No. L. A Letter to Messrs. Johnson, 2. Letter IX. to Mr. Hunt, on the re- 3. Letter X. to Mr. Hunt, on the same 4. Letter IX. to Mr. Hunt, on the 5. Letter to Lord Viscount Folkestone, on the Proceedings in Parliament, during the Session of 1819, relative to the Paper-money. -Letter to Mr. Hunt, on the Confusion introduced by him at Mr. Peel's City Finance 6. Letter II. to Lord Viscount Fotke 7. Letter XII. to H. Hunt, Esq. on the Meeting at the London Tavern, on the 18th of May, 1819, relative 8. Letter to Sir R. Peel, on the Peti- 9. To the Female Reform Society of 10. Letter to the Prince Regent, on 11. Letter II. to the Prince Regent, on his Proclamation against the Re- 12. Letter to the Middle Classes of V.35 form could produce to them.-Let- 13. Letter to Mr. James P. Cobbett, 14. Letter to the Earl of Liverpool, and on the Measures proposed to be adopted at the present time.--Letter to Mr. J. P. Cobbett, about Wright. pool, on the Powers of Taxation to produce Misery; and on the Speech of Mr. Baring relative to the Taxes, the Paper-money, and the Funds. 16. To the Reformers of the whole Kingdom, and Prospectus to the Daily Evening Post. 14. To the Female Reformers of the 18. To the Reformers of England, 19. Letter to Earl Grosvenor, on his Speech of the 17th December last; on the Inducement for Englishmen with Families and with Capital to go to settle in the United States of Ame- rence of Gaming. 21. To the Bishop of Landaff, on a Speech published in the Courier on on the 10th of that month, in which Speech is contained certain Re- marks relative to the Subjects of Blasphemy and that of Paine's Age 2 Bancroft Library Α. INDEX OF PERSONS. Atwood, Mr. 201, 229. Auckland, Lord, 255. Bagueley, 1. B. Fitzwilliam, Earl, 361. Gillray, 2. G. Burdett, Sir F. 23, 24, 29, 47, 62, 124, Grenville, Lord, 25, 136, 141, 142, 149, 211, 233, 494. Bagot Bagot, Mr. 49. Brutus, 89. Bourne, Mr. Sturges, 105. Binns, John, 126. Benbow, Mr. 125. Bentham, Mr. Jerry, 127. Becket, Mr. 199.1 Baring, Mr. 246, 298, 450, 465.. Burke, 254, 421. Bedford, Duke of, 308. Blackstone, Sir Wm. 327, 748. Birch, 339. Brougham, Mr. 362, 378, 488. Bennet, Mr. 378. Barker, Jacob, 412, 504. Birckbeck, Mr. 703. Belsham, Mr. 725. 157, 221, 246, 305, 318. Grenfell, 198. Gifford, Wm. 199 Goldsmith, 246. Garnier, 284. Grose, Judge, 305. Grey, Mr. 423. Grey, Lord, 466. Grosvenor, Lord, 506, 779, Gibbon, 635, 732. Horner, Mr. 145, 222, 245, 370. Hume, Mr. 299. Hun, Mrs. 810, 369. Holland, Lord, 466, 631. Hulme, Mr. 631. 1 Kotesbue, 88, 90. Knight, Thomas, 15. Kitchen, Alice, 258. Folkestone, Lord Viscount, 129, 143, 154, 161, 450. Northington, Lord, 278. 953901 INDEX. 0. Oliver, 199. Saxton, S. 516. Stewart, Peter, 533. Ogden, "the revered and ruptured," Stewart, Daniel, 533. Swann, Mr. 638. P. Smith, Mr. Wm. 725. Palmer, Fyshe, 23, 278. Sandt, 88, S9. Pitt, Mr. 31, 228, 237, 238, 255, 364, T. t 422, 471. Titus, Mr. 17. Perkins, Mr. 49, 50, 54. : Tarquin, 89. Paine, 92, 131, 231, 255, 364, 422, 471, Tell, William, 69. 599, 709, 730, 778. Tierney, Mr. 175, 188, 232, 294, 428. Peel, Mr. 121, 154, 155, 318, 362. Temple, Earl of, 280. Peel, Sir Robt. 195, 222, 226, 236, 248. Taylor, Mr. 466, 479. Sidmouth, Viscount, 133, 199, 221, 318, Wilberforce, Mr. 422. Wright, Isaac, 573. Y. 1 York, Duchess of, 269.. York, Duke of, 269. Yong, Madam De, 188. Spooner, Mr. 477... COBBETT'S WEEKLY POLITICAL REGISTER. LONDON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1819.1 [2 COBBETT'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR. you look back into history, you Price 28. 6d. and Plough Boys. The THIRD EDITION is Just Published smarted under their tyranny. Be by THOMAS DOLBY, 34, Wardour Street, Ireland. In consequence of the illness of Mr. Wm. TO MESSRS. JOHNSON, BAGUELY, On their imprisonment, and on the North Hampstead, Long Island, GENTLEMEN, of good cheer, therefore. You are heads. They sent me, or, rather, caused THE news of the proceedings Printed by HAY and TURNER, 11, Newcastle Street, Strand, [4 before I had been in prison eight | tyrants, money being the all-in-all months, died racing mad! with a system of corruption. I At that time delusion was at its had long been of opinion, that the height. The war was profitable Bank-Notes could never be paid to many persons. The base paper-in specie; and, in Paper against money served its end: that is, to give a florid appearance to trade and agriculture. The nation was mad with what it deemed prosperity. The commerce of all nations was laid under contribution by the Boroughmongers. There never was so gloomy a period for the friends of law and justice. But, I did not despair. On the contrary, I never had hopes more lively or thoughts more gay. The time, which the tyrants had given; the "abstraction from Society," as the old, hard-hearted ruffian in the den called it, or, rather the abstraction from rural affairs, in which the barbarous villains had placed me, enabled me to reflect on, and to examine into, the real state of their affairs. That reflection and that examination led to the series of papers, entitled "Paper against Gold," which has contributed more than any other effort towards the danger, which the tyrants now experience. We must be patient. We must cast our bread on the waters." The efforts which destroy tyrannies are, generally, those which have not an immediate effect, visible to all eyes. Sap and mine are better than assault, where the fortress is strong. I was convinced that the nation's best hope was the insolvency of the Borough Gold, I proved that this was the case. That is to say, they never could be paid in specie, without a total breaking up of the whole system of corruption and tyranny. If Corruption attempted to pay, she could not raise the taxes, necessary to pay the interest of her Debt. She could not attempt to pay without putting a stop to all the labours which sustained her and gave her the means of tyrannizing and of making war against freedom. Yet, if she could never pay, without blowing herself up at once, it was clear, that, sooner or later, she must be overwhelmed by her own base paper. Therefore, I, within my prison walls, bent all my force to prove, that she never could pay without blowing herself up by the act of paying. This was a heavy blow for her; for, though the nation took little notice, at the time, of what I said, events went on, as I knew they would, to confirm all my doctrines and predictions. About the time that I was sent to what Corruption thought to be death, or total ruin, the Westminster Wiseacres had before them what they called a Report from a Committee, which, in their gibberish, was called the Bullion Committee. This had been produced by a motion of the out-faction, who pretended to want to |