating, at length, his reasons for not convening the Legislature. He reiterated strong Union sentiments.

-It is rumored in Washington that the President is firm in carrying forward his new policy of resistance to further encroachments, so far as lies in his power. Companies of Federal troops are being quietly concentrated in and around the Capital, for its defense.

Jan. 7.-Alabama Convention meets.
-Mississippi Convention meets.

-Tennessee Legislature meets.

meets. Ex-Secretary Floyd and United States Senator Mason are both in Richmond, and both urge a policy looking to co-operation with South Carolina. -Toombs, of Georgia, made a very violent and treasonable speech in the United States Senate.

Jan. 8.-Salutes very generally fired throughout Orleans, Major Anderson and the Union. the Northern cities in honor of the battle of New

Jan. 8.-The South Carolina Commissioners address the Alabama State Convention.

-The South Carolina and Alabama Commissioners address the Florida Convention. -The South Carolina and Alabama Commissioners invited to seats in the Mississippi Convention.

-Secretary Thompson resigns his seat in the Cabinet, urging, as the cause, that, against positive promises to the contrary, troops had been sent to Major Anderson.

-Agents for the purchase of arms for the Southern States are busy in New York and Philadelphia. Large orders are being filled by Colonel Colt, for

pistols and rifles for the South.

-The President sends a special message to Congress.

Jan. 9-A dispatch from Washington states that the Cabinet is in session, deliberating upon the propriety of arresting Senators Toombs and Wigfall, for high treason.

-The steamer Star of the West, with supplies, and 250 troops for Fort Sumter, is fired into from Fort Moultrie and a battery on Morris' Island. She is struck by a shot and puts to sea again, without com. municating with the fort.

-The Virginia House of Delegates, at length, adopts the Convention Bill, and names February 4th, as the day of election of delegates.

-Fort McHenry, at Baltimore, is occupied by a company of United States troops.

-The Mississippi Convention passes the ordinance of secession by a vote of 84 to 15.

Jan. 10.-The Florida Convention passes the Ordi. nance of Secession by a vote of 62 to 7.

Jan. 11.-The Alabama Convention passes the ordinance of secession by a vote of 61 to 30.

-Mr. Thomas, Secretary of the Treasury, resigns. -The Arsenal at Baton-Rouge, Louisiana, seized by the State authorities. Forts Jackson and St. Philip, at the mouth of the Mississippi river, and Fort Pike at the Lake Ponchartrain entrance, seized by State troops, by order of Governor Moore.

-A detachment of United States troops occupied the Post-office, Custom-house and Sub-Treasury at St. Louis, as a precaution against their seizure by the mob.

-General John A. Dix, of New York, is appointed Secretary of the Treasury, in place of Mr. Thomas, of Maryland, resigned.

-Lieutenant Talbot, as bearer of dispatches from Major Anderson, arrives at Washington. He reports

-Special Session of the Virginia Legislature the Major able to hold out for about two months,

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with the supplies of food on hand. He has a pass-nary for a settlement. He is not received by the port from Governor Pickens. A long Cabinet meet- President in any official capacity, but is requested ing followed. to state to the War Department, in writing, his propositions.

-The Florida Ordinance of Secession signed. -Resolutions pass the New York Legislature, tendering the President of the United States aid in support of the Constitution and the Union.

Jan. 12.-Mr. Seward speaks in the Senate. His position as the prospective Secretary of State in the Lincoln Cabinet, gave his words the weight of authority. His speech is pronounced to be "eminently conciliatory."

-A dispatch from Springfield, Illinois, says:"The conviction now prevails, in Presidential circles, that the day of compromise is past, and that nothing but force will bring rebellious States back into the Union."

-Lieutenant Hall, on the part of Major Anderson, and Colonel Hayne, as bearer of the ultimatum of the South Carolina Government, leave for Washing


Jan. 17.-Military Committee of South Carolina Legislature report that the exigencies of the times demand that South Carolina be placed on a war footing. The plan for submarine telegraph lines to all the fortifications was debated.

-In the Virginia Legislature the Committee on Federal Relations report the Crittenden resolutions as a proper basis of adjustment: that Commissioners be appointed to South Carolina and to Washington, requesting non-action of a belligerent character until Virginia can act, &c., &c., for compromise.

Jan. 18.-In the Massachusetts Legislature a series of resolutions was passed by a unanimous vote, tendering the President of the United States such aid in men and money as he may require, to maintain the authority of the General Government. The preamble to the resolution declares that the State of South Carolina, in seizing the fortifications of the Federal Government, the Post-office, Custom-house, moneys, arms, munitions of war, and by firing upon a vessel in the service of the United States, had com

Jan. 13.-The Virginia Legislature resolves to call a State Convention on the 13th of February. -The Navy Yard and Fort Barrancas, at Pensa-mitted an act of war. cola, surrendered to the Florida and Alabama troops, by Commander Armstrong. Fort Pickens, under command of Lieutenant Slemmer, bids defiance to Armstrong's orders, and will hold out to the last. Lieutenant Slemmer withdrew from Fort McRae to occupy the stronger post of Pickens.

Jun. 14.—An act passes the South Carolina Legislature declaring that "any attempt by the Federal Government to reenforce Fort Sumter will be regarded as an act of open hostility and a declaration of war; also approving of the act and promptness of the military in firing on the Star of the West, and promising to support the Governor in all measures of defense."

Jan. 16.-The Crittenden Resolutions lost in the United States Senate by the adoption of Mr. Clark's substitute to the effect that the Constitution is good enough-only wants to be obeyed; that secession is a dangerous remedy, against which all the energies of government should be directed.

-The Virginia Legislature passes a bill appropriating $1,000,000 for the defense of the State, and a bill authorizing the issue of treasury notes to that amount, bearing six per cent. interest.

-The Georgia State Convention, in secret ses and duty of Georgia to secede; and, second, apsion, adopted resolutions, first, declaring the right pointing a Committee of Seventeen to report an Ordinance of Secession, by a vote of yeas 165, nays 130.

Jan. 19.-Secession Ordinance passed by the Georgia State Convention. Yeas 208, nays 89.

-The Committee on the Confederacy of the Mississippi Legislature has reported resolutions to provide for a Southern Confederacy, and to establish a provisional Government for seceding States and States hereafter seceding. The proposed Southern Convention will meet at Montgomery on the 4th of February.

-The Majority Reports of the Committees of patches from high sources in Charleston show that -A dispatch from Washington says:-" Des Thirty-three and Thirteen are published.

-The Arkansas Legislature unanimously passes a bill submitting the question of calling a Convention to a vote of the people, February 28th.

-The State Convention bill passes the Missouri Legislature. The election of delegates to be held February 18th-the Convention to assemble February 28th. The voters for delegates are to say "yes" or "no" on their ballots to decide whether or not the ordinance of secession if passed shall be submitted to the people for ratification.

Major-General Sandford tenders to the Governor and through him to General Scott the service of the first Division of the New York State militia, numbering seven thousand thoroughly armed and disciplined men, "for any service which may be required of them."

-Col. Hayne, as "agent" of Governor Pickens, lemands the surrender of Fort Sumter as a prelimi

the authorities there feel disappointed that Lieutenant Talbot, who reached there to-day, did not bring back evidences that the United States Government was ready to surrender to their demands at once. A gloom hangs over the city."

The Tennessee Legislature calls a State Convention to assemble February 25th. Election of Delegates to be held February 9th. The Ordinance of Secession, if passed, is to be submitted to the people for ratification or rejection.

Jan. 20.-The Alabama Delegation in Congress withdrew, having received official notice of the secession of their State.

McRae is being occupied and the guns manned by Jan. 21.-A dispatch from Pensacola says "Fort the allied forces of Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi." One thousand of these "allied" troops are besieging Fort Pickens, and seven hundred more are reported to be on the way. The work of per

fecting the defences of Fort Pickens from the land and Pensacola side is being pushed forward with great vigor by Lieut. Slemmer who, it would appear, is determined to hold out to the last.

Feb. 9.-A Provisional Constitution is adopted by the Southern Congress at Montgomery, as a basis for a Provisional Government. The United States Constitution is used, with slight variation. Jefferson

Jan. 23.—The Georgia delegation withdraws from Davis, of Mississippi, elected President, and Alex-

-Hon. Emerson Etheridge, of Tennessee, makes a speech in the United States House of Representatives, declaring secession to be rebellion, which the government must suppress.

ander H. Stephens, of Georgia, Vice-President of the "Confederate States of North America."

Feb. 11.-Mr. Lincoln, President-elect, starts for Washington, via Indianapolis, Cincinnatti, Columbus, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Buffalo, Albany, New York City, Trenton, Philadelphia, Harrisburg and BaltiJan. 24. The Arsenal at Augusta, Georgia, seized more. He was the guest of all these cities, by action by the State authorities. of the authorities and State Legislatures. His jour.

Jan. 25.-The Rhode Island State Legislature re-ney was by special trains, and was one grand ovation peals its Personal Liberty law. at all stopping points.

-The Louisiana State Convention passes an ordinance of secession. Yeas, 113; nays, 17.

Jan. 26.-Alabama State Convention adjourned to March 4th.

Feb. 12.-Reports from Tennessee indicate that the State has voted, by over 20.000 majority, against a State Convention.

Feb. 16.-A dispatch from Washington says but little hope is entertained of any beneficial result Jan. 28.-Texas State Convention meets at Austin. from the Peace Convention. The Northern ComJan. 30.-The Legislature of North Carolina sub-missioners are persistent in their refusal to agree to mits the question of holding a Convention to a vote the Southern demands. of the people, February 28th.

Feb. 17.-A dispatch from Montgomery, Ala., says

-Ex Secretary Floyd indicted by the Grand Jury the trip of Mr. Davis, President-elect of the South

of Washington on two counts; 1st, for malfeasance; 2d, for conspiracy with Bailey and Russell, to defraud the government.

-The two Revenue Cutters, Cass and McClelland betrayed by their commanders-the last named by Capt. Breshwood into the hands of the Louisiana State authorities, the first by Capt. J. J. Morrison, into the hands of the Alabama authorities. Secretary Dix's Special agent had authority to shoot down the first man who attempted to haul down the American flag, but he did not succeed in gaining possession of either vessel.

Feb. 1.-The United States Mint and Custom house in New Orleans seized by the State authorities.

-Texas Convention passes Ordinance of Secession-yeas 166, nays 7.

Feb. 4.--The Virginia Conference, or, as it is called, the Peace Convention," assembles in Washington. It is composed of five delegates from each State, appointed by the Governors, to consider some plan of adjustment. Most of the Northern, and all of the Border States, are represented.

-The Congress, or Conference, of Southern seceded States, meets at Montgomery.

Feb. 5.-Ex-President Tyler, of Virginia, elected President of the Peace Convention.

Feb. 8.-Colonel Hayne departs for Charleston, unable to obtain any recognition from the Federal Government.

ern Confederacy, from Jackson to Montgomery was one continued ovation. He made twenty-five speeches on the route, to the gathered crowds. Arrived at Montgomery he was welcomed by the military and a vast concourse of citizens.

Feb. 18.-Jefferson Davis inaugurated, with im posing ceremonies, President of the Confederate

States of America.

Feb. 19.--Mr. Lincoln receives a magnificent reception in New York city. Two hundred thousand people turn out to swell the throng on the streets. He held a Levee at the City Hall February 20th.

Feb. 22. Mr. Lincoln leaves Harrisburg abruptly and secretly, by night, for Washington-hav ing evidences of a plot in Baltimore to create a riot upon his appearance on the 23d, as set down in the published programme of his progress. Arrives at the Capitol early on the morning of the 23d.


Feb. 25. It is ascertained that Brigadier-Gen. Twiggs, commanding in the Department of Texas, has betrayed his command and turned over all the posts, United States property in arms, munitions, horses, and equipments, &c., to the Texan State authorities.

Feb. 26.--March 3.-Extensive preparations for the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln. The Military, under command of Generals Scott and Wool, is to be dis tributed throughout the city. Mr. Buchanan lends his influence to a happy and peaceful introduction of his successor to office.

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