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Kansas, 117 ff; his house burned,


Roosevelt, President, South criti

cises for entertainment of Booker Washington, 386. Ross, Senator, votes to acquit Pres. Johnson, 312.

SANBORN, Franklin B., supports John Brown, 160.

San Domingo, proposed annexation of, 328. "Scalawags," the, 318. Schurz, Carl, on conditions in South after war, 286 ff; 292; favors negro suffrage, 309; in Republican convention (1868), 314; leads Independent Republicans in Missouri, 327; in U. S. Senate, 328; Sec'y of Interior under Hayes, 353; on peonage cases in South, 388; on future of negro question, 389. Scott, R. K., governor of S. Carolina, 332.

Scott, Winfield (Gen.), nominated


for President, 92; against armed repression of secession, 228. Secession, Clay denies right of, 86; Webster declares impossible with peace, 87; threats of in Congress denounced by Taylor and Clay, 89; open threats of in South, 193; not taken seriously at North, 194; denounced by Douglas, 194; Southern position on defined, 197 ff; Northern position on defined, 200 slavery question the real basis of 211; grounds for resistance of at North, 212; extreme abolitionists not opposed to, 212; arguments for and against, 212 ff, 226; reasons for success of movement in South and failure of in North, 218 ff; sources of movement in South, 219; action of Southern States on following Lincoln's election, 221 ff; discussed in Congress (1860), 223; advised by Southern leaders in Congress, 225; triumph of movement, 226; movement halts, 227; various Southern States take action on; general senti

ment in South against armed repression of, 227; disinclination in North to use force against, 228; West strongly against movement, 228; Mass. takes strong stand against, 229 ff; plea of Lincoln against, 232; current Northern opinion of causes of, 300. Secessionists (see

SECESSION), propose disunion, and formation of Southern Confederacy, 215. Seelye, Julius H., vote of in Hayes-Tilden contest, 352. Senate, State representation in determined, 11; South strives to keep up numbers in, 24; stronghold of South, 81.

Sewall, Samuel, protests against slavery, 7.

Seward, William H., votes for Taylor, 82; influence and strength of, 82; his plan of emancipation, 83; speaks in Senate against extension of slavery, 89 ff; helps prolong Whig organization in New York, 115; in Republican party, 127; opinion of on Dred Scott decision, 149; opinion of on future labor conditions in Union, 154; logical candidate for Presidency (1860), 190; in Lincoln's cabinet, 233, 249; Lincoln adopts advice of to delay issuance of emancipation proclamation, 257; in Johnson's cabinet, his influence on the President, 274; supports Pres. Johnson, 303. Seymour, Horatio, nominated for President, characterized, 313; defeated, States carried by, 314. Shadrach, fugitive slave, rescued, 91.

Shaffer, President, urges admission of capable negroes to trade unions, 395.

Shannon, Wilson, gov. of Kansas, 117.

Shaw, Robert Gould, 264. Shellabarger, Samuel, in House, 284, 286.

Sheridan, Gen'l, sent to investigate Louisiana election scandals, 343.

Sherman, John, in U. S. Senate,

283, 285; endeavors to stem tide against Pres. Johnson, 296; defeats Stevens's reconstruction bill, 306; superiority of over Blaine, 307; Sec'y of Treasury under Hayes, 353. Sherman, William T. (Gen.), his opinion of war, 244, 245., Slaveholders, numbers of, characteristics, 95.

Slave Laws, compiled and published by Stroud, 110. Slavery. (See also SLAVES, SLAVE

TRADE.) Washington's opinion of, 3; origin, growth, regulation and defense of, 3 ff; legally recognized in Judea, Greece, and Rome, by Jesus and the early church, 4; supplants free peasantry in Italy, 4; influence of Christianity on, 4; absolute, abolished throughout Christendom, supplanted by serfdom, 4; recrudescence of in 17th and 18th centuries, 4; economic conditions determine location of in America, 5; unprofitable in North, 5, 6; need of in South, 5; casuistical defense of by church, 5; advantages and disadvantages of to negro, 5; responsibility for denied by North and South, 6; commercial demand for overrides humanity, 6; unprofitable in New England, 6; social conscience unawakened to enormity of, 7; Sewall and Woolman protest against, 7; relation of Quakers to, 7; awakening to wrongs of, 8; abolished in Mass., 9; Jefferson strives to limit territory of, 9; limited, 10; impossible for convention of 1787 to prohibit, 14; compromised, 14 ff; views of Washington and other leaders on, 15; Patrick Henry's views on, Franklin labors against, 19; early anti-slavery sentiment, 20; abol. in Northern and Middle States, 20; question temporarily eclipsed, 21; estab. in Kentucky, abol. in Spanish America, 22; question again to the front

(1819), 23; defended in Congress, all ideas of abolishing dropped in South, growth of sentiment against in North, 24; Jefferson supports, 25; Clay supports, 26; growth of question from 1832, 28; South fully accepts and defends. 46 ff; views of Jos. LeConte, Frederic Law Olmsted, and C. C. Jones on, 49; theory of adopted by slaveholders, 50; abolished in West Indies, 51; Garrison's fight against, 51 51 ff; defense of strengthened in South, 54; underlying principles of; tide of public opinion sets against, 70; question grows in prominence, 71 ff; freedom of speech on denied in South, 73; Calhoun's claim for nationalization of, 80; excluded from new territory acquired by purchase, 80; opposition of Seward and Chase to, 83; as it was, depicted by Mrs. Burton Harrison, 100; depicted in biography of Thomas Dabney, 100 ff; described by Fanny Kemble, 103 ff; pictured by Frederic Law Olmsted, 107 ff; Harriet Beecher Stowe's opinion of embodied in "Uncle Tom's Cabin," 109; general view of in South, 133; attitude of clergy toward, 141; hostility toward in South, 170; the great cause of difference between North and South, 207, 211; restriction of the supreme principle of Republican party, 212; measures upon during Civil war, 249, 250; Lincoln's attitude toward, 250; abolished in Dist. of Columbia, 251; finally and forever abolished in U. S., 276.

Slaves (See also NEGROES, SLAVERY, SOUTH, Slave Trade), Africa source of, 5; indolence and unthrift of, 5; Virginia taxes, 6; foundation of aristocracy in Virginia and Carolinas, 6; unprofitable as laborers in New Eng., 6; Virginia and Maryland forbid importation of, 9; Jefferson proposes plan for

gradual emancipation of, 9; Virginia passes law regulating manumission of, 9; numbers of in various States in 1790, 9; counted in determining representation in Congress, II, 12; Jefferson's schemes for emancipation and disposition of, 17 ff; value of increased by invention of cotton gin, 23; fugitive, overtures made to England for treaty on, 28; instruction of denied in Virginia, 44; physical and moral condition of, 48. Slave States, 23.

Slave trade, begun by Europe, brutality of, 5; maintained by Eng. trading companies, colonists attempt to check, 5; New Eng. in, 6; Virginia remonstrates against, 8; clause in Declaration of Independence denouncing, suppressed; Mass., R. I., and Middle States in; denounced by Dr. Hopkins, 9; Congress refused power to forbid until 1808; North aids extreme South in fight to prolong; champions of defend only as necessary evil, 13; stopped in Virginia and Maryland, 20; made piracy by Congress (1800), 22; revival of between Africa and Cuba, 158; checked, 159. Slave-trading companies,

English, 5; oppose tax on slaves, 6. Smith, Caleb B., supports Lincoln,

[blocks in formation]

protective tariff, 32; leadership of passes to So. Carolina, 44, 229; fully accepts slavery as estab. institution, 46 ff; strengthens defense of slavery, 54; economic disadvantages of, 69 ff; disputes new territory with North, attempts to nationalize slavery, 80; opposes admission of Calif. as free State, demands allowance of slavery in Utah and New Mexico, 84; demands fugitive slave law, 85; leaders of in Congress (1850), threatens disunion, 89; denounces "Personal Liberty Laws," 91; North outstrips in industrial growth; advantages of over North, 94; master class in analyzed by Fanny Kemble, 105 ff; surprised by Kansas-Nebraska bill, 113; anti-slavery sentiment completely ostracized in, 129; suppression of free speech in, 130; leaders of (1850-60), 132; magnifies State rights; general view of slavery in, 133; apprehensive of growing hostility in North, 134; clergy in united in defense of slavery, 141; economic conditions in compared with North in Impending Crisis, 156; hostility in toward North increased by Brown's raid, 167, 169-70; misconceived by abolitionists, 168; renewed outbreaks in against anti-slavery men, 169; antagonism toward slave power in, 170; solidarity against North created by Brown's raid, 170; presents ultimatum in Senate (1859), 184; demands protection of slave-holding right in all territories, 185; power of in democracy and state, 185; growing hostility in, expulsion of antislavery men, 186; extreme, breaks up Democratic party, conjectural reasons for move, 187; Alex. H. Stephens explains move, 189; open threats of secession in, 193; position of on secession, etc., defined, 197 ff; underlying divergences from North in sentiment and char

Sherman, John, in U. S. Senate,

283, 285; endeavors to stem tide against Pres. Johnson, 296; defeats Stevens's reconstruction bill, 306; superiority of over Blaine, 307; Sec'y of Treasury under Hayes, 353. Sherman, William T. (Gen.), his opinion of war, 244, 245., Slaveholders, numbers of, characteristics, 95.

Slave Laws, compiled and published by Stroud, 110. Slavery. (See also SLAVES, Slave TRADE.) Washington's opinion of, 3; origin, growth, regulation and defense of, 3 ff; legally recognized in Judea, Greece, and Rome, by Jesus and the early church, 4; supplants free peasantry in Italy, 4; influence of Christianity on, 4; absolute, abolished throughout Christendom, supplanted by serfdom, 4; recrudescence of in 17th and 18th centuries, 4; economic conditions determine location of in America, 5; unprofitable in North, 5, 6; need of in South, 5; casuistical defense of by church, 5; advantages and disadvantages of to negro, 5; responsibility for denied by North and South, 6; commercial demand for overrides humanity, 6; unprofitable in New England, 6; social conscience unawakened to enormity of, 7; Sewall and Woolman protest against, 7; relation of Quakers to, 7; awakening to wrongs of, 8; abolished in Mass., 9; Jefferson strives to limit territory of, 9; limited, 10; impossible for convention of 1787 to prohibit, 14; compromised, 14 ff; views of Washington and other leaders on, 15; Patrick Henry's views on, Franklin labors against, 19; early anti-slavery sentiment, 20; abol. in Northern and Middle States, 20; question temporarily eclipsed, 21; estab. in Kentucky, abol. in Spanish America, 22; question again to the front

(1819), 23; defended in Congress, all ideas of abolishing dropped in South, growth of sentiment against in North, 24; Jefferson supports, 25; Clay supports, 26; growth of question from 1832, 28; South fully accepts and defends, 46 ff; views of Jos. LeConte, Frederic Law Olmsted, and C. C. Jones on, 49; theory of adopted by slaveholders, 50; abolished in West Indies, 51; Garrison's fight against, 51 ff; defense of strengthened in South, 54; underlying principles of; tide of public opinion sets against, 70; question grows in prominence, 71 ff; freedom of speech on denied in South, 73; Calhoun's claim for nationalization of, 80; excluded from new territory acquired by purchase, 80; opposition of Seward and Chase to, 83; as it was, depicted by Mrs. Burton Harrison, 100; depicted in biography of Thomas Dabney, 100 ff; described by Fanny Kemble, 103 ff; pictured by Frederic Law Olmsted, 107 ff; Harriet Beecher Stowe's opinion of embodied in "Uncle Tom's Cabin," 109; general view of in South, 133; attitude of clergy toward, 141; hostility toward in South, 170; the great cause of difference between North and South, 207, 211; restriction of the supreme principle of Republican party, 212; measures upon during Civil war, 249, 250; Lincoln's attitude toward, 250; abolished in Dist. of Columbia, 251; finally and forever abolished in U. S., 276.

Slaves (See also NEGROES, SLAVERY, SOUTH, SLAVE TRADE), Africa source of, 5; indolence and unthrift of, 5; Virginia taxes, 6; foundation of aristocracy in Virginia and Carolinas, 6; unprofitable as laborers in New Eng., 6; Virginia and Maryland forbid importation of, 9; Jefferson proposes plan for

gradual emancipation of, 9; Virginia passes law regulating manumission of, 9; numbers of in various States in 1790, 9; counted in determining representation in Congress, II, 12; Jefferson's schemes for emancipation and disposition of, 17 ff; value of increased by invention of cotton gin, 23; fugitive, overtures made to England for treaty on, 28; instruction of denied in Virginia, 44; physical and moral condition of, 48. Slave States, 23.

Slave trade, begun by Europe, brutality of, 5; maintained by Eng. trading companies, colonists attempt to check, 5; New Eng. in, 6; Virginia remonstrates against, 8; clause in Declaration of Independence denouncing, suppressed; Mass., R. I., and Middle States in; denounced by Dr. Hopkins, 9; Congress refused power to forbid until 1808; North aids extreme South in fight to prolong; champions of defend only as necessary evil, 13; stopped in Virginia and Maryland, 20; made piracy by Congress (1800), 22; revival of between Africa and Cuba, 158; checked, 159. Slave-trading companies,

English, 5; oppose tax on slaves, 6. Smith, Caleb B., supports Lincoln,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


protective tariff, 32; leadership of passes to So. Carolina, 44, 229; fully accepts slavery as estab. institution, 46 ff; strengthens defense of slavery, 54; economic disadvantages of, 69 ff; disputes new territory with North, attempts to nationalize slavery, 80; opposes admission of Calif. as free State, demands allowance of slavery in Utah and New Mexico, 84; demands fugitive slave law, 85; leaders of in Congress (1850), threatens disunion, 89; denounces 'Personal Liberty Laws," 91; North outstrips in industrial growth; advantages of over North, 94; master class in analyzed by Fanny Kemble, 105 ff; surprised by Kansas-Nebraska bill, 113; anti-slavery sentiment completely ostracized in, 129; suppression of free speech in, 130; leaders of (1850-60), 132; magnifies State rights; general view of slavery in, 133; apprehensive of growing hostility in North, 134; clergy in united in defense of slavery, 141; economic conditions in compared with North in Impending Crisis, 156; hostility in toward North increased by Brown's raid, 167, 169-70; misconceived by abolitionists, 168; renewed outbreaks in against anti-slavery men, 169; antagonism toward slave power in, 170; solidarity against North created by Brown's raid, 170; presents ultimatum in Senate (1859), 184; demands protection of slave-holding right in all territories, 185; power of in democracy and state, 185; growing hostility in, expulsion of antislavery men, 186; extreme, breaks up Democratic party, conjectural reasons for move, 187; Alex. H. Stephens explains move, 189; open threats of secession in, 193; position of on secession, etc., defined, 197 ff; underlying divergences from North in sentiment and char

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