| 1717 - 336 pages
...Grain of Sand upon the Sea- more. The Space they poflefs is fo exceedingly little, in Companion of the whole that it would fcarce make a Blank in the...imperceptible to an Eye, that could take in the whole Compais of Nature, and pafs from one End of the Creation to the other, as it is pofliblc there may... | |
| Bibliography - 1729 - 502 pages
...little in corapariifon of the whole, that it would fcarce raalce a blank in' the Creation. The cbafm would be imperceptible to an eye that could take in...from one end of the Creation to the other ; as it is poflible there may be fuch a fenfe in ourfelves hereafter, or in Creatures which are at prefent rhore... | |
| 1729 - 320 pages
...exceedingly little in Companion of the whole, that it would icaroe make a Blank in the Creation. Tha Chal'ru would be imperceptible to an Eye, that could take in the whole Compafs of Nature, and paft from •rte End of the Creation to the other ; as it is poffible there may be fuch a Senfe in... | |
| 1739 - 332 pages
...a Grain of Sand upon the Sea-more. The Space they poflefs is fo exceedingly little in Comparifon of the whole, that it would fcarce make a Blank in the...from one End of the Creation to the other ; as it is poflible there may be fach a Senfe in our felves hereafter, or in Creatures which are at prefent more... | |
| Henry Baker - Bacteriology - 1743 - 384 pages
...Grain of Sand upon the " Sea-more : the Space they poflefs is fo ex" ceeding little, in companion of the Whole, ". that it would fcarce make a Blank in the " Creation. The Chafm would be almoft " imperceptible to an Eye that could take in "the whole Compafs of Nature, and pafs " from one... | |
| Henry Baker - Microscopes - 1744 - 394 pages
...comparifon of the Whole, that it would icarce make a Blank in the Creation. The Chafin '* would be almoft imperceptible to an Eye " that could take in the whole...pafs from one End of the "Creation to the other." What then is cc ** Vide Sfeflator, Numb-565. the mightieft Monarch that ever lived! What is the whole... | |
| Joseph Addison - Apologetics - 1753 - 376 pages
...fea-fhore. The fpace they pofTefs is fo exceedingly little in comparifon of the whole, that it would fcirce make a blank in the creation. The chafm would be imperceptible...from one end of the creation to the other ; as it is pofiible there may be fuch a fenfe in ourfelves hereafter, or in creatures which are at prefent more... | |
| Jasper Adams, John Adams - 1793 - 358 pages
...of the whole, that^their lofs would fcarce leave a blank in the immenfity of God's works. The chafin would be imperceptible to an eye, that could take...and pafs from one end of the creation to the other/' A celebrated t philofopher carries this thought fo far, that he does not think it impoflible there... | |
| Joseph Addison - 1796 - 206 pages
...grain of fand upon the fea fhon:. The fpace they pofiefs is fo exceedingly little, in comparifon of the whole, that it would fcarce make a blank in the creation. The chafin would be imperceptible to the eye, that could take in the whole compafs of nature, and pafs... | |
| Lindley Murray - Readers - 1799 - 408 pages
...fea-fliore. The fpace they polsefs is fo exceedingly little in comparifon of the whole, it would fcarcely make a blank in the creation. The chafm would be imperceptible to an eye, that could take in the whole compais of nature, and pafs from one end of the creation to the other ; as it is polsibie there may... | |
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